"I took another look, it turned out to be Brother Ping!"

"I don't know what the specific situation is now. Looking at this posture, isn't it because you want to fight?"

"By the way, these three people at the traffic lights are Korean artists! Are they trying to avenge Kim Chongguo!"


Look at these three signal lights.

Zou Wenping smiled slightly and asked.

"Excuse me, three people, what's the matter?"

He was speaking Chinese, and the three of them were obsessed.

An interpreter followed by the three traffic lights.

Chiliquala, translate Zou Wenping's words into Korean.

The three people at the traffic lights also babbled, and said their own words.

The translator was about to speak, but was interrupted by Zou Wenping's wave.

"Where are you from? Xia Country? Goryeo?"

The translator was taken aback. Normally, at this time, he is just a microphone.

Translate the words on both sides to each other.

Someone talked to him for the first time.

"I am an overseas student in Xia Guo, Korea."

"Take advantage of the summer vacation and be a part-time translator to earn some extra money!"

Zou Wenping nodded.

"You are in Goryeo, do you speak Chinese or Goryeo?"

The translator answered honestly.

"Of course it is in Korean! It is difficult to go out without speaking Korean."

Heard this.

Zou Wenping's eyes drenched.

"Then why, when they arrive in the country of Xia, they speak Korean language!"

"Almost every Goryeo speaks Goryeo in Xia country!"

"Do you want us to accommodate them?"

"Tell them that if you want to work in Xia Guo, you must learn Chinese first!"

Some words drew the surrounding crowds, applauded again and again!

Really is.

Nowadays, any demons and monsters who come to Xia Country and can say "hello" can make many people in the country excited.

It's as if the other party descended some deity.

The Chinese went abroad and said a local greeting, but they did not see the excitement of the other party.

Translation certificate.

I don't know how to answer.

Zou Wenping suddenly spoke in Korean.

Said to the three traffic lights.

"You guys are good for me!"

"If you don't speak Chinese, just learn it for me. If you don't even want to learn, and you just want to make money in Xia, then you should go back to Korea!"


A word made everyone stunned.

Korean language!

Zou Wenping can speak Korean!

And he speaks so fluently!

The people in the airport cheered in surprise.

Ping Ge is indeed versatile.

As soon as the RYG group listens to Zou Wenping, they can speak Korean, so you don’t need to bother to translate.

Xiao Hong: "We don't need to learn Chinese, we can still get together in Xia Country!"

Xiao Huang: "Yes, the entertainment industry is a place where talents eat!"

Qingqing Prairie: "Don't say much, do you dare to compete with the three of us here?"


Zou Wenping raised his eyebrows.


Just now Zou Wenping was still thinking about how to teach these three people better, and now they have proposed their own methods.

"What to compete for?"

Zou Wenping clenched his fist, his knuckles creaked.

The three of them were horrified.

They are not stupid, of course it is impossible to compete with Zou Wenping by force.

Just kidding, everyone is civilized, how can it be possible to fight?

And it's still at the airport, such a public place!


I need to go out for something this afternoon. Make sure to change five and ten thousand words first.

Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket! Thanks! .

Chapter 216:


This guy Wei Wenping is the one who slapped Jin Chongguo.

Jin Chongguo couldn't even resist in front of Zou Wenping.

The three of them were skinny like little chickens.

It's probably not enough to go together, Zou Wenping warmed up.

However, what to compare, the three of them have already thought about it.

They are Koreans and don't know anything about Zou Wenping.

The only way to understand is through videos on the Internet.

In their impression, Zou Wenping should be a martial arts star.

Fighting courageously with each other is a fool's behavior.

Smart people will choose Douwen!

"Let's compare our talents!" Xiao Hong said.



Zou Wenping smiled.

"How to compare?"

Xiao Huang said confidently.

"It's better than songs, better than music, as long as you can beat the opponent, then you win!"

Zou Wenping raised his eyebrows.

Don't tell me, these three are quite chicken thieves.


As the saying goes, literature is not the first, and Wu is the second!

There is definitely a winner in the contest.

Those who dissatisfied can challenge the opponent at any time, as long as you can beat the opponent down, then you are the winner.


It's different than talent.

It is difficult to really distinguish who is strong and who is weak.

The same song.

A uses opera, B uses bel canto, and C uses rap.

These three compete together, you can't judge who is strong and who is weak.

I can only say that the preferences are different.

Unless there is one side running out of tune, the gap will be visible.

If they are all professional, it is very difficult to distinguish.

However, Zou Wenping was not afraid.

there is always a solution to a problem.

"Okay, I accept!"


Seeing Zou Wenping accepted, the three traffic lights were overjoyed.

Because, no matter who wins or loses, they can make a big deal.

Through Zou Wenping's reputation in Xia Country, open up their visibility!


The three took out their own instruments, three types of guitars.

The little red is an electric guitar, the little yellow is a classical guitar, and the green prairie is a jazz guitar!

In order to make the guitar worthy of yourself.

Just practice the colors of the guitar, and they are all dyed to match their colors.

I have to say that the visual impact is still very strong.


See this scene.

The crowd onlookers suddenly realized.

Just now Zou Wenping and others were talking about Gao Lihua, so the crowd onlookers did not particularly understand the content of their chats.

I just know what they are going to compete against.


When they saw the red, yellow and green trio, they took out the guitar.

Understand immediately.

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