She curled her mouth and squeezed a smile.

"Tear the famous brand, it's like this! You get used to it!"

"Your mission is over, hurry up and take a break!"

Soon, a few staff members came over.

Take away the crying Ah Kun.

The sound of the broadcast sounded again.

"A Kun, OUT!"

"A Kun, OUT!"


Zou Wenping, who was looking for Yang Mi's trace, was stunned.

He was not surprised that Ah Kun was eliminated.

It is strange that such people can survive in such an environment.

What he didn't expect was that the blue team was eliminated three people in a row!

So he stepped up his search for Yang Mi!


in the room.

Jin Chongguo looked at Yang Tianbao suspiciously.

"¨` Why are you back? Afraid that I won't tear you?"

Yang Tianbao smiled.

"We are all old friends, how could you treat me so much?"

Jin Chongguo smiled without saying a word.

Both of them can count the faces they have seen in the past few years.

Is this an old friend?

Then your old friend's concept is too broad!

"What's the matter with you?" Jin Chongguo asked.

Yang Tianbao smiled sweetly.

"Shall we form an alliance?"


Jin Chongguo was shocked.

"Alliance? With me? But I'm the bell man!"

Usually bell people, catch these, regular guests.

It is the first time I have heard of an alliance with the Bell Dang people!

Yang Tianbao smiled.

"The rules of running men are very clear to you and I. You will eventually become the target of other people tearing up the famous brand."

"It's just in accordance with the running man's rules, and I haven't found the card that is allowed to deal with you, so I can't tear you!"

(Li Wangzhao) Jin Chongguo nodded.

There is nothing wrong with this.

The Bellman must be the last thing the other guests have to deal with.

Just how to deal with the Bellman, you must find the corresponding tips given by the program group.

It may be tearing off the bell man's name tag, or it may be that something sprayed on the bell man.

"What is the purpose of your alliance with me?"

Yang Tianbao smiled.

"I want you to tear up the red team for me!"


Jin Chongguo looked at Yang Tianbao inexplicably.

Because according to the running man's rules, when he appeared as a bell man.

He becomes the common enemy of the red and blue teams.

In other words, the red team and the blue team now have a comrade-in-arms relationship!

How can you let yourself deal with teammates?

This made Jin Chongguo somewhat incomprehensible.


It's still the same today, keep eight and ten!

Ask for flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly tickets! .

170.Chapter 170

Yang Tianbao sighed.

"Actually, I don't want to, but I was suppressed by the red team for a day today. I just want to breathe out!"

And in her heart, the real thoughts.

Just use Jin Chongguo to tear up the red team!

Thinking of today, Yang Mi showed her majestic attitude towards her.

Yang Tianbao gritted his teeth in his heart!

Even Big Black Bull is not Jin Chongguo's opponent, and the others are not even enemies to him.

Allying with him is tantamount to killing someone with a knife!

It is finally possible to make a round for today's defeat!

Jin Chongguo nodded.

"Okay! Then let's form an alliance!"

Anyway, he wants to stay alive as a female artist, and Yang Tianbao is not bad.

At that time, he would show that he was deliberately torn off by Yang Tianbao.

Yang Tianbao and Jin Chongguo high-five, even if they form an alliance.

"By the way, after you tear up the red team, can you let me tear you off in the end? Win?"

Jin Chongguo pretended to be stunned.

Originally, his plan was to let Yang Tianbao tear himself up in the end.

But it can't show it now.

Then exclaimed.

"How can this be?"

Yang Tianbao glared, begging.

"Please! Please! Anyway, you must be OUT in the end!"

After all, the existence of the Bellman is to add 567 interest to the program, not to interrupt the program and complete the final task.

This is a variety show.

It's not an endless duel.

Facing Yang Tianbao's pleading, Jin Chongguo nodded helplessly.


When Yang Tianbao heard that Jin Chongguo agreed.

Excited cheers.


This time not only can you humiliate Yang Mi, you can also get the final victory!

Ordinary people, I am afraid, would not even think of being killed, forming an alliance with the Bell Dang people.

I'm so smart!

Looking at Yang Tianbao's uncontrollable expression of joy.

Jin Chongguo spoke.

"However, I also have a small request!"

"You said, as long as it is not too much, I will agree!"

Anyway, this alliance means that she has a chance to win.

As for other conditions, I believe there will be so many live viewers watching the show.

He will not ask too much.

Jin Chongguo thought for a while.

"I participated in this male running because I wanted to compete with Xia Guo's male artists."

"In your team, there is still a man named Zheng Kai, I want to tear him off!"


Say it like this.

Yang Tianbao couldn't help being stunned.

Want to tear off Zheng Kai?

She and Zheng Kai are screen lovers.

The CP in the running man.

There is no disgust between each other.


Zheng Kai has claimed to be Yang Tianbao's knight since the first season.

Overcome the thorns and thorns for Yang Tianbao, fight the enemy bravely, and protect her well!

Even in danger.

Zheng Kai will also stand in front of Yang Tianbao for the first time, blocking the enemy's progress!

Even if it is torn off by the opponent, you must protect Yang Tianbao from leaving!

If Yang Tianbao is a princess.

Zheng Kai is the most competent knight!

Unfortunately, the princess and the knight will never be a pair!

Yang Tianbao finally nodded cruelly.

I'm sorry for the so-called one general success!

"However, I can help you lure the people from the red side!"

"But when you tear it apart, I won't help you!"

Jin Chongguo nodded.

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