Zou Wenping didn't know what happened, and walked over in confusion.

Crouching down in front of her, asked concerned.

"Yifei, why are you crying? Who is bullying you?"

Heard this.

Liu Tianxian looked at Zou Wenping with teary eyes.

A voice told herself in her mind that if she missed tonight, she would never have a chance.

At this time.

What Li Xiaoqin said at the time also appeared in her mind.

"It really doesn't work, you must bow your bow hard!"


Liu Tianxian's eyes suddenly became tough.

She took the lyrics in her hand to the desktop!

Zou Wenping was taken aback, before he had time to react to what was going on.

Liu Tianxian has already kissed.



Zou Wenping looked at the ceiling, lost in thought.

Why is this happening?

I obviously just wanted to teach Liu Tianxian the song "Butterfly Love", why did it become.

Just now, Zou Wenping can indeed push Liu Tianxian away.

It's just that sentence that made Zou Wenping not know what to do.

Liu Tianxian buried his head very deep and asked anxiously.

"Do you think I am a very frivolous woman?"

Zou Wenping shook his head quickly.

"How come, you are the fairy sister!"

"The goddess in the minds of countless people, you are noble, elegant, and inhumane!"

Liu Tianxian gave a wry smile.

"But I am more of a woman, and I also long for love!"

"I'm very timid, very cowardly!"

"Even if I have been mentally building myself for three months, I still dare not express my feelings to you."


Zou Wenping was taken aback for a moment.

"Three months, so from the beginning..."

Liu Tianxian nodded..0

"Otherwise, why do you think I, abandon the bearded "The Legend of Condor Heroes", and choose your fairy sword!"

"Why would I, starring in this play with zero pay!"

Zou Wenping blinked.

Answered very seriously.

"Because I look good!"


A topic that was originally quite serious was so mixed up by Zou Wenping.

Liu Tianxian couldn't help but laughed, lying on Zou Wenping's shoulder, taking a bite!

Zou Wenping yelled.

"Oh, you are a cat!"

"How come you bite at every turn?"

Liu Tianxian let go of his mouth, pouting his mouth.

Looking at Zou Wenping scoldingly.

"Who let you bully me!"

"I want to know, have you never thought about it, do you like me?"

"I waited for three months and hinted to you many times, but I didn't wait for your action."

After hearing this, Zou Wenping was silent.

I closed my eyes and thought about it, a performance by Liu Tianxian in the past three months.

After realizing this, he shouted in surprise.

"Really, you did hint a few times."

"So that's what you said!"

Liu Tianxian said angrily.

"You won't just react now, will you?"


What kind of wood bump is this!

Zou Wenping said wrongly.

"Your abnormal 0.3 performance, I was a little strange at the time."

"Just, why would I think about this?"

"You are a tall fairy sister, and I am a fledgling newcomer."

"The famous Liu Tianxian will like me?"

"This kind of ancient swords and strange things, no, this kind of strange things, would you believe it for you?"

Liu Tianxian nodded thoughtfully.


It's hard to believe this kind of thing now.

However, now Liu Tianxian doesn't care anymore.

She was very satisfied.

At least her floating heart finally found a harbor.

Her heart is docked!


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket! .

Mime private 398

the next morning.

Liu Tianxian secretly ran back to his room, put on his usual clothes, and returned to Zou Wenping's room.

After last night.

The big rock depressed in Liu Tianxian's heart completely disappeared.

At this moment, her mental outlook seemed to be completely reborn.

Zou Wenping asked with a smile.

"Can I learn songs today?"

""Butterfly Love" is a very important song in the fairy sword."

"Except you, no one can sing this song!"

The door to the room is closed now.

Liu Tianxian didn't have much scruples, first love was always like glue.

She gently kissed Zou Wenping's forehead.

"When is your mouth so sweet!"

"Why is this song called "Butterfly Love"?"

"Why can't I feel that there is a plot between Ling'er and Xiaoyao that will use this song."

Zou Wenping scratched her pretty nose lightly.

"This song is not used by Ling'er and Xiaoyao."

"It's Yueru's cousin, Liu Jinyuan and Caiyi's theme song."

Ah? 20

After hearing this, Liu Tianxian began to recall the plot in the fairy sword script.

Although she has read the script several times, the focus is still on Zhao Linger's plot.

I have seen other plots, but my memory is not so deep.

The same goes for other actors, when watching the script.

Willingly or unconsciously, focus on the role you want to play.

After reminiscing for a short while, Liu Tianxian remembered.

"It's that story!"

After the ten-year agreement.

Liu Jinyuan returned to his hometown while passing a forest.

I met a butterfly and hit a spider web.

The spider slowly approached the butterfly to eat her.

Liu Jinyuan couldn't bear this scene, so he rescued Butterfly.

Who would have thought that these two are monsters, but they didn't show the original features of the monsters.

The spider spirit resented, and Liu Jinyuan interrupted his meal.

That butterfly essence has thousands of years of doctrine, and eating butterfly essence is a great tonic for oneself!

Now, the duck with its mouth flew away.

So the spider spirit jumped onto Liu Jinyuan's hand and took a bite.

Liu Jinyuan was poisoned by the demon, no matter how physical medicine he was, he couldn't save him.

At this time, the escaped butterfly spirit turned into a human form and named herself Caiyi.

Go to Liu Mansion and use his own practice to suppress the evil poison.

She understands that life-saving grace should be promised by the body.

Later, he married Liu Jinyuan, gave Liu Jinyuan medicine every day, and injected his own cultivator in it.

It's just that the spider is the butterfly's nemesis, and her demon can only be suppressed by Caiyi, but it can't be resolved.

However, Liu Jinyuan did not understand this, thinking that Caiyi was secretly harming him.

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