After making a decision, Zou Wenping got up to wash.

There are still some scenes that need to be filmed today, so you can't be lazy!


When the filming of "Legend of Sword and Fairy" was proceeding step by step.

On the Internet, it has already exploded.

Zou Wenping, who had been gone for a long time, finally posted on Weibo!

And it also brings a breaking news.

He is going to release an album!

That Zou Wenping, who has sung countless, well-known songs, is finally about to officially sing!

Zou Wenping's fans are boiling.

Heat once again lifted his name to the top of the hot search.

"Lying in a big trough, Brother Ping will have to be almost three months old, and he hasn't appeared in the news anymore. 々!"

"I thought Brother Ping was hidden by the snow?"

"The last time it appeared was in a video."

"Not only did we post on Weibo this time, but also brought a very hot news. He is going to release an album!"

"I'm in tears. I finally waited until the day when Brother Ping released the album. It's really a lifetime!"

"Brother Ping, hurry up and release the album, I want to buy it!"


Compared with the reactions of netizens.

The management of the major music platforms all hurriedly opened the meeting.

Cool Dog, Cool E, Net Yi, Penguin.

All are discussing closely.

Who is the hottest person on the Internet today?

Zou Wenping!

This name is almost a frequent visitor to the hot search list.

The TV series played broke the ratings record, and also boarded the stage of the opening ceremony of the Expo.

His song is like a star in the dark night, refreshing.


Except for "An Ordinary Day" and "Jianxin", he has never officially released a song.

What's played on the platform is all the audio extracted from the live broadcast by netizens.

It is completely incomparable to the music that has been adjusted and refined in the recording studio.

Now, Wenping Zou decided to post a song!

His appeal in music is absolutely obvious to all.

Being able to win him over is of great benefit to the music platform.

It is conceivable.

Nowadays, many music platforms are moving in response to the wind, striving for this sweet pastry.


at the same time.

Mango TV Building, the leader of the planning department responsible for the procurement of TV dramas.

After seeing the news on Weibo.

Look at the ratings data in the background.

The hit broadcast of "Gu Jian Qi Tan" broke the ratings record of Mango Channel.

However, except for the first few episodes of the urban dramas that have been filed.

Thanks to the popularity of Gu Jian, it has maintained a relatively high ratings.

After that, it fell all the way, to the point where it is pitiful now.

In fact, it is a bit too much to say poor.

Because under normal circumstances, the ratings of the prime files are all this number.


Due to the appearance of "Gu Jian Qi Tan", the director of the planning department has expectations for the ratings.

Beads and jade are in front, and wooden caskets are behind.

Having seen better works, it is difficult to accept the ordinary works before.

When I watched the video circulating on the Internet before.

I saw the figures of Zou Wenping and Liu Tianxian inside.

It is certain that these two people are filming a TV series.

Zou Wenping has now become a person with a rating number (Zhao's) charisma.

At that time, the supervisor got in touch with Yang Mi.

The answer was that Zou Wenping invested and directed the TV series himself.

The decision is in the hands of Zou Wenping, and neither Yang Mi nor the company intends to participate.

After getting in touch with Zou Wenping, Zou Wenping believes that the film and television dramas are still in the early stages of filming and do not intend to talk about it.

Still wait until later in the shooting to negotiate.

Counting now, this film and television drama has been filmed for almost three months.

It should be late.

To show sincerity.

The supervisor personally called Zou Wenping.


Sorry, there are only seven changes, fifteen thousand words.

Today seems to be Qixi Festival.

I wish the readers the ability to be in pairs, two nights and two nights...I am afraid that I will be sentenced to violation of the rules when the following words are written.

Also send some flowers to the author. I want to make a wreath for my ex-girlfriend. .

Mime private 395

Zou Wenping, who was busy shooting, raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw the call on his mobile phone.

This is the phone number of the manager of the planning department of Mango Channel, who have contacted each other before.

"Little Zou, it's me, Director Tao."

"Hello Director Tao, I have saved your number."

"Well, I'm calling you this, I mainly want to ask, how is the shooting of Xianjian?"

After hearing this, Zou Wenping knew what the purpose of the supervisor was calling.

"Not counting today, we will be finished in three days."

Director Tao followed immediately.

"Then look, when shall we talk about buying dramas."

Zou Wenping thought for a moment.

"Then wait until the day of finalization."

Director Tao replied.

"Well, I will personally take the contract with me when the time comes!"

After hanging up.

The corner of Zou Wenping's mouth raised, and Yang Mi, this guy, was really accurate.

Before the director Tao, he called and asked about the purchase of this TV series.

Zou Wenping did not reply immediately, but instead asked Yang Mi.

Yang Mi does not recommend talking about buying dramas at that time.

Although "Gu Jian Qi Tan" was on the air at the time.

However, Zou Wenping's reputation is relatively small compared to many celebrities with 720 stars.

And in terms of TV dramas, the appeal of ratings has not yet been fully demonstrated.

If you talk about buying at that time, you will probably not get the ideal price.

This is talking about business.

Zou Wenping wants to sell at a high price, and Mango Terrace wants to buy it at a low price.

In order to increase your bargaining chips, it is best to wait until the closing date is near.

After Zou Wenping has accumulated a certain amount of bargaining chips in his hands, he will discuss this matter again.

It turns out.

Yang Mi is right.

Three months later, "Gu Jian Qi Tan" starring Zou Wenping broke the highest viewing record on Mango Channel.

Participated in the opening ceremony of the World Expo, singing "Blue and White Porcelain" made people keep applauding.

Lao Mouzi asked him to make a movie.

Bearded asked him to act in a TV series.

Even Cheng Long came to make an appointment with him.

These can be used as bargaining chips for Zou Wenping to increase prices when negotiating with Mango Taiwan.

In fact, from Zou Wenping's own perspective, it doesn't matter how much "Legend of Sword and Fairy" sells.

His purpose is to make money.

However, from the perspective of investors (caad), besides him, there are two investors Gao Tianhua and Yang Mi in this TV series.

So letting the fairy sword sell at a high price is also a reward for this one.

If you can sell at a high price, you can also harvest a wave of prestige points. Why not?


It didn't take long for the director Tao to hang up.

There was another call.


unknown number?

Is it a harassing call?

Zou Wenping picked it up carefully.

"Hello, who is it?"

A very polite voice came from the other end of the phone.

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