"I'm so sorry!"

Zou Wenping was obviously laughing at him.

Jin Chongguo was suddenly dumbfounded.

The complexion is extremely wonderful.

Zou Wenping flipped through his hand and looked at the famous brand of Jin Chongguo.

"Staff, can you please bring a chair."

"Jin Chongguo, although I sympathize with your weakness, please follow the agreement just now."

"Kneel! Kob your head! Apologize!"


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Chapter 176:

As soon as these words came out, a large number of words "Kneel! Kow! Apologize!" appeared in the barrage.

Covers the entire screen of the live broadcast room.

The staff quickly moved in a chair.

Zou Wenping smiled.

"On Da Linzi's seat, waiting for someone to kowtow to you!"

"This treatment, I am afraid that only you will be able to enjoy it when you accept an apprentice in the future."

Jin Chongguo's expression is extremely wonderful.

Hundreds of thousands of people are unwilling to kneel down in their hearts.

Zou Wenping pointed to the camera.

"It's okay if you don't kneel down, anyway, so many viewers in the live broadcast room ~ watch it."

"The big deal is spread out, you Koreans-don't keep your promises!"

Jin Chongguo was helpless.

Preparing to kneel down.

At this time.

A voice sounded from the door.

"Wait a moment!"


The crowd who was about to watch the excitement quickly looked towards the door.

I saw two people walking over here.

One of them, Zou Wenping, is the executive director of the running man.

And the other one didn't know.

Seeing that, it seemed that he was not from Xia Guo.

The executive director laughed.

"I want to introduce you, this is Director Park Bucheng."

"He is the director we invited from Korea."

"The running man in this issue is the one who did it himself!"

After hearing this name.

Zou Wenping almost laughed.

Park is not.

The name is so connotative.

You are there every time you crack down on pornography, right?

"I wonder if there is anything wrong with the two of you here?"

Pu Bucheng said it in crappy Chinese.

"The scene of tearing up the famous brand just now was too fast, our camera did not capture it!"

"You know, the last time our show was a famous brand, but it's the highlight, it's not good if it can't be filmed!"

Zou Wenping nodded.

I have already guessed the meaning of Pu's words.

But still asked.

"What do you mean?"

Pu Bucheng smiled.

"You two, tear it up again!"



Zou Wenping admired the director Pu Bucheng who had come from afar.

That's amazing.

Such shameless words can be said without changing their face.


Before Jin Chongguo, all kinds of madly tearing Dalinzi and them, why didn't you come out?

Hehe, protect the calf, right?

it is good! I let you protect!

Yang Mi and Liu Yan yelled quickly.

"Why do you tear it up again?"

"Obviously Xiao Zou won, you guys are shameless!"

Zou Wenping waved at Yang Mi and the others.

Then look to the executive director.

"Director Guo, what do you think of this?"

The executive director frowned very embarrassed.

From his point of view, of course he is not willing to re-record.

Why do you want to re-record?


This director Park was invited from Korea by the TV station, and it is not his executive director who can make a decision.

Looking at Director Guo's embarrassed expression.

Zou Wenping shrugged and did not ask any more.

Turns to look at Pu Bucheng.

"Re-tear? Okay, no problem!"

"Then my bet with Jin Chongguo still counts?"

Park Bucheng looked at Kim Jong Guk.

Ask him what he means.

Jin Chongguo nodded.

In his opinion, Zou Wenping was able to tear him in seconds just now.

It's all because I underestimated Zou Wenping's speed.

If you do it again.

He will never lose again!

Park Bucheng sees Kim Jong-kook so confident.

And this matter, being able to re-tear it has already taken advantage!

Starting over again, it is still unknown who will be the winner!

"Of course there is no problem, you two are gentlemen's agreements!"

"If Jin Chongguo loses again, don't talk about him, we two will kneel down and apologize to this little brother!"


Zou Wenping smiled.

"This is what you said, Director Park, don't let your debts go by then!"

Pu Bucheng patted his chest and said.

"Absolutely not!"


Yang Mi walked over worriedly.

"Xiao Zou, can you tear it up again?"

In her opinion, Zou Wenping just now was able to tear up the country in seconds.

It was completely Jin Chongguo's carelessness that Zou Wenping took advantage of it!

Zou Wenping smiled slightly: "It doesn't matter, it's so far away as a guest."

Yang Mi nodded helplessly.

"Be careful about everything."

"Relax, I know!"

··0 Seeking flowers 0···

Seeing that Zou Wenping agreed, Director Guo was relieved. This Korean director was indeed partial, but he was invited by Lantai from Korea, and Director Guo could not easily offend him.

"In that case, all departments are preparing to re-shoot this scene, and they all cheer up!"

When Jin Chongguo saw that he really wanted to remake, he couldn't help standing up straight, his self-confidence returned to him.

Pointing to Zou Wenping and said loudly: "I was just careless just now, now I have to show my true ability to deal with you, you are done!"

Zou Wenping buttoned his ears with his little finger: "I can't beat this loud voice."

The work of the remake was soon ready.

Jin Chongguo's famous brand was also reposted back.

In order to satisfy Director Goryeo, Director Guo specifically asked him to start calling.


This director Park from Korea, and Kim Jong-kook looked at each other and winked.

Jin Chongguo knew immediately and nodded silently.

Zou Wenping lowered his head and found that his shoelaces had been opened.

In order to participate in the running men, he deliberately wore a pair of sports shoes.

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