Unexpectedly, Liu Tianxian would give such an answer in the end.

"Are you serious?"

"Do you think I'm joking?"

Liu Tianxian's voice was serious.

There is no feeling of joking at all.

"Is the title of the play? When we were sheltering from the rain, what did you say about the fairy sword?"

"The Legend of Sword and Fairy!" Zou Wenping added.

Liu Tianxian nodded.

"Yes, that's the name. Have you written the script?"

"Well, it's finished!"

"When do you plan to start shooting?"

"Preliminary plan, after Gu Jian is officially broadcast."

Zou Wenping still couldn't believe it.

"Are you really coming back to play, my heroine?"

"Yes, I will spare you the schedule for this period of time, so you don't have to let me dove."

"Let you dove? How could it be possible! You can come, I'm so incredibly fragrant!"

"Haha, am I so difficult to speak? This is settled!"

"No need to discuss with your agent or entertainment company?"

"It's not necessary, I can call the shots by myself."

"Well, I'll go to you in a few days to talk about these 603 things!" Zou Wenping said.

"Well, see you another day then!"


After hanging up, Zou Wenping let out a sigh of relief!

When he draws out the skill of director (lv99).

The first TV series he thought of was "The Legend of Sword and Fairy".

Since we want to shoot, we must shoot classics!

And Zhao Linger's first candidate must be Liu Tianxian.

Unfortunately, he is not sure if he can win.

Unexpectedly, things will go so smoothly.

It's beyond his imagination!

Zou Wenping sorted his thoughts and walked towards the mushroom house.


Liu Tianxian's boudoir.

After hanging up the phone, she instantly spread out on the bed.

Fluttering constantly.

It's like a mermaid jumping around.

Hugging the pillow, rolling around on the bed.

A noble and elegant goddess who is always in front of people.

It's like a female nerve at this time.

"So happy! So happy!"

"I didn't expect Zou Wenping to call me!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"


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Chapter 194:

Liu Tianxian's eyes were extremely charming.

Slender hands, holding the sachet.

I can finally see you!

Guo Xiang described by Mr. Jin.

Back then, when I first met at Fengling Ferry, I saw that Yang Guo was wrong for life!

And she Liu Tianxian.

After seeing Zou Wenping in Manyuan Village, he was also captured by him.

He is handsome, talented, can speak cross talk, can sing, act, and has a sense of responsibility and security.

While being personable, there is a bit of a bad feeling.

After leaving the mushroom house, Liu Tianxian also thought about it, and he saw many handsome men.

But everyone, compared to Zou Wenping, is much closer.


She didn't know if she still had a chance to meet Zou Wenping again.

Sometimes, I pray silently in my heart.

Unexpectedly, now my wish has been fulfilled!

At this time.

Her cell phone rang.

It is an excerpt from "A Thousand Miles Away" sung by Zou Wenping.

Looked at the electric display.

It's from the agent.

"Hey, Sister Xu!"

"Yifei, I have good news for you!"

Sister Xu's excited voice came.

It seems that there is really good news.

"What good news?"

"Beard has a new play and wants you to play it, of course the female number one is still you!"

The same is true for Big Beard, the national first-class TV drama director, and the weight of Gao Tianhua is not the same.


The focus of Big Beard is martial arts.

Known as the head of Mr. Jin!

"What play?" Liu Tianxian asked.

"Elder Jin's "The Legend of Condor Heroes"! I heard that the male number one is scheduled to be Huang Aming!"

"When will the shooting start?"

"It seems to be next month, this time I will ask you to audition."

"No time!"

After hearing this time, Liu Tianxian refused without hesitation.

She was not like other artists, who was mistreated by the agent and did not dare to resist at all.

Most entertainers look at the expressions of their agents.

But Liu Tianxian is different.

Filming is a hobby for her.

Coupled with the strength of the family background, the agent has to look at his face!

"But... how do I reply to the beard?"

The agent hardly dared to refute Liu Tianxian's decision.

In front of other artists, she can show her domineering side.

But in front of Liu Tianxian, be honest.

"Just say, I have other schedules, and I haven't been free for these three months. I'm really embarrassed!"

"Oh, all right. Then I'll hang up first."


After hanging up, Liu Tianxian threw the phone on the bed.


What TV series are now more important than solving your own lovesickness?

And she has already seen that Reba and Yang Mi are both interesting to Zou Wenping.

For this result, she is nothing more than.

It's strange that no one likes such a good boy!

But Reba and Yang Mi have an advantage over her, that is, they are the same company.

Near the water tower first get the month!

Just when she thought she had no chance, an opportunity suddenly fell from the sky.

Zou Wenping wants to direct a TV series and let herself play her female number one.

So, she agreed without thinking about it.

And in my heart, I secretly vowed to take down Zou Wenping before the filming of this movie is finished!



Zou Wenping just came to the door of the mushroom house.

Suddenly I felt an itchy nose and couldn't help sneezing.

"One thought, two curses."

"It's not just who misses me."

Zou Wenping opened the door as he thought about it.

He saw that He Jiong and Reba had arrived.

Director Zhang Tong saw Zou Wenping and hurried over.

"Xiao Zou, you are back!"

"What's the matter?" Zou Wenping looked dumbfounded.

Zhang Tong replied.

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