Zhang Tong replied.

"Two months later, record in Tyre!"


Zou Wenping raised his eyebrows.

"Taylor? Then my partner will not be a ladyboy?"

After all, this country is a very magical place.

It's a rare trip to this country.

I may have to change my ID card when I come back.

You can become a ladyboy, or you can completely change your gender.

The sentence was genuinely answered.

Five years ago, when I saw you, I was a teenager running in the sunset.

Now, I am the mother of two children!

Zhang Tong smiled.

"How is it possible?"

"However, among the customers who come to eat in the restaurant, there may be ladyboys!"

Heard this.

Zou Wenping came interested.

This is very possible.

After all, he had only heard about the shemale.

But I haven't seen it with my own eyes.

I have heard of shemales, they are more beautiful than many women.

If you see a beautiful woman, you dare not go up and call a beautiful woman.

Think about it, you might see a ladyboy.

Zou Wenping was a little excited!

"Shemale, I like it!"

Zhang Tong glanced at Zou Wenping contemptuously.

"This hobby is quite unique!"

"By the way, who do you want to sign this contract with?"

"Look for Jiaxing Company?"

Zou Wenping shook his head and smiled.

"You can sign with me. I am a person in the company who can sign independently."

Zhang Tong took out the contract from the bag.

Passed it over.

"This is the contract, you can take a look."

Zou Wenping flipped through it briefly.

Then he signed his name.

Zhang Tong hesitated to speak, and finally asked.

"Xiao Zou, you shouldn't, like Huang Aming, let me put my pigeons!"

Heard this.

Zou Wenping originally planned to make a joke.

But look at his worried expression.

Just laughed softly.

"Don't worry. I am a very promised person."

Zou Wenping also thought about it carefully.

Since coming to this world.

He has not left the stroked area.

This time recording a Chinese restaurant is an opportunity for him to break the circle and go international!

Because Tyre is an internationally renowned tourist country.

In that place, there will be people from all over the world.

It is an opportunity to show yourself, and then reap the value of foreign prestige.

Maybe there will be some adventures?

Thinking of these, Zou Wenping couldn't help but start yearning.

"Does it take two months to start recording?"

Zhang Tong nodded.


"Because the restaurant is new from the inside out, although we only use environmentally friendly materials."

"Just in case, I still need to air the smell inside."

Zou Wenping took out his cell phone and flipped through the calendar inside.

"Two months later."

"Huh? Is it October 1st?"

Zhang Tong nodded.

"To be precise, the restaurant officially opened on this day."

"Open until October 30."

"So we have to get there a day earlier."

Zou Wenping put away the phone.

"¨`I wrote it down."

"In just two months, I can handle a lot of things."


After separating from Zhang Tong.

Zou Wenping found a hotel nearby to stay.

Early the next morning.

I went to the post-editing place.

Began to monitor them and process the material taken by Xianjian.

And the editing of the MV.

Finally, three days later, the MV editing of Zou Wenping's two songs was completed.

Deng Ziqi’s "Slaying the Wolf" has to wait a while.

It will take more than a month for the fairy sword to become a film.

Mainly there are a lot of special effects, which is more troublesome to produce.

When Gao Tianhua was filming "Ancient Sword and Strange Tan".

Before shooting, I had had several meetings with the post team.

So the late team had long understood what Gao Tianhua wanted to do.

Before starting up, a rough framework has been made.

"Legend of the Sword and Fairy", Zou Wenping (Zhao Ma's) decided to start shooting three months ago.

The whole time is only three months.

For the late group, this time is a bit tight.

Many early models of special effects have not been produced.

So the filming time is slightly later.

Fortunately, Zou Wenping has already achieved the effect he wants to achieve.

The communication is completed with the entire post team.

The subsequent editing and special effects are all in charge of the production director.

The final film effect.

It will be reviewed by Zou Wenping.

During this period, Zou Wenping did not need to spend here.

He can do other things.

After giving a few more explanations to the production director.

Zou Wenping left the late group.

First, he has to go back to the hotel and hand over the files of the album to four music platforms!


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

Li Bai will want to go on a boat, can you give me some flowers! .

Mime private 435

That afternoon.

Cool Dog, Cool E, Net Yi, Penguin.

Four music platforms simultaneously pushed out screen advertisements.

Looking at the advertisement on the display screen, the image of Zou Wenping.

Netizens are deep-fried!

Since that day.

Zou Wenping posted on Weibo that he was going to release an album.

At that time, the netizens and fans all seemed to have been slapped with blood and stimulants.

Enthusiastically looking forward to it.

After all, the only songs officially released by Zou Wenping are "An Ordinary Day" and "Sword Heart".

The rest are live recorded songs.

The noise of the surrounding audience disturbed some fans who like to listen to music quietly.

Now the album is finally going to be released.

They can finally listen well.


Since then, the issue of Zou Wenping's album has been silent.

Many fans went to Zou Wenping's Weibo, commented and cried.

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