If an actor wants to play a role well, he must first understand the role.

Don't perform with doubts, otherwise the performance will be unsatisfactory.

For example, playing Cao Cao, a suspicious and lustful hero.

You can't just act as a prodigal son who likes to marry a wife, but also act as a hero.

Similarly, Yang Mi still has a lot of questions about Xi Yao, and there is no problem if she insists on acting.

But if you want to play both form and spirit, you must know more about this role.

Zou Wenping nodded.

"Okay, I'll answer your questions later."

"Sisi, where's your side?"

Liu Sisi replied flatly.

"Actually, I have tried many times about Solanum, and I have some questions."

"For example, why does nightshade have a red nightshade? Why aren't other ghosts?"

"For another example, are the attitudes of Solanum to Longyang and Sedum the same?"

"From the description of the script, I feel that nightshade seems to like Longyang a little, and some Sedum."

"But I like something inexplicable, aren't they brothers and sisters?"

"Or do I understand it wrong?"

In fact, Liu Sisi wanted to say that nightshade likes sedum, isn't this chaos?

··0 Seeking flowers 0···

But there are so many people here, how dare you say that.

So I changed my words and talked about other issues.

Zou Wenping nodded and thought for a while.

"It seems that you and Mi Sister are in the same situation, and you don't know much about the role."

"Well... In that case, while everyone is here, I will tell you something that is not in the script."

"Then about the past and present lives of Xuejian and Solanum!"

Zou Wenping sorted out his thoughts, and then slowly spoke.

"The Legend of the Sword and the Fairy, starring Yifei, we call it "The Legend of Sword One."

"Xianjianyi actually has a theme. I named this theme ‘fate’!"

"Just like the theme writes, many things in Immortal Sword One are destined."


"Whether it is the death of Zhao Linger's fragrance of jade, or Li Xiaoyao's last lonely death, it is all destined."

"Similarly, for our sequel to the fairy sword, I also chose the theme of "Reincarnation"!"

Zou Wenping looked at everyone in the audition room.

They are all actors who will be involved in the filming of Xianjian III.

Zou Wenping continued.

"Past life and present life, there is no end to reincarnation."

"The first thing that understands the most is the relationship between Zi Xuan and Xu Changqing."

"Xu Changqing had three reincarnations, and Zi Xuan also chased the three."

"How the two of them met, knew each other, met, and fell in love, are explained in the script."

"In addition, Xuejian was created by the goddess Xiyao using the fruit of the **** tree, and the dragon knight jumped into the reincarnation of the magic sword."

"But there seems to be something missing here, and I chose to take away these contents."

"Now I'm telling you this, I hope you can have a more comprehensive understanding of the entire fairy sword sequel."

Then, Zou Wenping began to tell stories that were not included in the script even in the original world.

The past and present of Sedum, Xuejian, and Solanum


Seven shifts, fifteen thousand words!

Tomorrow's content should be something that many people have never heard of.

Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket! three.

Mime private 780

This is a passage about Sedum, Xuejian, Solanum, and past lives.

Zou Wenping whispered to the people in the audition room.

Since it is a fairy tale drama, the world view has expanded to the six realms, so some causes and consequences still need to be there.

Just like the myth that everyone knows.

Pangu opened up the world, and then the clear and turbid qi separated from each other and turned into heaven and earth.

The emperor took the gods to the nine heavens.

Here is a setting that is different from the past, and that is the birth of the Protoss.

Protoss can be born in two ways.

The first type is the innate great gods formed by the condensing of innate clear qi. These people are very powerful.

Such as Fuxi, Nuwa, Feipeng, Xiyao.

The second type is that there is a sacred tree in the God Realm, and the fruit from this tree is transformed into a **** race after absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

That was a long, long time ago "September 20".

The sacred tree was just discovered, the innate **** Xi Yao, who was good at healing and various auxiliary spells, was chosen as the caretaker of the sacred tree.

This care takes thousands of years.

Even for the Protoss, this time span is very long.

Gradually, many gods almost forgot, there is this **** named Xi Yao who is looking after the sacred tree.

And Xi Yao didn't know whether she was alive or dead now.

What she did was to take care of this sacred tree every day for thousands of years.

Under Xi Yao's meticulous care, the sacred tree finally bears its first fruit, which is a happy event.

The first Protoss who transformed into the fruit of the sacred tree was about to be born.

However, this divine fruit has aroused the coveting of many creatures in the Six Realms.

Just when this fruit is about to mature.

The ancient fierce beast Danghu sneaked over, trying to eat the fruit of this sacred tree.

Xi Yao and Dang Hu, the battle and the top of the sacred tree, originally Xi Yao had the upper hand, but when Hu came, he was already prepared.

The use of tricks distracted Xi Yao and was hurt by Dang Hu.

Dang Hu took advantage of this gap and opened his mouth to bite the divine fruit.

At the moment, a **** of war, wearing a silver shirt and holding a divine sword, came with the wind!

It is Scabious!

With extremely strong combat power and fierce offensive, Fei Peng will be cut under the sword!

After countless years of careful care by Xi Yao, the Protoss in the Fruit of the God Tree has long possessed self-awareness.

In order to avoid the fruit of the sacred tree, the Protoss that has not yet fully formed will not be frightened by this battle.

After killing Danghu, Scaboo immediately came to the side of the fruit of the sacred tree.

Gently appease the gods who already have spiritual consciousness inside.

The **** had already passed the exuded consciousness, and saw the flying tents close at hand.

Fei Peng didn't know, the young **** looked at her inside, and gently comforted.

"It's okay, it's okay, don't be afraid, don't be afraid!"

It was this comfort and this meeting that made Kui Yu fall in love with Fei Peng.

Fei Peng is this god, the first deity he has seen since he possessed the consciousness.

Her feeling for Scabies is like when a young bird breaks its shell, it regards the creature it first sees as itself, the most important person.

Since then, Fei Peng has left an indelible mark in the heart of the god, and has an irreplaceable position!


After Danghu attacked the sacred tree, Feipeng often went to the sacred tree to help Xi Yao guard the sacred tree.

Because the closer the fruit of the sacred tree is to maturity, the more attractive it is to the monster.

Many powerful ancient monsters, knowing that there is a deity guarding here, are still risking their lives to steal the divine fruit.

All were repelled one by one by Scaboo.

It is precisely because of the fight with countless monsters that Fei Peng's strength is getting stronger and stronger, and he gradually won the title of No. 1 Master in the God Realm!

But even a master, facing such a fierce monster, there will be times when he gets injured.

Every time Fei Peng was injured, Xi Yao would use magic techniques to heal him.

Over time, an unknown ripple appeared in the hearts of both people.

As two gods without seven emotions and six desires, they had no idea what this feeling in their hearts was.


Fei Peng didn't know why, and in the rest of the time, he would come here to take a look at it under the banner of protecting the tree.

He didn't know whether he wanted to see the sacred tree, the sacred fruit, or to see people?

Especially after he fought against the demons and demons, he was wounded and dazzled.

The other gods are humming, and the pain is terrible..0

Feipeng looked excited, as if he had won the jackpot, and came to the sacred tree excitedly.

Xiyao is also very happy every time she sees Fei Peng injured, she also knows that this kind of thing should not be happy.

However, she is just happy!

The problem is that she doesn't know why she is happy.

In the happiness, there are many worries.

The harder Fei Peng hurts, the happier Xi Yao is!

Every time Xiyao uses a spell to heal Fei Peng, Fei Peng always tells Xi Yao the excitement of the battle.

When Xi Yao treats Fei Peng's injuries, she always slows down the speed of treatment deliberately.

Even if it was a skin injury that pierced the finger, Xi Yao could take half a day to heal.

The wound can be healed in one day, but it has to be seven days, ten days, half a month, or even longer on the ink mark.

If Fei Peng was hurt more severely, Xi Yao would be even more happy and treat him for hundreds of years!

For the Protoss who has immortality, a few hundred years are no more than an instant.

But this healing speed is very rare for Xi Yao, who is good at healing spells.

Xi Yao was deliberate, and Feipeng also knew that Xi Yao was deliberate.

The sacred tree has always been very quiet, except for Fei Peng, almost no other gods have been here for thousands of years.

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