Zou Wenping did not completely tear off the famous brand, but tore off half of it!

It seems to be torn in half deliberately.

Then, Zou Wenping covered it with his hand.

He also posted the famous brand to Jin Chongguo.

Everyone: "..."

Everyone is at a loss.


Kim Chongguo's famous brand was torn in half again.

Then it was posted back.


Do it again.

Jin Chongguo was helpless.

"You have to tear it quickly! Can you be refreshed!"

It's like cutting meat with a blunt knife, but I can't resist it!

Zou Wenping smiled.

"No! This is fun!"

Then he waved to Yang Mi.

"Sister Mi, come here!"

Yang Mi was startled.

Why is there something about me?

Look at Jin Chongguo, struggling with these five big three thick but lying on the ground.

Yang Mi hesitated for a while and walked over.

With Zou Wenping present, she is not afraid of any moths caused by Kim Chung-gu.

This is a sense of security!

Yang Mi came over.

"what happened?"

Zou Wenping smiled.

"Sister Mi, you come to see it, it's fun!"


Everyone was stunned.

Especially Jin Chongguo.

It is already very depressed when a person tears himself up, and then calls other people, or a woman to tear himself!

Is it tolerable or unbearable!

So he struggled fiercely and wanted to stand up.

Zou Wenping used his hand to divide the muscles and bones, and press on the veins of his back again.

This is an acupuncture point in the nerve center, following the press of Zou Wenping.

Jin Chongguo's limbs cramped again and lost his strength.

The strength that he had finally recovered, collapsed again!

"Jin Chongguo, do you know? This is called retribution!"

··0 Seeking flowers 0···

"There is an old saying in Xia State, saying that you can't kill but nod, you have to be forgiven and forgive!"

"I don't want to argue with you, but what you did to Da Linzi today is making me unable to spare you!"

"Sister Mi, tear him up! But don't tear it off, tear it in half and leave it in half!"

Yang Mi nodded.

She didn't want to do this kind of thing, as if she was bullying the weak.

However, it is too much to think about what Jin Chongguo has done.

And he always looks like he can't afford to lose, turning a variety show into a fight!

Such a person is to teach him a lesson!



Yang Mi, who had been tearing up the famous brand with compassion, suddenly lit up when she heard this voice!

"So fun!"


"This voice sounds so good!"

The running man's brand is made of a large piece of Velcro.

It is the thing that is often used on the laces of summer sandals.

The sound of a large piece of Velcro ripping up is very beautiful.

Some people like to listen to this sound.

Yang Mi is of this kind.

She originally sympathized with Jin Chongguo a little bit, but now her mind is all on the Velcro.

She posted the name tag to Jin Chongguo again.



"Hahaha, this sound is really good!"

Post it back and tear it!

Going back and forth several times!

"Liu Yan, come and play too!"

have to.

They are not afraid of Jin Chongguo at all.

If Jin Chongguo was a tiger before, he is also a tiger with his teeth extracted.

There is Zou Wenping there, but he can't get through the storm!



Yang Mi and Liu Yan had a great time!

Jin Chongguo is about to collapse!

It was like a prisoner who was about to be executed.

The executioner did not rush to kill him.

But every shot deliberately emptied the cannon to scare him.

As the saying goes.

Death is not terrible, what is terrible is the process of waiting for death!


This plot of melee combat is not too bloody.

After all, it is an entertainment text, with happiness as its main focus.

Murder or serious injury or something, it seems a bit nondescript!

Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket! three.

Chapter 182:

"Who else wants to tear it! Ten dollars per person, no credit!"

Zou Wenping actually yelled like a business.

Da Hei Niu and others, seeing this scene, were really surprised, their mouths opened so wide!

In front of them, Jin Chongguo was as fierce as beating a tiger.

Who meets and destroys who!

However, in front of Zou Wenping, it looks like a kitten.

He couldn't even resist Zou Wenping at all.

They also wanted to go over and tear up Jin Chongguo to repay the hatred of being bullied.


It is live now.

Artists should maintain their own image and try not to do things that damage their image.

So resist the inner impulse, there is no past.

The same goes for other staff.

I really want to go over, tear this up, Kim Jong-guk, who is known as the "Five Nine Three" powerhouse of Korea National Energy.


Tear the card for a moment, it's time for the crematorium.

They went to tear the gold and the country, although their hearts were happy.

But no one can guarantee that they won't be put on shoes afterwards.

Zou Wenping had expected this situation a long time ago.


Pu Bucheng couldn't stand it anymore.

People in their own country were actually bullied like this in Xia Country!

He walked over angrily.

"How can you humiliate Kim Chongguo like this?"

"Aren't you known as a country of etiquette, are you so far away as guests? Is this your way of hospitality?"

Looked at Pu's speechless look.

Zou Wenping smiled.

"Director Park, you are right. Of course we have to treat our guests with courtesy."

"The premise is that this friend is here as a guest!"

"If this friend is here to smash the pot! So sorry, we are hospitable, but not weak!"

Pu Cheng is speechless for a while.

The meaning of Zou Wenping's words is very clear.

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