The name tag is torn off!

"Zheng Kai, OUT!"

"Zheng Kai, OUT!"

Several people in black ran over quickly.

Raise Zheng and take it away.

Zheng Kai reluctantly left as he walked.

"Baby, I tried my best!"

"Don't forget what you promised me, you have to live well!"

Watching Zheng Kai leave.

Yang Tianbao said nothing.

I must win, the final victory!

You will be successful!

Jin Chongguo murmured.

"There are two male artists left!"


The audience in the live broadcast room sent out barrage one after another.

"Yunbei, mourn for the little cheetah!"

"Oh, the princess is always the prince, and the knight is always cannon fodder!"

"Just now, when Yang Tianbao was about to tear it apart, my heart was very nervous."

"Ouuuu, so pitiful to drive, I don't know until I die, my princess has already changed her heart!"

"Have you found one thing? I don't know if it's a coincidence. Kim Chong-guo seems to have been looking for a male artist to tear it up!"


After this barrage came out.

The number of barrage is temporarily reduced a lot.

It seems that the audience is thinking.

Then the barrage started again.

"When you say that, it seems that this is really the case!"

"Yes, yes, when Yang Tianbao formed an alliance with him, he said that Zheng Kai must be torn off!"

"Yes, since they have formed an alliance, then Jin Chongguo should be right with Lan Fang!"

"What do you mean by always looking for male artists?"

"You will wait, I will check the information!"

The audience used a barrage to discuss for a while.

Three red barrage appeared in the center of the screen!

This is an exclusive barrage only owned by those who have opened members.

"I checked the information just now. The running male director of this issue is Park Bucheng from Goryeo!"

"This Pu Bucheng has made unfriendly remarks against Xia Guo. He also specially found Jin Chongguo!"

"According to my guess, this guy should be planning to prove to the world that men from Goryeo are better than men from Xia!"

I have to say that the eyes of the masses are sharp!

The wisdom of the masses is endless!

Pu Bucheng behind the monitor, looking at the barrage in the live broadcast room, he is already proficient in Chinese, and he is half-Chinese.

I can read and understand most Chinese!

He discovered that his purpose had been guessed by netizens.

Not nervous at all.

Because of this matter, after all, dressed in the cloak of entertainment.

This is where he is cunning!

Red barrage of speech.

It can be said that one stone caused a thousand waves.

The inside of the barrage is completely fried.

"Fuck, is that the same thing?"

"MD, this stick is unpredictable!"

"Specially find a man who is stronger than Da Hei Niu, who can definitely make things develop according to their expectations!"

"Uncle's, it is true that it is not my race, and his heart will be different!"

"What should I do now? Ping and Da Linzi are the only male guests on the show!"

"Damn! Yang Tianbao will take him now and walk to the southeast corner of the stairs!"

"Brother Ping, Da Linzi! Run away quickly!"


Zou Wenping and Liu Yan have already seen the stairs in the southeast corner.

At this time, Liu Yan exclaimed.

"Stairway, someone!"

Hurry to hide behind Zou Wenping.

Zou Wenping hurriedly looked towards the top of the stairs!

I saw, behind a fan half-hidden at the stairway, Mimi poked out a head quietly.

That cute little look, like a little thief cat.

Isn't it the Yang Mi they've been looking for?

After Yang Mi discovered Zou Wenping and Liu Yan.

Run over quickly.

At this moment, she wanted to plunge into Zou Wenping's arms, seeking some sense of security.

But reason calmed her down.

Zou Wenping and Liu Yan also walked over quickly.


"Oh, my honey sister, I found you!"

"Where did you go?"

Zou Wenping looked at Yang Mi anxiously.

Fortunately, I didn't meet the bell person, otherwise such a beautiful boss would definitely be the first thing and then the other!

Yang Mi looked aggrieved.

"Didn't you say that you want to gather at the southwest corner of the second floor?"

"I waited there for a long time, but none of you came, but ended up waiting for the bell man instead."

"So, I hurried up to the third floor!"

"When I heard that Sha Yi was eliminated, I was extremely scared! So I hid here."

"Thank God, I met you!"


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Chapter 173:

"Did you go to the top of the stairs in the southwest corner?" Zou Wenping asked in confusion.

Yang Mi nodded.

"Of course, how could I forget the meeting place?"

"I have been waiting there for almost half an hour, none of you are here!"

Zou Wenping was a little confused.

"No, we were also at the southwest corner of the stairs and waited for twenty minutes."

"I didn't see you at all, so we came out to find you!"

Are we not in the same space?

This is impossible.

Yang Mi grinned aggrievedly.

"Finally, I'm waiting at this one on the third floor, at the southwest corner of the stairs."

"Thinking, if I hear your voice on the second floor, I can go down and join you."

"If I hear the sound of people walking with bells ringing on the third floor, I will go to the second floor. If it rings on the second floor, I will quickly find a place to hide on the third floor."

Zou Wenping smiled and nodded.

Move forward and backward freely.

My boss is still smart!

It's just that in what Yang Mi said just now.

Zou Wenping always feels that something is wrong.

He pointed to the stairs.

"Where is this place?"

Yang Mi blinked.

Looking at Zou Wenping inexplicably.

"The stairs on the third floor?"

"Which stairway?"

"From the southwest corner!"

Yang Mi answered with a look of an idiot.

Actually ask me such a naive question, when I was a primary school student?

After hearing Yang Mi's answer, Zou Wenping took a breath.

And Liu Yan looked at each other.

"I finally know why we can't wait for you!"

Yang Mi asked curiously.


"You ran to the wrong stairway!"

"not possible for me!"

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