"This is the company's contracted artist dormitory. If you don't have a place to go, you can live there first."

"Guan Xin will come back tomorrow, and I will let her take you when that happens."

Zou Wenping took the card.

At the same time, he wrote down Guan Xin's phone number.

Said to Zhao Liying.

"Let's go, I'll take you to the dormitory!"


The dormitory is in a high-end community nearby.

You need to swipe your card whether you are going upstairs or going downstairs when you take the elevator.

Zou Wenping took Zhao Liying's suitcase and sent her to the room.

Four bedrooms and two halls, each with one bedroom.

However, no one is living in the other three rooms.

Basically, Zhao Liying lives alone.

See this situation.

Zou Wenping thought to himself, would it be lonely to live alone in such a big room?

Do you want to tell her a ghost story?

Someone under the bed, the abnormal noise in the kitchen, the lamp in the toilet.

After listening to these.

Zhao Liying will definitely not feel lonely anymore.

Because she would feel that there are people under the bed, people in the kitchen, toilets, rooms, and living rooms.

It's lively!


He said that, he would definitely scare Zhao Liying into tears, and he had to coax him for a while.

Forget it, let her go.

Zou Wenping put Zhao Liying's suitcase in the bedroom.

Then confessed.

"It's very tiring to shoot the fairy sword during this time."

"You will take a good rest these two days, and wait for your agent to come, see if she can give you, and find some good announcements."

Zhao Liying pointed at Zou Wenping and bowed again.

"Brother Zou, thank you!"

Zou Wenping helped her up.

"Look at you and be so polite to me again."

"By the way, don't call me Brother Zou from now on."

Zhao Liying was slightly startled.

"If you don't call you Brother Zou, what should you call you?"

"By the way, you have become a shareholder of the company. Should I call you Mr. Zou?"

Zou Wenping raised his hand and knocked on Zhao Liying's forehead.

"What Mr. Zou!"

"Stupid, you should call me brother!"


Zhao Li was shocked.


Zou Wenping smiled.

"Yes, in economic companies, everyone is generally called a senior brother, or some kind of elder brother."

"But I think it's better to be called senior brothers and sisters."

"It sounds like the name of a school."

"So, from today, you will be my senior sister, and I will be your senior brother!"

"Don't call me Brother Zou from now on!"

"Junior sister, shout, senior brother, come and listen!"

Heard this.

Zhao Liying's pretty face turned red.


This title is a bit second in the middle.

"Master, brother!"

Zou Wenping smiled.

"Eh! Really good!"

"Then Junior Sister, take a good rest, Senior Brother will leave first!"

After speaking, Zou Wenping left the room.

When he signed the contract, he also had an electronic card for this community.

Therefore, Zou Wenping can take the elevator himself without Zhao Liying's delivery.


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

If you have extra words in your hand, please support the author! three.

Mime private 432

Zou Wenping returned to his car.

The matter of buying shares today, and the matter of signing Zhao Liying.

It turned into a WeChat and sent it to Yang Mi.

Where to go next?

The audition for "The Legend of Condor Heroes" will begin four days later, right?

Where to stay at night?

He didn't want to leave the room of the fairy sword crew.

The room in that hotel is only rented to the crew.

After all, the crew is bought by group.

At that time, just find a hotel in Hengdian to open a room.

He has a lot of things these days.

Tomorrow he is going to sit in town, the post-editing of "Legend of Sword and Fairy".

At the same time, as soon as possible, the MV for the three songs "Happy Sigh", "Rain in June" and "Slaying the Wolf" should be edited out.

When I signed a contract with Kudog and other four major music platforms before.

Zou Wenping promised to cut out the "July 37" MV as soon as possible and hand it over to them.

After signing the contract, Zou Wenping had already let the editing work in the later stage.

With our own supervision, it is estimated that the speed of video editing will be faster!

He also promised Deng Ziqi to edit a MV for her.

I just don't know, when will Cheng Long be able to edit the "Beautiful Myth" MV.

Four days later, we will go to audition for "The Legend of Condor Heroes".

After the audition.

He is going to the desert.

Filming the desert part of "Hero".

It's simply spinning!

Zou Wenping sighed.

At the beginning, how easy it was to just start the business.

Every day is the performance of "Gu Jian Qi Tan", when it's okay, go to the mushroom house to record songs.

Quite leisurely.

Unlike now, one thing after another.

It's no wonder that many artists are so busy that they don't even have time to fall in love.

I don't know if it can be, just like the mushroom house back then, relaxing for a while!

Was thinking about it.

At this moment, he heard the ringing of the phone.

Pick up the phone and have a look.

Can not help but raise an eyebrow.

This is really a rare guest!

The chief director of Mushroom House, Zhang Tong!

Zou Wenping thought slightly.

Zhang Tong called himself at this time, what did he do?

What is certain is that he is absolutely, everything is not going to be in the Three Treasures Hall!

"Hey, Director Zhang! Why do you think of calling me?"

Zou Wenping said heartily.

I thought that Zhang Tong would answer very heartily.

Unexpectedly, on the other end of the phone, Zhang Tong's melancholy voice came.

"Hey, Xiao Zou, what have you been up to lately?"


This sound seems a bit wrong?

Why does it feel like chicken plague?

"I just finished a play and there is nothing wrong now."

Zhang Tong continued to say sadly.

"Are you in Hengdian now?"

"Well, yes."

"I happen to be in Hengdian, can you come over for a while? There is something, I would like to ask you for help!"

"Okay, then you will send me the address in a moment, and I'll go over immediately."

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