He forced a smile.

"Well, congratulations to the red team, you won the final victory!"

Then he raised his hand, snapped, clapped.

It stands to reason.

The chief director applauded, and those executive directors, deputy directors, and staff will follow and applaud.


Now in the art gallery, there are dozens of people standing.

No one applauded.

Only Pu Bucheng was applauding alone, which seemed monotonous and embarrassing!

Zou Wenping smiled.

"Director Park, you seem to have forgotten one thing!"

"What, what's the matter?"

Park Bucheng blinked.

Zou Wenping got a piece of paper from Yang Mi's hand with the agreement signed by both parties on it.

"Since you have already lost, then..."

"Don't kneel down yet! Kob your head! Apologize!"

Zou Wenping raised his voice suddenly, with no intention of leaving any face for Pu Bucheng and Jin Chongguo.

This can only be blamed on both of them.

If they follow the formal process, they will shoot the running man.

Complete the task of Bell Man.

Then Wenping Zou will definitely be very friendly and even want to be friends with them.

After all, he hasn't made any foreign friends.


This is the case now.

No matter what, he couldn't do it and repay grievances with virtue.

He is not a virgin bitch!


If it is not Jin Chongguo who loses now, but Zou Wenping.

He believes that these two people will do everything possible to get themselves out of the entertainment circle.

By the way, use yourself as a gun and humiliate the Chinese-speaking entertainment circle.


To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to yourself!

Pu Bucheng looked at Zou Wenping with the agreement flying in his hands.

The fleshy jump on his face.

However, the agreement signed by oneself must be carried out with tears.

If there is no such agreement, it is just an oral agreement.

With his unpretentious cheeky, he will definitely fall back on his account.

However, it is written in black and white. If you don't admit it, it is also a kind of discredit for Korea.

He sighed heavily.



Kneeling side by side in front of Da Linzi with Jin Chongguo.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

His head knocked loudly.

"Sorry, we were wrong!"

"Sorry, we were wrong!"

They really regret it now.

Regret's intestines are all green.

Coming to Xia Guo to be a good director and a bell man, wouldn’t it be good to make some money comfortably?

Why have to come up with the bad idea of ​​humiliating people by tearing up the famous brand?

As a result, stealing chicken will not lose the rice.

Being ruled by others in their own way.

What a retribution!

After the show is over, he will leave Xia Guo.

Never set foot here again, this place is horrible!


In the live broadcast room, a large number of barrages and gifts were displayed.

After almost watching that scene, the people who duel between Zou Wenping and Jin Chongguo were all fans of Zou Wenping.

They all said that they would support Zou Wenping's works in the future!

At this time.

In the middle of the top of the live room.

Several lines of red, fixed in the middle of the barrage appeared.

"I am afraid that when the Koreans go back, they will make a fuss about today's affairs."

"Friends who have recorded the screen, please post the relevant video to the Internet first for the showdown between Zou Wenping and Jin Chongguo."

"Before the Koreans bring the rhythm, let's bring the rhythm!"

"Don't give the Koreans any chance to fight back!"

In the director's room.

After Gao Tianhua sent these messages, he happily took a sip of tea.

This kid Zou Wenping, what he did is really satisfying!


After knocking it out, Zou Wenping nodded, indicating that Da Linzi is all right.

Only then did Da Linzi stand up, expressing his forgiveness for the two of them.

Of course, in the final result, 593 was the red team where Zou Wenping was and won the final victory.

They got the final password and successfully opened the White Snake Secret Treasure!

In fact, it is a silver snake made of silver.

In the end, in a warm applause.

The **** cow delivered the silver snake to Zou Wenping.

"I'm really convinced of you!"

This is what Da Hei Niu said from the bottom of his heart.

But Yang Tianbao was very depressed, and he really defeated repeatedly today.

Finally, he formed an alliance with Kim Chongguo, thinking that he could turn defeat into victory.

Unexpectedly, he was hit by Zou Wenping!

But it doesn't matter.

My "Gu Fang's Appreciation" is about to be released on Blue Channel.

Yang Mi, your "Gu Jian Qi Tan" hasn't found a TV station yet, right?


When Gu Jian rushes to the street, according to the contract, I will accept your three endorsements!

Thought of this.

Yang Tianbao raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Yang Mi, Xiao Zou, at the end of the show, do you have anything to say?"

Yang Mi nodded.

Said to the camera.

"Gu Jian Qi Tan, which I starred with Xiao Zou, is now looking for a prime time. If you are willing to give us prime time TV stations, please contact my company, thank you!"


Six more served, 12,000 words!

Let's update these today.

Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket! .

Chapter 184:

Look at the time, it's already half past nine in the evening.

The recording of the running man finally ended, and Zou Wenping stretched out a long stretch.

If it weren't for Kim Chongguo and Park Bucheng, they had a trouble.

It is estimated that the recording of the program can be ended a long time in advance.

Zou Wenping and Yang Mi came to the place where the car was parked.

Da Linzi asked unwillingly.

"Brother, it's so late, do you have to go back?"

If not for Zou Wenping today.

I am afraid that Da Linzi will leave a lot of psychological trauma today.

Now, he really treats Zou Wenping as his brother.

Zou Wenping shrugged.

"I can't help it, Miss Mi is going to catch other announcements tomorrow, and I also want to go to Caiyunzhinan to record and yearn for."

Time is really tight now.

Various things followed one after another.

This is the normal life of an artist, very busy and fulfilling.

Zou Wenping looked at the people who came to see them off.

There are running men like Big Black Bull and Sha Yi, as well as staff like executive directors.

Zou Wenping's performance today deeply shocked everyone's heart!

Such a strong person is worth seeing off.

Of course, Yang Tianbao and A Kun did not appear here on the pretext of being uncomfortable.

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