
What are you afraid of?

After recording the running man today, tomorrow I and Kim Jong-kuk will be Goryeo.

If you want to scold it, you can scold it, anyway, I can't hear it.

Even if I heard it, it's totally inappropriate for the thickness of my face!

Zou Wenping nodded and smiled.

"Since I am satisfied, if Jin Chongguo loses after a while."

"Could you two please, don't grind any more, hurry up and kneel and kowtow!"

The executive director is afraid of offending Park.

Zou Wenping is not afraid.

Anyway, after recording the show today, it is estimated that I will never see each other in my life.

This idea coincides with Pu's failure.


Pu Bucheng didn't expect that Zou Wenping would be waiting for him here.


It's ok.

This Zou Wenping looks very thin.

Compared to Jin Chongguo, who exercises every day, he is more than a circle smaller.

He even worried that Zou Wenping would be killed by Jin Chongguo!

So he said with a big smile.

"Okay, no problem, if Jin Chongguo loses again, we will kneel and kowtow immediately!"

"But, I also have a request."

"After all, there are no eyes. If there are any accidents in the competition brought back, we can't hold each other accountable!"

have to.

It really became a fighting.

And it's the kind of life-and-death fighting!

Zou Wenping nodded.


"Okay, there is no proof to say, let's make a written statement!"

Xi Wenping really has no confidence in the credit of the Koreans.

This is what Director Park is.

If there is no written evidence, the things promised by the empty mouth may be blown away by the wind in the next second.

Pu Bucheng was also startled, but he didn't expect to have written evidence!

This is also good, lest Zou Wenping is beaten beyond recognition by Jin Chongguo, and there are too many negative comments.

"Okay, just set up a written record!"

Zou Wenping looked at the executive director.

"Please bring us paper, pens, and inkpad!"

The executive director had long seen that Pu Bucheng was not pleasing to the eye, so he immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and talked to the staff outside the art gallery.

at the same time.

In the running men's lounge.

Anyone whose name tag has been torn off will be sent here.

A staff member hurried in.

"Big Hei Niu, you better come and see!"

The **** cow was startled.

"what happened?"

The staff took a few breaths.

"Someone started fighting at the recording site of the running man!"

Everyone in the lounge was startled.



There's something wrong today, let's fight for more!

Six changes of 12,000 words can still be guaranteed!

Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket! .

Chapter 179:

Da Hei Niu and others were completely stunned.

I looked at the staff in disbelief, thinking I had heard it wrong.

"What is it? Someone started fighting?"

"Yes, the fight is about to start!"

"Who and whom?"

"Zou Wenping and Jin Chongguo!"


How can these two people who can't fight together?

When Ah Kun heard this, his face was full of resentment.

"This Zou Wenping must have been torn by Jin Chongguo in seconds, and then he was unhappy."

"Then he played all sorts of rascals, and finally turned into a fist!"

"Despicable! Shameless! Indecent! It really destroys international friendship!"

Ah Kun scolded again and again.

In his opinion, when he faced Jin Chongguo, he was beaten with no power to fight back.

He tore his clothes violently by Jin Chongguo!

Zou Wenping is not much better.


Now think of Kim Chong-guo, tearing apart his clothes violently.

There was a strange throbbing in Ah Kun's heart!

So he stood in the position of Jin Chongguo, and all sorts of scolding Zou Wenping.

at the same time.

Because this is a live broadcast, I believe the audience, seeing my super positive Three Views, there will definitely be many people turning to fans!

Thinking of this, Ah Kun smiled happily!


The reality is that there is already cursing in the barrage!

"Damn, this A Kun himself has no spine, and he thinks that others have risen up to resist!"

"He is a typical person who does not ask questions and draws random conclusions!"

"Why would I have a fan of such a thing? Fan Zhuanlu! Fan Zhuanlu!"

"Yes, the road turns black, the road turns black!"


The staff frowned.

"Akun, what you said is completely reversed!"

"It was Jin Chongguo who was torn twice in seconds by Zou Wenping."

"Then Director Park Bu-sung from Goryeo, together with Kim Jong-kuk, is playing a rogue!"


The people in the lounge were stunned!

Zou Wenping tears gold in a second?

And still twice!

This, this is a fantasy!

The most surprising thing is the **** cow.

He was the first person to be torn off by Jin Chongguo.

And it wasn't a sneak attack, it was after a head-on contest, losing to Jin Chongguo, and finally being torn off the famous brand!

Zou Wenping teared gold and reignited the country twice in seconds. This kind of thing is a fantasy.

Sha Yi said happily.

"Xiao Zou is amazing!"

Suddenly realized something, and asked quickly.

"Why answer?"

The staff said.

"If you can't say it in a few words, you will know it clearly when you get to the scene."

"Now all the running men's staff have gathered around!"

Nima, this sounds like a big scene!

Are you planning to gang up against Jin Chongguo?

"Go around, lead the way!"


When Da Hei Niu ran to the lobby on the first floor of the art gallery.

Zou Wenping, Pu Bucheng and Jin Chongguo have signed the agreement.

In duplicate, there are two kinds of Chinese and Korean!

At the same time, all three have signed.

Yang Mi worried.

"Is it really okay?"

Zou Wenping nodded slightly.

"Take your heart in your stomach!"

"Da Linzi, wait there, someone will kowtow to you in a while!"

Da Linzi nodded.

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