"The concert, I don't know how many singers dream of participating in a concert, but they can't realize it."

"Unexpectedly, you, a newcomer who has just entered the industry, can be invited to participate!"

Hear Li Xiaoran's praise.

Reba was as sweet as honey in her heart.

That is, don't look at whose man this is!

"Come on, let's raise our glasses, congratulations to Xiao Zou!"

Huang Lei raised his water glass as he spoke.

In this case, drinking is definitely more appropriate.


Now I’m recording the show. Except for the one signed by Yu, I brought my own drinks, and the rest of the time I used water instead of wine.

Public drinking is not a good thing after all.

After drinking water.

Huang Lei smiled.

"This is a coincidence!"

"What's the matter?" He Jiong asked.

"Do you remember that my girl made a bet with me?"


He Jiong fell into thinking.

"You mean, the time Xiao Zou participated in "I'm the Singer"?"


Zou Wenping raised his eyebrows.

Why is there something about me in this?

So he pricked his ears and listened.

Huang Lei nodded.

"That time, my daughter made a bet with me that if she can get the first place in the school in the exam, then I will ask Xiao Zou to eat at our house!"

"For this reason, my girl still has an inspirational drama with me, the kind of signing and drawing and pressing her handprints!"

While speaking, Huang Lei also looked at Zou Wenping.

After all, these words are mainly for him.

He Jiong probably guessed it.

"So, our girl got the first place in the exam?"

Huang Lei nodded.

There was a proud expression on his face.

As the saying goes, the father is proud of his son.

The happiest thing as a father is that his children can become their proud capital.

"As soon as the results came out yesterday, the girl bounced back and forced me to execute the agreement."

"As a father, I must not do anything to disappoint my daughter."

"But the most difficult thing for me is that Xiao Zou is filming in Hengdian. I'm afraid I won't have time to go to Yanjing in the short term."

"Unexpectedly, Xiao Zou would go to Yanjing tomorrow!"

"Haha, you say, isn't this a coincidence?"

Huang Lei was happier as he talked, and he directly raised his water glass and drank it all in one go!

He Jiong nodded.

"Our girl is awesome!"

"Her school is a key school. There are so many top students in her school. It is very difficult to get the first place in the school."

"But this matter, I still discuss it with Xiao Zou."

"Are you right, Xiao Zou?"

have to.

The ball immediately passed to Rui Wenping.

··0 Seeking flowers 0···

I have to admire Mr. He.

This is a retreat-to-advance way of speaking.


After hearing what Huang Lei said, Zou Wenping had already planned to go.

This matter is more or less personal.

There may be areas where Teacher Huang's help will be needed in the future.

Besides, he is going to Yanjing anyway, and going to Teacher Huang is just a drop in.

Immediately waved his hands.

"Teacher He, it's too serious!"

"Teacher Huang, you can just follow me directly with this kind of thing, but the big deal is that I will ask for a vacation with the crew so that you can't chill the child's heart."

Huang Lei was also very happy when he heard it.

Although he is not a slave to his daughter, he definitely loves his daughter.

"Then I thank you in advance."

"Teacher Huang is too polite!"

He Jiong smiled.


"Then you two don't drink one yet!"

Huang Lei nodded.

Pick up the water glass.

"Come on, Xiao Zou, let's go one!"

Zou Wenping quickly picked up the water glass.

After drinking the water.

Huang Lei was still unfinished.

"There is no wine today, come to me tomorrow, I will take out the fine wine I treasure!"

"Huh? Good wine?"

He Jiong's eyes also lit up.

Huang Lei immediately noticed it and said with a smile.

"Why, do you want to drink too?"

He Jiong smiled, even nodded.

"It just so happens that I won't record shows for these two days, so I can drink."

He Jiong is also a person who loves to drink.


He is a well-known workaholic.

Either at work every day, or on the way to work.

After drinking, it is not good to delay work.

So he set himself the first rule.

Just don’t drink at work, and don’t work if you drink!

He hasn't drank it for a long time.

Hearing that there is good wine in Huang Lei's place, how can I bear it?

Huang Lei and He Jiong have been friends for more than 20 years.

And almost every week, I have to perform dramas together.

For friends, Huang Lei is very generous.

"Then tomorrow, the three of us together?"


"I'll call Lily in a while and ask her to buy more food, let's go back and make it ourselves."

"Haha, with you and Xiao Zou, two chefs, I have a good fortune tomorrow!"


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket! three.

Chapter 132:

After hearing this, Reba could only envy in the blink of an eye.

She wants to work and can't go.

Zou Wenping gave him a piece of yellow braised chicken.

"Senior Sister, pay attention to your image, all the halazi is out!"

Reba pouted.

"I want to eat delicious too!"

This little expression is accompanied by this little accent.

There have been audiences in the live broadcast room.

"Goddess, are you acting like a baby?"

Zou Wenping smiled.

If it was before, Reba acted like this.

Without a word, Zou Wenping immediately opened his mouth!

Well now.

"After you go back to Hengdian tomorrow, buy some ingredients. When I go back, let's go to Miss Mi and I will cook it for you!"

Heard this.

Reba smiled immediately.


Then start chirp, eat the yellow braised chicken nuggets.


"Hot "Four Two Three" Ba was acting like a baby just now?"

"I also feel the sour smell of dog food in the air!"

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