Deng Ziqi wanted to answer that she could fly over tomorrow!


She has a job, and many fans have bought tickets. She is responsible to the fans!

Zou Wenping smiled.

"Is it done in one month?"

"so fast!"

"I'm waiting for you! I just happen to have another song. I want you to sing it."


I heard that Zou Wenping was willing to wait.

Deng Ziqi is so excited!

Then I heard that Zou Wenping wrote another song for himself to sing.

More excited.

"What song is it?"

Zou Wenping thought for a moment.

said laughingly.

"I'm making a TV. It's the theme song in this TV show."

"I think your voice is very suitable for this song, so I plan to invite you to sing it!"

··0 Seeking flowers 0···

"I wonder if you have time? Would you like to sing and sing!"

Deng Ziqi nodded as soon as he heard this!

"Yes! I am willing to sell myself!"

After speaking, Deng Ziqi realized that she had said something wrong.

The pretty face flushed suddenly.

Zou Wenping smiled lightly.

"Selling? It's not that exaggerated, it's selling at best!"

Hear Zou Wenping's ridicule.

Deng Ziqi's face turned redder.

My image!

Zou Wenping smiled.

"Then I won't bother you."

"I am waiting for you in Xia Guo!"

Deng Ziqi nodded.

"Okay, then we'll see you in a month!"

Zou Wenping said with a smile.

"Goodbye, little girl who sings!"


Heard this.

Deng Ziqi went crazy like a little milk cat.

"Ohhhhhh! I just spoke too fast and said something wrong!"

"If you say more, I will be angry!"

Although it is angry.

But in the voice, there is no anger at all, but it feels a lot of shyness.

How do you say it, so shameful words.

Oh, my image is completely ruined!

Zou Wenping didn't take those words to heart.

Maybe it's Gen Reba, who is playing too much.

Immunity to these irrelevant words has already developed.

He shrugged and smiled.

"Okay, I was wrong. I'm hanging up!"

"See you!"

After hanging up.

Deng Ziqi's face is full of happiness and joy.

Unexpectedly, I was able to receive a call from Zou Wenping today.

Is today my lucky day?

One month later, I can meet again.

Not only did he chorus "Little Dimple", he also gave me a new song.

What kind of song would such a talented person write?


So happy, isn't it a dream?

Deng Ziqi took a bite on her white arm.

Whoops, it hurts!

Not a dream, great!


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

Thousands of rivers and mountains are always in love, can you get some flowers! three.

Mime private 347

In Hengdian Hotel.

After Zou Wenping hung up the phone.

Originally wanted to call Li Jian.

"A Thousand Miles Away" does not need to be re-recorded.

Because I was participating in the finals of "I Am a Singer".

Also known as the Night of the King of Singers.


What everyone showed was absolute strength.

"A Thousand Miles Away" was recorded by Zou Wenping and Li Jian three days in advance.

After several tunings, I sang it back and forth several times.

The final song effect is very satisfactory.

Now the original recorded, lossless music is still in Zou Wenping's USB flash drive.

Just give Li Jian a notice, and then pay some fees to Li Jian to use it.

Taking into account that the distance is just to release the film, there is still a month.

Zou Wenping decided to contact Li Jian when the film "Six Nine Zero" was about to be released.

Some other songs need to be re-recorded.

After Deng Ziqi comes, let's record again!

Yang Mi will inform again after a while.

You can’t help but say hello to the boss about the record release.

But he was not so anxious.

The matter is almost processed, see if the time is approaching twelve o'clock in the morning.

There are still many things to do.

Zou Wenping rested early.


The next morning, Lao Mouzi went through WeChat.

Send the address of today's audition to Zou Wenping.

According to the address, Zou Wenping set off.

But the place of audition is not a hotel under construction.

But on the set!

In the film and television city, there are many antique buildings.

Among them is a building called Qin Palace!

This was established after referring to a lot of information.

The Qin Palace occupies a vast area.

Especially the main palace inside.

Xianyang Palace!

The momentum is magnificent, showing how domineering Qin Shihuang swept Liuhe back then!

The long bridge lies in the waves, and the road travels through the sky.

If the space is large, unfamiliar people will even get lost in it.

There is a saying in Hengdian: If you don't come to the Palace of Qin, come to the film and television city in vain!

The film and television city occupies a very large area, and it is the scale of a town.

From the place where "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" was filmed, to the Palace of Qin.

It takes an hour to drive.

Of course, it is also because, in the movie studio, cars can't improve the speed.

When we arrived at the Palace of Qin, a deputy director was already waiting there.

Under his guidance, Zou Wenping came to an office.

As soon as he entered the door and saw the people inside, Zou Wenping was shocked!

Damn it!

Liang Awei!

Zhang Manyu!

Zhang Ziyi!

Chen Mingming!

Donnie Yen!

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