
Not only the security guards were stunned, but also Father Feng and Feng Xixi were stunned.

The security replied.

"The same number of security guards will protect you from the airport exit until you board the car."

"It costs 100,000 yuan!"


Not cheap!

Zou Wenping nodded.

"Well, can you call me this number of security guards now?"

The security guard was stunned.

"You, do you want too?"

"No, little brother, I don't think you are a celebrity or a celebrity in other industries. There is no need."

"If you are watching, those Korean people jealous and want to experience that feeling, I really have to persuade you."

"To tell you the truth, what you see is a fake, even those fans may be fake!"

"Almost every day, we receive such assignments to protect little-known artists."

"I don't know, from which horn they came out, and then their company wants to support it."

"You have to create an illusion that looks very hot."

This security guard is also kind.

I didn't want Zou Wenping's money to be squandered, so I had to say a lot about it with all my heart.

Zou Wenping smiled and nodded.

Unexpectedly, this security guard knows a lot.

Even professional fans know about it.

Yes, all the year round at the international airport, performing security tasks, what kind of monsters and ghosts, I have never seen it!

Zou Wenping smiled.

"I know everything you say, but I just look at the group of sticks upset!"

"One hundred thousand, right, let you lead, transfer these people to me immediately, and I will pay you money immediately!"

The security guard looked at him like this, and finally asked again.

"you sure?"


After sighing, the security guard said nothing.

Picked up the walkie-talkie and started contacting the security department.

"Xiao Zou, what are you going to do?"

Father Feng next to him asked suspiciously.

He heard the conversation between Zou Wenping and the security guard just now.

Although I understand that this child may be passionate and wants to give some color to those Koreans.

However, this looks a bit irrational.

As Zou Wenping was about to answer, he heard a running sound behind him.

More than a dozen security guards came running quickly.


The efficiency is so high.

The security guard just finished talking on the walkie-talkie, and the security force is here!

I'm afraid the security guards nearby have been transferred here.

A person in uniform, who was different from the other security guards, walked to Zou Wenping with a POS machine.

This should be the security captain.

"Excuse me, who needs security services?"

Zou Wenping raised his hand.

"it is me."

"Please swipe your card!"

Zou Wenping nodded, took out his bank card, and swiped out 100,000 yuan!

The security guards immediately formed a circle to protect Zou Wenping inside.

Zou Wenping took off the glasses on his face and took out a large makeup remover from his pocket.

"Master, you just watch 620 there, see how I teach those Korean people!"

"Xixi, there may be a little turmoil for a while, be optimistic about your grandfather, don't go away!"

After speaking, Zou Wenping also took off the fake beard above his lips.

Take the cleansing cotton and apply it to your face.

Remove all the cosmetics on the face.

Showing a sunny and handsome face!

Suddenly appeared again, a security force.

Immediately attracted the eyes of everyone in the cabin.

Also includes RYG combination.

The most daunting thing is the group of professional fans, as well as the jokes and paparazzi who are squatting at the international airport.

I haven't heard that there are other stars at this point!

These fans and paparazzi can obtain the flight information of the artists through special channels.

According to the flight information, simple and easy to inquire, you can learn a lot of things.

Which star, what time to get off the plane, are very clear.

So when I learned that there is another star that appeared at this time.

Fans and paparazzi think that they are missing any information.


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

These are all signed in, and you can get them for free. If you have extra, just vote for the author! .

Chapter 214:


When the crowd saw Zou Wenping standing in the security guard.

There were bursts of exclamation!

Who is the most famous artist recently?

Zou Wenping ranked second, and absolutely no one dared to rank first.

Those things he did make it more difficult for people not to pay attention to him.


Many people screamed and rushed towards Zou Wenping.

Those professional fans who originally supported RYG don't care about their professional ethics.

All towards, Zou Wenping rushed here!

The most surprised and depressed people are the security guards hired by Zou Wenping.

At the beginning, Zou Wenping still wore a fake beard and no glasses.

From the perspective of the security guard, this kid is just to show off and pretend to be coercive.

So, from the beginning, they thought that this was the easiest job.

Where to know.

This is a big job!

Looking at the crowd like a scourge.

The security captain is like an enemy.


"Implement Plan B!"


Zou Wenping was shocked, these security guards are so powerful, they actually have plan B!

I saw the security guards, shoulder to shoulder, elbow by elbow, slung together to build a wall.

Enclose Zou Wenping firmly.


The two armies met.

The security wall was almost rushed away!

Fortunately, they are all professionally trained and clenched their teeth.

Finally blocked the first wave of shock.

The current wave of shock is easier.

See this scene.

Father Feng was stunned.

So many people rushed towards Zou Wenping like crazy.

The old man was so scared that he almost had a heart attack again.

"Xixi, what's the matter? And what's the matter with Xiao Zou's face?"


"Xixi? Xixi`々?"

Father Feng found out that his granddaughter did not reply.

Turned his head to look.

I saw my granddaughter, blushing, closing her hand and making a fist, and placing it near her mouth.

Her gaze stared at the crowd in front of her fiercely.

It seems very excited and nervous.

From this perspective of Feng Xixi, except for the Wuyangyang crowd.

Can't see anything.

However, it does not affect Feng Xixi's nympho.

This is the first time Grandpa Feng has seen a granddaughter like this.

"Xixi, are you okay?"

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