"Guardian Gao, you're overwhelmed." Three.

Chapter 127:

Zou Wenping's first scene today is to play a tune for Xiao Jian.

Xiao Jian is a black dragon about to die.

It was originally a water snake cultivating in Yaoshan.

The prince Changqin often played the piano here, and he listened to it here.

one day.

The prince Changqin was summoned by the **** of fire Zhurong, and went to the realm of God.

Before leaving, Xiao Jian made an agreement with Prince Changqin

"When I have cultivated a dragon that can reach the sky and the earth, you must sit next to my dragon's corner and show you the scenery of the mountains and rivers!"


This is a flag.

After this separation, they never met again.

for some reason.

Yu Jian became a war dragon, but the prince Changqin was demoted to the mortal world, and his soul was torn apart.

This time we met, years have passed.

At this time, the frustration and the old age are about to come to the end of life.

His only wish before he died was to listen to the tunes that Prince Changqin once played.

The aftermath of Yaoshan.

Baili Tusu had no musical instruments around him, so he had to play with leaves as a musical instrument.

What I want to shoot now is the scene of playing the leaves.

"Xiao Zou, just play whatever you want. It's okay to have a little meaning, and we will match you with music later."

Gao Tianhua urged.

There are many people who can play music with leaves.

But the director group did not invite those people.

After all, there are post-production special effects, and many things can be omitted.

Zou Wenping smiled slightly.

"I see."

Afterwards, he took a leaf and walked to the green cloth.

Imagine a black war dragon there.

Then he looked serious and started to blow.

Melodious music came out.

Everyone present was stunned.

Can Zou Wenping blow leaves?

With the skill blessing of musical instruments (lv99), Zou Wenping can be proficient in all musical instruments.

Since leaves are also a kind of musical instrument.

Zou Wenping can naturally master it easily.

Gao Tianhua already let people write the song "Yaoshan Yuyun".

After Zou Wenping read it, he remembered it in his heart.

Then blew it out.

Under his masterful acting skills and superb musical instruments.

Everyone seemed to feel the rhythm from ancient times.

This behavior really surprised everyone.

Gao Tianhua immediately decided that instead of dubbing this passage, he would use the original sound played by Zou Wenping!


The filming of the TV series continues.

Since I have the script provided by Zou Wenping.

The filming process of the TV series is much smoother.

Soon three days passed.

Reba's cameo scenes are all finished.

The two of Zou Wenping had another sneaky interaction.

"Remember what I told you, you can find other women, but you must let me know."


Reba stretched out the index and middle fingers of his right hand, comparing them with scissors.

Then, his fingers snapped together.


Seeing this scene, Zou Wenping trembled.

"Hey, dare not, dare not!"


After Reba's scene was finished.

She went to film the scene in which she was the number one female.

And "Gu Jian Qi Tan" is also methodical here.

Shooting step by step.

On Saturday, Zou Wenping continued to fly to Caiyunzhinan to record the fifth phase of Mushroom House.

He and Reba met once.

Still fighting each other.

It's just that the words are fierce and sweet.

The others didn't see the problem at all.

This time the guest, there are two old actors and an actress.

Soon, the fifth episode of the program was recorded.

Soon after, he flew back to Hengdian.

After getting off the plane, there will be his night scene on the same day.

Did not go back to the hotel, went directly to the studio.

Lined up all night.

He has gradually adapted to such a fast-paced artist life.

It took five days of filming, and then flew to the south of the colorful clouds.

Recording the sixth episode of the Mushroom House.

Then fly back to Hengdian to continue filming.

Get on the commercial vehicle arranged by the company and head to the studio.

He moved his mind and called up the system panel.

Reputation: 11.26 million!

The increase is getting smaller and smaller.

In three weeks, it increased by about 1 million.

Each fan can only provide up to 5 reputation points.

Provide a full number of fans, no matter how fanatical it is, it cannot provide prestige points.


Despite these three phases of the mushroom house, he showed his face many times.

However, many viewers in the live room and in front of the TV have already provided prestige value.

Want to further improve your reputation value.

He must find a way to make himself appear in front of other types of groups...0

At this time.

A phone call came.

After seeing the caller ID.

Zou Wenping raised his eyebrows slightly.

Deng Ziqi actually called!

Zou Wenping has probably guessed the content of this call.

He answered the phone expectantly.

"Hello, King Zou Dage, do you remember me?"

Just picked up the phone.

Deng Ziqi's hearty voice came out.

Zou Wenping smiled.

"Sister Ziqi, your voice is so distinctive, how could I forget it?"

"Yeah, the little mouth is so sweet, I don't know how many little girls have been coaxed."

"Sister Ziqi, you are too good at burying people!"

Zou Wenping pretended to be acting like a baby.

All he had done was coaxing, Reba, this little girl.


It seems that I am being forced!

"Haha, let's not talk about it, do you remember what you promised me?" Deng Ziqi asked.

Zou Wenping deliberately pretended to think.

After a while, try to ask.

"Are you talking about the concert?"

"Of course! You didn't forget!"

"How dare you, actually I thought, sister Ziqi, you were joking with me!"

"How is it possible? You are the king of singers. It is definitely a brilliant thing for you to come to my concert!"

Deng Ziqi paused.

"This Sunday, I will hold a concert of 30,000 people at the Yanjing Gymnasium. You must come to attend! It is best to prepare a song that is singing due to men and women!"

"Male and female duet?" Zou Wenping asked rhetorically.

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