"I'll go to your room at night!"

Zou Wenping froze for a moment, then laughed.

Secretly handed the secondary card to the door.

"Then I am waiting for you!"


After half an hour.

Zhao Liying walked out of the bamboo house.

Look at her complexion, it's much better than before.

Zou Wenping asked with a smile.

"Are you feeling better?"

Zhao Liying nodded.

"Well, it's okay, you can shoot."

After hearing this, Zou Wenping called the makeup artist.

She has been sad for so long, and makeup has long been crying.

Fortunately, there are no messes about hairstyles or anything, just touch up makeup.

Miss makeup artist, took Zhao Liying back to the bamboo house, and began to help her with grooming.

at this time.

Zou Wenping's cell phone rang.

Liu Tianxian smiled.

"¨`Your business is so busy today!"

Zou Wenping shrugged.

"No way, good popularity!"

Then answered the phone.

"Hello, Senior Director."

"Little Zou, how is the shooting of Xianjian?"

"Counting the shots to be taken in a while, there are still two scenes left, and they will definitely be finished tomorrow!"

"Very good, let me tell you something. Lantai and Dongfangtai called me today."

"Lantai and Dongfangtai?"

"Yes, they all want to buy your play!"


Zou Wenping raised his eyebrows.

"They want to buy too?"

At this time, he remembered that he had just talked with the supervisor of Mango Taitao.

Director Tao asked if any other TV stations had called.

It seems that he has received some news.

No wonder he would call at such a late hour.

However, the calls from Lantai and Dongfang TV were not made to Zou Wenping, but to Gao Tianhua.

Between TV stations, there is no (Zhao Hao) relationship. You have me, do I have yours?

It was unexpected.

Gao Tianhua said.

"I asked, they knew you were filming after seeing the previous video."

"I saw your Weibo about the album that day, and found that your popularity was very high. I think your drama is about to be finished after calculating the time."

"When they searched for information about the show, they found that I was also one of the investors, so they came to me."

"I didn't reply to them immediately, but asked them to come to the studio for an interview tomorrow."

Heard this.

Zou Wenping smiled.

"It's such a coincidence, Director Tao from the Mango Terrace also called me."

"I also made an appointment tomorrow!"

"Then I can ask them to bid for a bid tomorrow!"


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

Thousands of rivers and mountains are always in love, can you come with a flower! .

Mime private 415

Zou Wenping and Gao Tianhua talked a few words and hung up the phone after confirming the time for tomorrow.

At this time, Zhao Liying's makeup was also patched up.

Tang Yu Xiaobao's actor has also been in place.

Her final movie, because of the willingness of Sister Sun, was delayed for a long time, and finally could be filmed.


Zhao Liying's finale is a marriage proposal.

It was Anu who proposed to Tang Yu Xiaobao.

Before this episode, there were many tragedies.

Worship the Lord of the Moon, do not believe that there is love in the world.

So I took the feelings between Anu and Tang Yu as a test subject.

Using various methods every time, the two people were forced into desperation.

The two helped each other and cared for each other by virtue of their love for each other.

In the end, the danger was turned into a breeze again and again.

Seeing this scene, the **** of worship still didn't believe it, so he decided to make a cruel experiment.

He drugged Anu and controlled her.

Then asked Anu to hold a poisonous dagger and stabbed Tang Yu Xiaobao's arms.

In order to save his life, Tang Yu Xiaobao concentrated his internal strength on his arms.

Blow up your arms with internal force!

Not only that.

The Lord of Moon Worship also instigated A730 Slave to kill his father, Jiu Jian Xian!

that's it.

Under the control of the Lord of the Moon.

Anu injured his favorite person and killed his father at the same time!

Li Xiaoyao and others rescued Anu.

Back to the Bai Miao ethnic group.

And use magic to get Anu out of the control of the moon worshiper.

I was worried that Anu would think of cutting off Tang Yu's arm and killing his own father.

I'm afraid she won't be able to stand it.

Everyone was silent, and at the same time treated Anu very well.

Although Tang Yu broke his arm, he pretended to be indifferent and very happy when facing Anu.

The next scene to be shot.

It was Anu talking to Tang Yu Xiaobao late at night.

Found that he was practicing Kung Fu in the bamboo forest.

Although his arms were broken by Anu, he never resented Anu.

Because Tang Yu understood that Anu at that time was controlled by the moon.

Although he lost his arms, he still had to protect Anu.

Of course, this part of the bamboo forest exercise is done by a substitute.

The actor Tang Yu Xiaobao only needs to show the final (caad) POSS.

This scene was when Zou Wenping came back from the Michelin restaurant.

It was filmed by Director Chen.

Then, Sister Sun came.

Then, Sister Sun was taken away.

The shooting plan was delayed a lot of time.

The next shot was after Tang Yu finished practicing.

Anu went to talk to him and asked him to marry him!

Tang Yu Xiaobao's actor squatted on the ground in a pose that had just finished practicing.

This actor is also hard enough.

Because of this scene, Tang Yu broke both arms.

So his hands are tied to the body.

Leave two empty sleeves.

Zou Wenping sat in the director's seat.

Holding the walkie-talkie, shouted.

"All departments prepare."

"Three, two, one! Start!"


Zhao Liying instantly switched to Anu's state.

I can't see the feeling of depression and tears before.

Completely, just want a grieving beautiful girl.

She happily ran out of the bamboo house.

"Hehe, Tang Yu Xiaobao, you are really amazing!"

Tang Yu Xiaobao closed his posture and stood up.

"It's still much worse than before!"

"But don't worry, I will definitely surpass the past!"

Zhao Liying held Tang Yu Xiaobao's empty sleeves.

A look of sadness.

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