"The remaining 5 seconds is our fault tolerance time."

If ordinary people skip rope consecutively, 10 seconds is enough.

But on the finger pressure board, it is estimated that it will take 1 per second.

Jumping too fast, the sourness of the acupressure board is hard to bear.

Yang Mi asked Yu with some worry.

"Auntie with such a heavy back, is 10 seconds okay?"

Zou Wenping patted his chest and smiled.


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket! .

Chapter 155:

After some deliberation, the order was drawn up.

I am worried that these people will be let down because of the lower pain.

And Zou Wenping explained again.

"How cool it is to step on the fingerboard, you have already felt it just now."

"Everyone had better go all out, unless you want to run a second time!"

As soon as this remark came out.

The other four people all shook their heads.

"One time is enough!"

"It's a bit torture to run twice!"

"Everyone, go all out, grit your teeth and insist on fighting it again!"

"My old man with old arms and legs, I really make 120 after running twice!"

Ever since.

The enthusiasm of the red team is extremely high.

Because they knew that Zou Wenping was right.

If you can't run for 90 seconds this time, if you do it again, it will be fatal!

Everyone said that they must do it again!

The people from the red side came to their respective positions.

With the whistle, Da Linzi took the lead.

He had been mentally prepared for a long time, and completely ignored the sorrow that came from the soles of his feet.

In ten seconds, he ran his 50 meters.

Next is Sha Yi.

His 50 meters were also completed within the specified time.


Here is Liu Yan.

She screamed and ran along the fingerboard.

On the 25-meter steps, the skipping rope is placed there.

Pick up the skipping rope and start jumping.

At this time.

Zou Wenping discovered that letting Liu Yan undertake the third project was simply the most correct decision!



With every beating of Liu Yan, she frowned and shouted.

at the same time.

She also quivered up and down with the beating in front of her.

Now the men around are all cheering up!

In the barrage.

Fry the pan thoroughly!

"Everyone, I'm sorry, I'm going to the toilet!"

"Type with both hands to show innocence!"

"I won't pretend, I have a showdown, I am typing with my tongue now!"

"Excuse me, how can I stop the bleeding quickly after a nosebleed?"

"Is that the case in some live broadcast rooms? I can't help but open the browser when I look at it."

"Before, ask for a website, good people give birth to eight!"

"At this moment, we are all fans!"

Yang Mi quickly discovered the look in Zou Wenping's eyes.

(caad)  Nima, I look straight.

Can't you see the anger on my old lady's face?

Take a look!

What catches your eyes!

However, Zou Wenping's gaze was already attracted by Liu Yan.

Didn't notice at all, Yang Mi's eyes.


The bloodshot scene is over.

Liu Yan took the baton and ran to Yang Mi.

After the handover.

Yang Mi didn't know why, she was full of energy!

This is the power of jealousy!

She ran along the fingerboard at an alarming speed.

As if there is no foot, there is a finger pressure board.

Seeing this scene, everyone exclaimed.

Only Zou Wenping felt inexplicably numb in his scalp.

He remembered it clearly.

Just stepping on the finger pressure pad, Yang Mi was still yelling, her expression distorted with pain.

At this moment.

As if the pain disappeared, and Zou Wenping still felt a murderous look!

With the blessing of jealous BUFF, Yang Mi actually performed supernormally!

She completed the 50 meters in a shorter time than expected.

The stick almost hit Zou Wenping.

Zou Wenping was so scared that he didn't even dare to pick it up, so he avoided it!

This aura, like the feeling of catching a **** in the bed, what is going on?

"Take it, run hard, if the result is unqualified..."

Yang Mi raised her right hand, stretched out her thumb, and made a sharp stroke in front of her neck.

Make a motion of wiping the neck.

If in peacetime, Zou Wenping would treat this as a joke.

But now, for some reason, the goose bumps on my body are all up.

Quickly took the stick with both hands.

"I, I will work hard!"

Just turned around.

That fat aunt came out again.

Looking at this more than 200 catties only.

Zou Wenping bowed.

"Come on!"

After picking up the fat auntie, it was quite heavy.


Zou Wenping's physical fitness has long surpassed ordinary people under the transformation of the master-class Chinese martial arts.

Moreover, as he is strong and physically fit, the Shiatsu plate has no effect on him.

Carry the fat aunt.

Zou Wenping walks like flying.

It seems that there is no fat aunt behind.

The most interesting thing is.

At ten meters away, the director team pulled up the red belt and only had to break the belt.

You can put down the fat aunt and run the last 40 meters!


Zou Wenping thought of Yang Mi's cannibal expression just now.

There was a chill all over.

Put down the fat aunt for fear of wasting time, so just go back to the end!

Everyone who saw this scene opened their mouths in surprise!


Is this guy addicted to his back?

That fat aunt is not 20 catties, but 200 catties!

Why does this guy stand up on his back, as if he can't feel the weight?

The most surprising is the **** cow.

This fat aunt, he has the most say in how she feels when she recites it.

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