It was served by Zhou Chen.

Regardless of his small size, he is quite flexible.

Running along the fingerboard.

Scream while running.

The sorrow and sorrow of the acupressure board is not something ordinary people can bear.

Running on it can be said to be difficult.

Soon I came to the place where the three aunts bowed into pommel horses.

After losing a lot of energy, I finally jumped over.

It took about 20 seconds to run this 50 meters. For a newcomer, it was the first time to touch the finger press.

In the case of obstacles, running this result is not bad.

The next stick is A Kun.

Ah Kun stood on the finger pressure board and turned the baton over.

Started to run.


The sourness of the finger pressure board, how can his squeamish son brother can bear it?

After two steps, he couldn't stand it, his face began to flush, and his head began to sweat.

Running becomes walking.

To the hurdle, to him, it was like a moat!

Everyone else runs, jumps, and hurdles.

When he got here, he was walking, raising his legs, and hurdling.

It's like crossing the middle guardrail 20 on the road.

Every step I take, I can't help but make a few huh.




His delicate face combined with a soft voice.


"6666, Ah Kun is in a low-pitched tone, absolutely!"

"I'm a blind person, what was the voice just now?"

"I'm pretending to be blind one by one!"

"Wow ha ha ha, just thinking about tearing up brother?"


At a distance of 50 meters, I was forced to run out of 5000 meters.

That's a long time.

His teammates all knelt.

Zheng Kai stood on the relay point and knelt down towards Ah Kun who was slowly moving.

"Please hurry up!"

Finally in two minutes.

Ah Kun finally handed over the baton to Zheng Kai's hand.

Although I know, it has timed out.

But this is an entertainment show, and it's still live.

If you don't show the sportsmanship that you will never give up, you will definitely be criticized by the audience.

Therefore, even if you know that you do not pass the test, you have to run the whole course.

At least this first time, you can't give up halfway.

Zheng Kai immediately started to run.

After all, it is called the little cheetah, plus he has already adapted to the finger pressure board.

So he walks like flying on the fingerboard, like walking on the ground.

The people around me screamed again and again.

At a position of 25 meters, there is a step, and the shingle board is covered with tall small bamboo shoots.

Small bamboo shoots that are shorter than ordinary ones are countless times more sour and refreshing.

What Zheng Kai has to do is to complete 20 skipping ropes on this.

This can be said to be a small torture.

I saw Zheng Kai jump up with a skipping rope, and then fall.

Just hear a scream!


It can be seen that even the little cheetah can't bear this little bamboo shoot.

After screaming again and again, 20 skipping ropes were finally completed.

Quickly ran to Yang Tianbao and the handover was completed.

Yang Tianbao's 50 meters is the simplest, the only obstacle is a relatively low net.

Length 10 meters.

The requirement is to crawl forward from below the net.

This is no problem for her old man.

It was also a project given to her by four men.

She quickly completed her 50 meters.

Finally, the baton was handed over to the **** bull.

Is preparing to start.

Suddenly a stumbling block appeared in front of him.

A very fat aunt.

The height is more than 1.7 meters, and the weight is more than 200 kilograms by visual inspection.

To put it rudely, it can be described as a hunky back.

She was wearing a white T-shirt with the words: "Please carry me for ten meters!"

After seeing this aunt, Da Hei Niu was shocked.

But he can't hold back.

Gritted his teeth.

Bow down.

"bring it on!"

This aunt leaned on the back of the **** cow very cooperatively.


The **** cow felt as if he was carrying a mountain on his back.

The lower fingerboard was no problem for him.

But on the back, there is an extra weight of 200 kg.

The feeling is different.

It's just standing on the needle felt.

The calf couldn't help it, trembling.

Although he is a **** bull, he is not infinite.

The weight of 200 kg is indeed a bit difficult.

Coupled with lower stimulation.

This tastes great.

At the ten-meter position, a staff member pulled up a red belt.

Only after hitting the red belt can the fat aunt be put down.

The strap is made of red paper and will break with a slight hit.

Da Hei Niu carried the fat aunt on his back, struggling.

When I hit the red belt, I was already sweating.

After putting down the fat aunt, he took a long breath.

It turns out that this is a feeling of relief.

For the next 40 meters, the **** cow walked like flying.

When I came to the horizontal bar at the end, I jumped and grabbed the crossbar of the horizontal bar.

Bite a piece from the bagel.

Then let go.

mission completed! The executive director looked at the time and shouted.

"It took 250 seconds! Failed!"


Everyone was happy.

Although I know that the blue team definitely failed this time.

But I didn't expect it to be such a result.

Yang Mi smiled.

"Tempo, congratulations."


"The distance of two hundred and fifty meters, the result of running two hundred and five! It is really gratifying!"

Yang Mi's smile is called sincere.

This sentence is not only a variety show effect, most importantly, Yang Tianbao was speechless.

An angry Yang Tianbao gasped, but he couldn't get angry in front of the live camera.

She forced a smile.

"You are welcome."

"I hope your team will work hard for a while, not the last, not even two hundred and five!"

After hearing this, Yang Mi was happy.

Yang Tianbao was puzzled.

"why are you laughing?"

"It's nothing, I can't laugh when I am happy!"

After speaking, Yang Mi returned to her red team.

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