In the process of filming, we occasionally encounter situations where the actor is too deep into the film to quickly escape from the role.

At this time, it's best to let the actor walk out of the role slowly.

It's been a long time.

Yang Mi just got up from Zou Wenping's arms.

She has red eyes, and Pear Flower is pitiful as rain.

Zou Wenping took the assistant's tissue and handed it to Yang Mi.

"¨`Okay, don't cry."

"So many people are watching you joke."

Yang Mi nodded, slowly recovering her emotions.

"You said, Su Su and Qingxue, are they really never seeing each other?"

Zou Wenping thought for a while.

"Will not."


Yang Mi's eyes were full of hope.

Zou Wenping smiled.

"Do you still remember Qingxue's monologue in the plot of the script and the finale?"

Yang Mi nodded.

That is the last fragment of the whole play.

What I'm talking about is that after Baili Tusu's soul flew away (Li's).

Feng Qingxue is like Nu Wa of Wa Huang Palace praying, hoping to become a person who does not enter the cycle of reincarnation.

As a result, a long life was obtained.

She traveled all over the rivers, mountains and rivers by herself.

In order to find the method of resurrection.

Zou Wenping said.

"The last sentence of the monologue is that in the far north, there is vague news of the rebirth of the dead. Feng Qingxue is about to get up and go there to look for it."

"This is an open ending. Until the end, I didn't say whether Baili Tusu was resurrected."

"However, I believe that with Qingxue's perseverance, I can definitely find it!"

Hear these.

Yang Mi finally recovered her energy.

"Yeah, I believe it."

"In the distant future that is not mentioned in the script, Su Su and Qingxue will definitely live happily in Peach Blossom Valley!"


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket! .

Chapter 145:

Seeing Yang Mi's mood recovered.

Gao Tianhua then boldly walked over.

Yang Mi tidyed her hair.

"Excuse me, I lost my mind just now!"

Gao Tianhua smiled and shook his head.

"How come, I haven't seen the scene in a long time, it proves that you love this character!"


He was facing the camera and raised his hands.

"Now I declare."

""Ancient Swords and Strange Tan" is just finishing!"

Then, clap your hands together.

The staff on the set cheered.

Although it was announced just now.

But everyone is in the play with this Zou Wenping.

So the mood is not high.

Gao Tianhua decided to do it again.

"I booked a finale banquet tonight, and I will ask the assistant to post the address in the group, so I am not allowed to be late!"



In Linjiang Hotel.

Gao Tianhua took over the entire banquet hall.

Zou Wenping and Yang Mi, of course, together with Gao Tianhua, sit at the top positions.

"By the way, Xiao Zou."

Gao Tianhua said.

"The day after tomorrow, you and Yang Mi, let's go to the running man together."


Zou Wenping and Yang Mi were stunned.

"Going to run a man?"

Gao Tianhua nodded.

"Isn't it, to increase the popularity of Gu Jian by 500? Running Man, as the country's leading variety show, is a good publicity platform."

"Their chief director is my student. I greeted him today."

"Although the guests recorded in this episode have already been determined, there is no problem with adding two more flying guests."

Zou Wenping nodded.

Gao Tianhua's contacts are really not covered.

For the recording of general variety shows, which guests to invite in each episode, and which links are planned in advance.

It rarely happens when you join in the middle.

If it weren't for Gao Tianhua, I'm afraid most people don't have that great face.


"Director Gao, running men is a blue channel program, right?"

"Our show is to strive for the prime position of Mango Taiwan. As a result, we went to Lantai to promote it. Wouldn't it be too good?"

Yang Mi also expressed this concern.

Gao Tianhua waved his hand.

"It's not a big problem."

"You only need to indicate that Gu Jian has not decided on the satellite TV to be shown in the show."

"The relationship between TV stations has always been difficult to distinguish between friends and foes. It is both competition and cooperation."

Zou Wenping nodded (caad) his head.

After the finale banquet is over, ask Teacher He.


Many actors and staff came to toast.

At the start-up banquet, everyone was afraid of delaying work, so they didn't dare to drink more.

It's the finale banquet now.

There are not so many scruples.

Zou Wenping is always willing to come.

The rules of the banquet are white for those who can drink, yellow for those who can't, red for those who pursue elegance, and white water for those who are drunk if they are drunk.

"Brother Tu Su." Zhang Shuang was speaking.

She was standing by her side with a glass of fruit beer.

Qiao's face blushed, and she didn't know how much courage she had gathered before she came over.

"Working with you, very happy, I toast you a glass!"

How can girls refuse to toast.

Zou Wenping picked up the liquor and stood up.

"Girl Shuang, your acting skills are also very good, I believe there will be a very broad future."

Zhang Shuang smiled as if.

"Thanks to Brother Tu Su for his auspicious words, I hope I will have the opportunity in the future and continue to cooperate!"

After banging the glass, Zou Wenping drank half of the liquor in his glass.

Zhang Shuang also plans to drink up the beer in his glass.

Zou Wenping quickly persuaded.

"Just a sip."

Zhang Shuang shook his head.

"The feeling is deep and bored!"

After finishing speaking, like a female hero, drank the wine in the glass completely.

Beer is not enough to make people drunk so quickly, let alone fruit beer.

"I'll go around again."

The finale banquet is a social occasion.

Everyone knows each other, and there may be a chance for cooperation someday.

Zhang Shuang just left.

Zhou Zhenyu came over with the wine.

His role as Ouyang Shaogong was recommended by Zou Wenping.

This friendship, he continued.

"Xiao Zou, thank you this time for recommending such a good character to me."

Although Ouyang Shaogong is a villain.

But he is not a simple bad guy.

The punishment from the Emperor of Heaven gradually turned him into a bad person.

Therefore, this is a more difficult role to shape.

Moreover, when Zhou Zhenhua was trying to figure out the role, he believed that this is definitely an impressive role.

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