"Aren't you singing?"


"You seem to still talk about cross talk?"


"Then, are you ready to become a director now?"


Li Xiaoqin looked at Zou Wenping without believing.

"Are you going to be a director? Why did you choose Xianxia?"

Zou Wenping thought for a moment.

"Some time ago, I just participated in a fairy-xia drama called "Gu Jian Qi Tan"."

"Next Monday, it will be broadcast on the Mango Channel, the prime time."

"I believe this drama will definitely bring the craze of Xianxia drama."

"So, I want to seize the opportunity when this craze comes!"

Looking at Zou Wenping's self-confidence.

Li Xiaoqin nodded.

Smiled slightly.

"What did you say just now?"

"Seize the opportunity!"

"No, the sentence you said at the beginning."

"I want to take it!"

"Get out! Not this sentence, in the next sentence."

Zou Wenping immediately understood what Li Xiaoqin meant.

So smiled.

"I want to make a movie, and I hope I can invite you to participate in it!"

Li Xiaoqin smiled sweetly.

"I agreed!"


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

Thousands of rivers and mountains are always in love, can you get some flowers? .

Chapter 246:

Zou Wenping looked at Li Xiaoqin with some doubts.

"Didn't you say that you don't plan to take the show for the time being?"

Li Xiaoqin sneered.

"Suddenly thought about it again, what's the matter, can't it?"

"Or, I'll regret it again!"

Zou Wenping waved his hands again and again.

"I was wrong, I was wrong!"

"You must not go back, otherwise I won't find someone more suitable for this role than you!"

Li Xiaoqin thought for a while and wanted to ask.

"You mean I'm acting as the heroine. What's the female number?"

For these words, directly ask Zou Wenping-live.

How to answer it better?

"Although in the order of appearance, you played-the female second."

"But, the weight of your play is not lost at all, the female number one!"

"In this play, I don't want to distinguish between the female one and the female as clearly as other scripts."

Li Xiaoqin nodded.

There was still a trace of disappointment in my heart.

Because most of her plays are female second.

Occasionally there are a few female firsts, which are still not very popular TV series.

So it caused her tepid status.


This is a TV series directed and acted by Zou Wenping.

Can you go from unfamiliar to familiar? Just watch this TV show.


"Can you send me part of the script first and take a look at it first?"

Zou Wenping nodded.

"Of course this is fine."

"The script is in my phone. I'll send it to you later."

Li Xiaoqin nodded.

Then thought of something, smiled.

"Today's flower cake, I want to eat yours!"

Zou Wenping smiled.

"Absolutely no problem, enough flower cake tube!"


In the lotus pond, a few people happily picking lotus, lotus and water chestnut.

Looking back, I saw two people walking slowly behind the team.

Teacher He raised his arms and shouted.

"You two, come here, we have a lot of things!"

Zou Wenping and Li Xiaoqin looked at each other.

"Let's go!"

"By the way, can you keep me secret about the things I want to be a director?"

Li Xiaoqin was shocked.

"Why? Shouldn't this kind of thing create momentum?"

Zou Wenping shook his head.

"You know, this is my first time as a director, and I still want to keep a secret!"

Li Xiaoqin nodded.

"Okay, I promise you!"

Come to the pond.

I saw that they had picked a lot of lotus, lotus and water chestnut.

Looking at Reba who was peeling the lotus and eating it by the lotus pond.

After seeing Zou Wenping, he waved the lotus in his hand and smiled.

"Wenping, would you like to eat lotus pom? I'll peel it for you!"

Zou Wenping asked with a smile.

"Reba, do you know?"

"Your current scene, I think of an ancient poem!"


Upon hearing this.

Reba came interested.

Asked quickly.

"Ancient poem?"

"Which one?"

"Xishi Huansha? Or Diaochan worshiping the moon?"

Others also came interested.

Let’s listen and see how Zou Wenping plans to praise Reba.

Zou Wenping gave a light cough.

He looked at the mushroom house in the distance.

Slowly recite.

"The eaves are low, and the stream is green.

The drunk Wu Yinxiang is charming, and the white-haired Weng-mai.

Daer is hoeing beans in the east, and Zhonger is weaving chicken coops. "

At the last sentence, Zou Wenping pointed to Reba.

Said with a smile.

"I like rascals the most, and peeling the lotus in Xitou."

Reba still admired it with a smile at first.

But soon I noticed something was wrong.

The last sentence is clearly stunned!

Reba scolded with a smile.

"Zou Wenping, dare you say that I am a rascal!"

"You are the rascal!"

"Punished you not to have dinner tonight!"

This was originally a Song poem by Xin Qiji.


It describes the idyllic scenery.

However, what Zou Wenping wants is the last sentence.

I like the rascals of children the most, Xitou lying down and peeling the lotus!

It is simply a true portrayal of Reba who is peeling off the lotus!

Teacher He said with a smile.

"This Song Ci, the first two sentences are simply written by our mushroom house."

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