
With a soft sound, the QR code scanning is completed, and friends are added.

"Yeah, I was still there just now, give me a tweak, it's exposed all at once!"

"Don't pretend it!"


Huang Lei sneered.

In fact, when he was counting just now, he saw that Deng Ziqi had already jumped over.

Even if Deng Ziqi failed to scan the code in time.

Huang Lei will wait.

Because his main purpose is to test Deng Ziqi.


This little Nizi loves Xiao Zou.

Why do you want to chat with Duoduo!

Deng Ziqi knew that by scanning the code, her girlish heart was exposed.

Blushing, I don't know what to say.

Wang Li scolded.

"Lao Huang, it's not that I said you, you are so old, and a cute girl!"

Then whispered to Deng Ziqi.

"Ziqi, let me tell you, you have to hurry up if you like someone."

"Little Zou, this kid is really good. In our entertainment industry, there is no shortage of beautiful women and talented women."

"If you start late, you can only regret it!"

After some rhetoric, every word fell on Deng Ziqi's heart.

Of course she understands what Wang Li meant, even she originally planned to not fall in love before the age of thirty.

They were all captured by Zou Wenping, and other female artists are probably more likely to fall.

Look at the direction of the car.

Deng Ziqi stood there for a long time, seeming to ask her heart.

It seemed like a decision was made, and his eyes became firm!


Sixth more.

It is said that eight shifts are good, but because of something to do today, two shifts are owed and will be made up tomorrow.

Plus the guaranteed five shifts, seven shifts tomorrow! three.

Chapter 142:

On the plane, Zou Wenping looked at the night outside the window.

Mind moved slightly and opened the system panel.

Reputation: 12.1 million!

After a concert, he added another 2 million reputation value.

And over time, the video of the concert should be disseminated.

The prestige value he can get will be even more.

He did not choose to consume these prestige values.

After all, the main job is to fly back and forth between the set and the South of Colorful Clouds.


At five o'clock in the morning, get off the plane.

When we arrived on the set, the sun had already appeared.

Although only squinted on the plane for a short while, Zou Wenping possessed the physique provided by the master-class Chinese martial arts.

Let him still be energetic.

As soon as I entered the studio, many staff members were already busy.

"Xiao Zou, "Four Six Seven" You are back!"

Many people greeted him.

Because they have realized that Zou Wenping is an absolute potential stock.

Wait until Gao Tianhua arrives.

The shooting has officially started!


The next month.

In addition to filming "Gu Jian Qi Tan", Zou Wenping was recording the life he yearned for.

Fly between Hengdian and Caiyunzhinan.

He has already adapted to this kind of life.

The longing life is also quietly, and three episodes have been recorded.

The eighth, ninth, and tenth period!

Two episodes are short, and the fourth season of the yearning life is over!

At the same time, "Gu Jian Qi Tan" also entered the final stage.

The tenth episode of recording is over, after sending off the guests.

He Jiong and Huang Lei quietly pulled Zou Wenping aside.

"Xiao Zou, do you remember the golden file you asked about last time?" He Jiong asked.

Zou Wenping nodded.

This is of course remember!

It's just that he never mentioned it.

Now the two teachers took the initiative to speak out, it seems to be a bit of a result.

"I asked my colleagues in the planning department for your help. They said that your film, just looking at the configuration of the actors and directors, is definitely a prime qualification."

"However, since it is a fairy tale drama, it may be almost meaningless. If you want to secure the prime position, then find a way to raise the reputation of you and the TV drama to another level!"


Zou Wenping raised his eyebrows slightly.

The meaning in He Jiong's words is.

Gu Jian Qi Tan has hope, is on the prime stall of Mango Terrace?

Actually, it's right to think about it.

If Gao Tianhua or Yang Mi are going to talk, maybe they won't be able to win the prime time.

Because although the two of them have popularity and connections, they are many but not precise.

The top executives of every TV station knew them, but they were still close to something.

That's feelings, or the sophistication of the human world.

He Jiong is the old sparrow of Dongting Lake and the pillar of Mango Terrace.

He has a pivotal position in his mango stand.

If he goes out, Mango will be up and down the stage, even the director will have to sell his face.

Coupled with Huang Lei, there is also a lot of face in Mango Terrace.

It shouldn't be too difficult for the two of them to go out and get this deal done.


They can't go too far, just come to a film and recommend it to the prime file.

What's more, it's still a fairy show.

Therefore, it is necessary for Zou Wenping, the male number one, and the fame of "Gu Jian Qi Tan" to be bigger.

With this ability, everyone can be justified in terms of face!

Zou Wenping was a little bit troubled.

"How can we increase popularity?"

Not only the live broadcast of Mushroom House, but I was the singer, Deng Ziqi's concert, he has been there.

Is there any way to increase popularity?

Can't you tell me about the fact that Reba and I got off the sheets, right?

In that case, the decision can attract huge popularity.

It was so huge that Zou Wenping and Reba directly exploded in place!

Maybe, Yang Mi will be brought along, and the three will explode together!

Huang Lei asked.

"How long is your drama going to be finished? How long will it take to become a film, do you know?"

Zou Wenping thought for a moment.

"I really asked the high director about this. There are still ten scenes left, and it will be finished in about two days."

"As for the film, it may take about half a month!"

After all, the script was provided by Zou Wenping, so he knew everything in the script very well.

And he did pass this with Gao Tianhua.

"Gu Jian Qi Tan" was produced while filming.

The plot that was filmed that day will be immediately handed over to the post-production team for editing and special effects.

After two and a half months, almost all the lenses have been integrated..0

Wait for the last ten shots to be taken.

All are integrated once.

The film "Gu Jian Qi Tan", even if it is completely completed!

After listening to Zou Wenping's answer.

He Jiong nodded.

"This is really lucky."

"My friends in the planning department told me that the TV series currently being broadcast on the prime time will be over in less than a month."

"The current prime time is in a vacant position, and there have been many applications for the prime time submission for TV series."

"Then you hurry up and find a way to increase your visibility. In that case, with the face of Lao Huang and I, the prime position is absolutely stable!"

Zou Wenping quickly thanked He Jiong and them.

As the saying goes, it's a sentiment for others to help you, but it's a duty not to help you.

Zou Wenping doesn't have such a big face, so everyone can help him unselfishly.

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