Zou Wenping nodded slightly.


Deng Ziqi gasped.

Zou Wenping is talented, this is what he admits.

But to be able to cooperate with Cheng Long, this is a bit exaggerated!

To know.

Cheng Long is not only a business card of Xia Guo, but also a benchmark among Chinese artists!

Most artists, when they mention Cheng Long, they have to respectfully shout, Cheng Long brother!

Can such an outstanding figure find Zou Wenping?

It is unimaginable!

Seeing Deng Ziqi's surprised expression, Zou Wenping didn't care about "seventy three".

Because of this kind of thing, when other people hear it, it's the same reaction.

Zou Wenping told Deng Ziqi about the cause and effect of the incident.

After listening to Zou Wenping's words.

Deng Ziqi seemed to be listening to a fantasy story.

Digested for a long time.


"Lao Mouzi actually asked you to make a movie! And I still cooperate with the legendary celebrities and queens like Liang Awei, Chen Daoming, and Zhang Manyu!"

"And it's partly finished now!"

"I don't know yet!"

He looked incredible.

She used to think that Zou Wenping was a treasure boy.

Digging a little bit will reveal some treasure to you.

Now she found out.

Zou Wenping is more like a story book.

Every time you turn a few pages, you can find different surprises!

Moreover, it is still that kind of thick story book!

"So you plan to let me sing with you, that "Beautiful Myth"?"

Zou Wenping nodded.

"This song, Brother Cheng Long, has urged me for a long time."

"Called the other day to talk about this."

"So I have been waiting for you to come back and sing this song with me!"

Deng Ziqi was shocked.

Qiao's face blushed.

"wait for me?"

"Yes, you are the most talented singer I know!"


The main reason is that he doesn't know a few female singers at all.

And Deng Ziqi's strength is obvious to all.

A rare talent in the Chinese music scene!

Zou Wenping thought for a while and asked.

"By the way, do you speak Korean?"


Deng Ziqi was shocked.

A little embarrassed to say.

"For foreign languages, I only speak English."

"Korean, there will be a word of Smecta!"

"Oh, there is another Oppa!"

"Why are you asking this? Is there any Korean language in this song?"

Seeing Deng Ziqi's mischievous expression when she said this.

Zou Wenping was happy.

But it's not surprising. After all, there are not many people who specialize in learning Korean.

And, to be honest, he doesn't really want to sing, the Korean version of "The Beautiful Myth."

Whether it was Kim Chongguo's time or the international airport's time.

No Korean people left a good impression on him.

Similarly, Zou Wenping also believes that the Korean people's impression of him will not be too good!

Since Deng Ziqi doesn't speak Korean, then just start the pure Chinese version!

Zou Wenping smiled.

"It's nothing, you are acting in a group around the world, I thought you could speak the languages ​​of many countries!"

Deng Ziqi was also happy.

Pointing to the food on the table.

"I like to eat all these dishes, do I have to know how to cook them all!"

Zou Wenping smiled and nodded.

"This can be!"

After chatting for a while, Zou Wenping and Deng Ziqi agreed to start recording the song the day after tomorrow!

Deng Ziqi also has other jobs, which take up too much time and are not suitable.


Before coming to Hengdian, Deng Ziqi's assistant had already booked the hotel.

After returning to the hotel where he stayed.

Deng Ziqi lay on the bed with excitement.

Great, today is a date!

Although the guy Wenping didn't make it clear, then I would treat it as a date!

At least the relationship, compared to the time of the concert, is a step further!

For several days, when working together.

Hope the relationship can heat up again!

Oh my god, what am I thinking?

I'm a girl, so be reserved!


In the hotel where the crew of "Sword" stayed.

Liu Tianxian's eyes are red, nestled in the room..0

Li Xiaoqin was comforting her in Liu Tianxian's room.

"Yifei, don't worry, maybe things are not what we thought!"

Liu Tianxian shook his head.

"I kept telling myself that maybe the two of them are just ordinary friends."

"But, I don't know why. Seeing them two together makes me feel very uncomfortable."

"The uncontrollable discomfort! Am I too jealous?"

Li Xiaoqin took a breath.

What is this called?

The two of us are rivals in love, so it's better now.

I want to comfort you this rival in love!


Liu Tianxian whispered.

"If you and Wenping were together, I wouldn't be uncomfortable."

"But with that Deng Ziqi, I just can't accept it, and I don't know why?"

Li Xiaoqin nodded.

She also has this strange feeling.

Liu Tianxian and the others are in a rivalry relationship, this matter has been confirmed.

Both want to compete with Zou Wenping.

But who has seen two rivals holding each other sad, and then one rival comforting the other?

Is this a relationship between rivals or sisters?

"It may be because the two of us are fighting for peace, which belongs to the civil war."

"The appearance of Deng Ziqi is a bit like a foreign invasion!"

"That's why we have a feeling of being in unison with the outside world, the same hatred of the enemy!"

0.3 heard this.

Liu Tianxian was stunned and stopped crying.

God is invaded by foreigners!

Good history!

"Xiaoqin, if..."

"I mean if."

"If Wen Ping can like both of us at the same time, I am willing to accept you!"


Li Xiaoqin raised her eyebrows, unexpectedly Liu Tianxian would say this.

Although the marriage law in this world allows polygamy, or polyandry.

However, most people have some emotional cleanliness.

There are very few marriages that are truly willing to accept this kind of marriage.


Today is absolutely guaranteed!

Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

Thousands of rivers and mountains are always in love, can you get some flowers? .

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