Then pick up the walkie-talkie.

"Attention paparazzi! Attention paparazzi!"

"A plane has arrived at the station now, pay attention to concealment! Over!"


The paparazzi, some hiding in the second floor, some hiding in the corner.

Some picked up a newspaper and made a hole in it to expose the lens.

Anyway, each shows his magical powers.

When shooting celebrities, you have to hide well.

Otherwise, it is difficult to capture the best shots.


The exit of the airport.

Zou Wenping and Liu Tianxian, who are wearing disguise outfits, are holding hands.

Wandering leisurely in the courtyard, walking slowly.

They enjoy this comfortable feeling.

Anyway, the base camp will not be recorded until tomorrow.

There is no need to worry too much today.

Countless travelers passed by the two of them.

No one could have imagined that the two of them turned out to be famous stars.

Looking at the crowd coming and going.

Liu Tianxian smiled happily

"¨`I have never walked leisurely at the airport like I am now."

"Every time it is an assistant and an agent, with a team of security guards, opening the way in front."

"Hand in hand with someone you like in public is something you can't even think of!"

"Unexpectedly, today, these are all realized!"


Liu Tianxian happily put his head on Zou Wenping's shoulder.

Although Liu Tianxian wears a disguise outfit.

However, Zou Wenping could still feel Liu Tianxian's smile under the disguise.

He reached out and rubbed Liu Tianxian's head.

"This feeling of freedom is very comfortable, right?"

"So every time I go out, I wear a disguise."

"There is no need to bring an assistant, no agent, not to mention a security guard, or even a fan (Zhao Lihao) silk."

"How happy to be alone, relaxed and free!"

Liu Tianxian nodded in agreement.

"Every time I go out, I am surrounded by a group of people."

"Actually I want more space!"

"Teach me some more profound disguise skills tonight."

"When I go out to play in the future, I won't have to bring an assistant and an agent anymore."

Zou Wenping thought for a while.

A wicked smile.

"Teach you, yes, yes."

"But you have to pay some tuition fees!"

Although Zou Wenping's face is disguised, but through his tone of particles.

Liu Tianxian immediately understood the meaning of her words.

Lifting his little foot, he stomped heavily on the surface of his feet!

"Humph, ignore you!"

After speaking, he deliberately left Zou Wenping and walked forward!


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket! .

Mime private 465

In the airport lobby.

The paparazzi are still squatting hard.

"I think many passengers have come out, why are they so slow? Over!"

"Are you sure it's this flight? Is the flight information wrong? Over!"

"It shouldn't be wrong, this is Brother Zhuo, bought from the airlines! Over!"

"That is not necessarily all correct, unless it is given by the brokerage company, otherwise there is an error rate! Over!"

"Yes, last time we guarded Xie Tingfeng, the fifth plane in the flight information only appeared!"

"Yeah, I almost missed that time! In addition, the previous one, you forgot to say over again! Over!"

Listen to the paparazzi, in the intercom.

You chat with each other.

Zhuo Wei was angry.

"Keep quiet, all of them, and make sure of their exit points!"

"Even if this class doesn't exist, there will be after get off work!"

"Report as soon as possible! Over!"



This is a place where people get together.

Some people parted at the airport and flew far away.

Some people flew from afar and gathered here.

This is not.

There was a woman in front of her, standing at the exit, eagerly waiting for her lover to come out.


A 757 man walked out.

The woman ran over immediately and threw herself into her arms.

Two people who have reunited after a long time hug each other.

A paparazzi happened to see this scene.

Wang cried out with a cry.

An impatient voice came from the intercom immediately.

"Who, how do you cry over!"

"Woo, it's me! Nima, I saw a couple spreading dog food! Over!"

"I also saw it right. This is a crit for me as a single dog! Over!"

"Hey, if I didn't treat my dog ​​as a dog, I should have lived a life of a horrible life with my wife and children, right?"

"Child? At least one of your children is like me! I'll make an over for you!"

"Nima, is there any advantage to this? Come on, challenge Laozi! Over!"


At the other end of the airport, the two men fought.

Finally taken away by airport security.


Exit here.

Liu Tianxian deliberately pretended to be angry just now, leaving Zou Wenping alone, and ran out first.

At this time.

She also saw men and women kissing at the airport (caad).


Countless travelers passed by them, and occasionally someone cast their gazes.

However, most people walk away in a hurry, especially parents with children.

Zou Wenping smiled and chased it out.

Seeing Liu Tianxian standing on the spot, he walked over with a smile.

"What are you looking at standing here?"

Follow Liu Tianxian's gaze.

He also noticed the kissing men and women.

Can't help being taken aback.

Can't wait?

Liu Tianxian turned around and looked at Zou Wenping.

In the eyes, autumn waves flowed, seeming to have infinite affection.

Zou Wenping was taken aback for a moment.

"Yifei, what do you want to do?"

"Calm down, you..."

Before he finished speaking, Liu Tianxian had already rushed forward!



The paparazzi guarding an exit is crazy!

Nima, is there any kind of ethics for spreading dog food in the public?

And there are still two pairs!

Isn't a single dog a human?

I'm taking photos of Zou Wenping secretly here, is it bothering you?

Do you need to abuse me like this?


I'm not shooting anymore!

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