This time I sang this song at the base camp.

After the operation of the on-site tuner, He Jiong's singing and accompaniment are well integrated.

The effect is more beautiful!

With He Jiong's singing, the remaining four members of the Happy Family appeared one after another.

Why Jiong dances.

The last five people put on a pose together!

Closed up.

Under He Jiong's leadership, everyone shouted out the iconic opening remark.

"we are……"

"happy family!"


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

Thousands of rivers and mountains are always in love, can you give me some flowers? .

Chapter 229:

After shouting the slogan, the program entered the formal recording session.

Jia Ge took the lead to join in.

"Teacher He, the song you just sang is really good!"

Nana took over and said.

"Yes, I used to think that Teacher He has talent in hosting, but I didn't expect that he would have such a deep knowledge in singing!"

Although they knew, Jia Ge and Nana were all praising him.

But He Jiong was still very happy.

Because he knows that this is indeed a good song.

He has always wanted to find a song suitable for him to sing.


He finally met.

"I want to say something cheeky, this song "Gardenia Blossoms" is simply tailor-made for me!"

"Because this is a campus song describing the graduation season."

"Everyone knows that I am a teacher in the Arab Department. As a teacher, I have deep feelings about the graduation season."

"So when singing this song, I can bring myself in."

"Really love this song!"

Wu Xin took the call.

"This song is really good. When I listen to it, I think of it when I graduated."

"But I'm curious, who wrote this song for you?"

He Jiong smiled and gave her a blank look.

Then pointed at the audience in the audience.

"This question seems to be well known, so let the audience friends at the scene answer you!"

"Who wrote this song for me?"


He Jiong handed out the microphone.

The audience shouted hysterically with almost shouting voices.

"Zou Wenping!"

He Jiong smiled.

"Let us applaud, please, Zou Wenping, Yang Mi, Reba, Zhang Shuang, and Cen Weiting!"


The audience burst into applause.

Then the music played.

Gu Jian Qi Tan's crew, stepping on the music debut.

The audience screamed again and again.

After a few POSS are finished, the opening is over.

The happy family stepped onto the stage again.

He Jiong smiled.

"Come on, let us say hello from left to right, 々々!"

Cen Weiting is the first one, because he is from Hong Kong, the audience is not familiar with him.

Just a polite applause.

Next is Zhang Shuang.

Her voice is quite high.

After all, the movies she starred in, about meteor showers, were all broadcast on Mango Channel.

What "Look at Meteor Shower Together", "Watch Meteor Shower Together", "Watch Meteor Shower Together" and so on.

Has accumulated a lot of audience enthusiasm for her.

Below is Reba.

The voice of her audience was obviously louder.

"Let me please, our Mi Mi, introduce yourself to everyone!"

He Jiong handed over the microphone.

Yang Mi took it.

"Hello everyone, I am Yang Mi. In the TV series "Gu Jian Qi Tan", I play the heroine Feng Qingxue!"


As soon as the voice fell, the audience cheered everywhere.

"Next, please ask our little Zou to introduce himself."

Zou Wenping picked up the microphone.

Before I spoke, the sound of a mountain whistling and a tsunami broke out in the audience.

It is completely beyond the reach of other stars.

After all, most of them came to see Zou Wenping.

When the cheers are a little lower.

Zou Wenping spoke.

"Hi everybody, I'm……"

Don't wait for him to finish.

The audience shouted in unison.

"Zou Wenping!"

have to.

No chance to speak at all.

He Jiong was also happy.

"Dear viewers, give Xiao Zou a chance to speak."

Because this so-called self-introduction is actually an oral advertisement to promote a TV series.

It must be finished.

Zou Wenping continued.

"In the TV series "Gu Jian Qi Tan", I played the leading actor, Baili Tusu!"


There was another round of applause.

He Jiong meets the question of Stitching Pin.

"This is Lingyue, this is Xiangling, this is Fuhua, and this is Feng Qingxue."

"Why did I get to you and become a four-character name? Does it have any special meaning?"

Zou Wenping nodded.


"The origin of this name is a kind of wine from Miaojiang. The name of this wine is called Tusu."

"Exterminate ghosts and awaken human souls. This is the meaning given to this kind of wine."

He pointed to Yang Mi.

"Actually, Feng Qingxue, played by Miss Mi, has a meaning in her name."


Yang Mi raised her eyebrows.

The expression seemed to say more.

Have it?

Why don't I know?

He Jiong asked.

"¨ What does it mean?"

Zou Wenping replied.

"Feng Qingxue's name comes from'Zhonghuang Qingxue', this beautiful scenery."

"I think many people know that we are a fairy-xia drama. In this drama, the hero and heroine believe in Nuwa!"

"In the TV series, Zhonghuang Mountain is the hometown of sunny and snowy mountains, where is the hidden place of the great **** Nuwa."

"Zhonghuang Qingxue means that when it snows here in winter, it sometimes appears, the sun and snow."

"That is to say, in the daytime, snowflakes fall from the sky, covering Zhonghuang Mountain with white snow."

"There is bright sunshine in the sky."

"Under the sunshine, the falling snowflakes glowed with shining white light. The scenery was beautiful and healed!"

"Feng Qingxue's name is derived from this. Therefore, Qingxue has the characteristics of being very pure, gentle and caring."

After listening to Zou Wenping's description.

Whether on stage, (Wang Lizhao) or offstage, they seemed to see it.

Sun and snow, this beautiful picture.

Even Gao Tianhua in the audience was stunned.

Zhonghuang Qingxue?

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