"They also signed it, and the two of us also pressed their fingerprints!"

"By the way, Zou Wenping even recorded a video!"

"If you really forget, I will post this video on my Weibo to help you remember your memories?"

Are you shameless?

Yang Mi had long thought of a good move and dealt with her.

If you have been bitten by snakes more times, you will know how to deal with snakes!


After listening to Yang Mi's words.

Yang Tianbao immediately persuaded.

"Don't, don't post it online!"

"Agreement, me, I remember!"

"Ha, haha. I've been too busy lately, I forgot about it!"

If the video of signing the agreement is posted online, it will be fine!

Don't talk about her, even Huang Aming's reputation will be damaged.

Is the loss of reputation?

Do not.

That's money!

Yang Mi asked for confirmation.

"I remembered?"

Yang Tianbao nodded.

"Hmm, remember it!"

These words hurt her.

Yang Mi said while the iron was hot.

"In this case, I will ask my agent to contact the three endorsements in a while."

"I hope you don't block it!"

"By the way, I forgot to tell you. Our conversation, I recorded the whole process!"

"If anything happens, I will post the recordings and videos online!"

"So, I advise you to abide by the agreement!"

Strike a snake and hit seven inches!

Yang Tianbao's seven inches, pinched by Yang Mi!

Even her retreat was blocked!

Yang Tianbao said angrily.

"Yang Mi, don't go too far!"

"Don't you think it is despicable to do this?"


Yang Mi raised her eyebrows.

Said with a smile.


"Baby, do you think it's mean for me to do this?"

"But how do I remember that these are the tricks you have used on me?"

"This is what I call, to treat the person's body by his own way!"

Heard this.

Yang Tianbao was immediately dumb 697 speechless!

She looked at the room, she was alone now.

There is no one around who can advise her.

Against Yang Mi alone, she really has no chance of winning!

"I, I get it!"

Yang Mi warned.

"Stop thinking about tricks."

"Even if your Huang Aming comes, it's a loss!"

At the beginning, Yang Mi had a lot of endorsements to talk about.

After Yang Tianbao learned about it, he used all kinds of methods, and he came up with a set of openly and secretly.

In the end, several endorsements were taken away.

Because of Huang Aming's backing, there is no big deal.

It's hard for Yang Mi to tear her face apart.

Now, let her finally seize the opportunity to fight back!

These three endorsements are competing over.

It not only fills up the loss caused by Yang Tianbao's snatching of the endorsement before.

Also made a lot of money!

There can be such a result.

It's all because I have a good man!

When "Gu Jian Qi Tan" was still in the audition stage, it was already predicted to be behind!

Next time you meet, you have to "reward and reward" him!

Zou Wenping never expected that he was in a duel with Yang Tianbao.

Yang Mi will actually win with a crushing attitude!


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

There is true love in the world, and a flower is also love! .

Chapter 359:

After hanging up Yang Mi's call.

Yang Tianbao is going crazy!

In the room, smashed hysterically!

She has regretted her intestines now, why did she sign that agreement in the first place!

Moreover, I am too stupid.

Unexpectedly, Yang Mi didn't notice her own routine.

I have used it before!

I really often walk by the river, how can I not wet shoes!

Yang Tianbao immediately dialed Huang Aming's phone.


Huang Aming who is still on the stage at Yanjing.

Hearing what his wife said, he immediately found a place with no one.

"Oh, I told you all, let you not provoke you, that woman Yang Mi!"

"You don't want to think about it, being able to get mixed up in the entertainment industry."

"Will someone who can still own their own company be an ordinary artist?"

"Before you were able to **** a few endorsements from her, it was entirely because she looked at my face and didn't do anything."

"However, the relationship between the two of us has deteriorated a long time ago."

"So he can deal with you unscrupulously! You, I don't know how to converge!"

As soon as Yang Tianbao heard this, he became angry.

Immediately akimbo, and said loudly.

"I was bullied by Yang Mi. If you don't comfort me, you still go to help the woman Yang Mi speak!"

"I've seen something wrong between the two of you a long time ago and said! Do you have a leg between the two of you!"


Upon hearing this, Huang Aming was also a little angry.

He knew that Yang Tianbao was sulking, so he vented.

So I took a breath and let myself not get excited.

"Baby, what are you thinking about?"

"Except for you, there will be no other women in my heart!"

Except Liu Tianxian.

Those big watery eyes and fair skin.


In less than two months, the two of us can cooperate!

Yang Tianbao asked obediently.


"Of course it's true! When did I fool you `々?"

"Well, I believe you for the time being. What should I do now?"

"What do you do?" Huang Aming asked in confusion.

Upon hearing this.

Yang Tianbao was on fire again, grabbed the lipstick on the table and threw it on the ground!

"Of course it's the endorsement business!"

"Am I really just like this, handing over to Yang Mi?"

"You know, how do I like these three endorsements?"

Huang Aming curled his lips.

Which endorsement do you dislike?

These three endorsements have greater interests, so I like them even more!

If you want to return, you still have to comfort you.

"Baby, things are already like this, don't think about the three endorsements!"

"Yang Mi has a video in her hand, and a phone recording."

"It's equivalent to saying that she has grabbed seven inches of you."

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