Otherwise, no matter which TV station Zou Wenping chose in the end, he might offend the other four.

This is not to send sub-questions, but to send propositions!


(Good promise)

As for the upcoming five TV stations, Zou Wenping was unaware of it.

Because they are shooting Xianjian III.

Zou Wenping and Yang Mi came to the set, this place is still set, but it is almost over.

This is where the first scene of "The Legend of Sword and Fairy III" was filmed.

The two of them walked towards the director's seat next to them.

Gao Tianhua was making arrangements for the staff there and saw that they had two systems.

Looked carefully, then smiled.

"¨`Really don't say it."

"After you two put on these ancient costumes, they looked quite right. You really look like a talented woman!"

"If you put it in ancient times, you two can get married!"


Eight changes, 17,000 words!

Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

Withered vines, old trees and faint crows, evaluate the monthly ticket flowers! .

Chapter 788

Gao Tianhua was joking.

But Yang Mi blushed with a shy face.

Fortunately, with foundation on my face, it doesn't look obvious.

"Director Gao can really laugh."

Zou Wenping echoed, and quickly changed the subject.

"Isn't the setting finished yet?"

Gao Tianhua smiled.

"It's done, it's just a little detail correction."

At this time, the staff came over and said.

"Director Gao, the scene is set!"

Gao Tianhua nodded, indicating that he can go to rest.

Zou Wenping glanced at the scene in front of him.

This is a garden with many trees, rockery, pond, and a dry well.

The scene in front of me is the back garden of Tangmen.

Yang Mi will hang herself here soon!

This is the first scene when Immortal Sword III was filmed, but not when it was broadcast.

When filming a TV series, it is rare to shoot in the order of the plot.

Instead, it uses fragmentary shooting and edits in the later stage.

In some TV series, the first scene of the filming is actually a scene in the middle of the plot.

Even the first scene of some boot-ups was the first scene of the finalized 923.

Regardless of the shooting method, it will be integrated at the end.


The scene to be filmed in front of him is Tang Xue's death when he sees it!

Before this episode, Jingtian and Ban Maomao watched others marry their wives on the street.

The long line of receptions, carrying an empty sedan chair to pick up the bride.

Eight lifted the sedan chair, beat gongs and drums, and it was very lively.

Attracted countless people's onlookers!

At the same time, Tang Xuejian was shopping in front of a stall on the street.

Tang Xuejian and Sedum were just at the opposite ends of the sedan chair.

There are half jade pendants on each of them.

It was in the first fairy sword that helped Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Linger defeat the pair of lovers pendant of the moon worshiper.

The two halves of the jade pendant are usually separated.

When they are very close, they attract each other!

Therefore, the half of the jade pendant on Sedum's body and the jade pendant on Tang Xue's body were attracted to each other.

And the attraction is getting stronger and stronger!

Actually pulled the two people back to back and moved each other.

In the end, the two smashed into the sedan chair, the backs of them pressed tightly together.

The red hijab in the sedan chair happened to fall on Tang Xuejian's head.


The two jade pendants suddenly joined together to form a complete jade pendant.

It's just that both of them wore the jade behind them, and they were caught off guard.

So no one noticed the situation of this jade pendant.

Then, Yu Pei exerted a strange power, and even the sedan chair took the people to fly.

The sedan chair was stuck on a railing on the second floor of a restaurant.

When they didn't know it, Jingtian and Tang Xue with dumbfounded faces struggled and yelled at each other.

With their large movements, Huaqiao fell down and hit the ground.

The impact is that the two jade pendants are separated again!

Regardless of the reason, Sedum was considered as indecent to Miss Tang.

So he was caught by the Tang family and interrogated.

Pick your eyes, chop your hands, pick your tongue!

The three penalties are left to Sedum's choice.

At this time, the maid ran and said, Tang Xue saw that she was going to hang herself.

When everyone met, Sedum reached an agreement with them.

If Jingtian could persuade Tang Xue not to commit suicide, then Tang Sect would let him go!


The next scene to be filmed is Xue Jian seeking life and death, Jing Tian tried to persuade her!

Zou Wenping took Yang Mi to a tree and reached out to pat the branch.

Then laughed.

"Pig woman, I look at the roots and branches are quite thick."

"You will hang yourself on this tree in a while!"

Yang Mi laughed and scolded.

(caad)    "You stubborn Caiya, believe it or not, I will hang you up!"

"Then let you violent corpses for three days and three nights, and finally chopped them up to feed the dogs!"

Zou Wenping was taken aback.

"No way, Boss Yang, are you so cruel?"

Yang Mi teased her bangs.

"That's a must, non-toxic and not a girl!"

When the two were secretly poking and flirting.

Gao Tianhua yelled very incomprehensibly.

"Xiao Zou, Mi Mi, are you ready?"

"Let's come over to rehearse first!"

Zou Wenping and Yang Mi smiled at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

Then walked towards Gao Tianhua.

Other actors and group performances are already in place.

Regarding this scene, they have to rehearse several times before the official shooting begins.

When it is determined that there are no significant problems, the system will be officially powered on.

Gao Tianhua and Zou Wenping explained to the actors together.

How to perform the shots for a while.

What is the division of labor of each actor, how to move, what kind of expression should be made.

I told them all the details.

The actors also cherished this opportunity, and they all listened with great spirit.

After the explanation, it is a simple dress rehearsal.

After several rehearsals, after making sure that there is nothing wrong.

Finally ready to officially start shooting.

Gao Tianhua said loudly.

"This is the first scene of our fairy sword sequel, let's take a closer look!"

"Everyone cheer up, it's best to fight for it once!"

The actors nodded, and some secretly clenched their fists to cheer for themselves.

If this one can really be passed over again.

It can also leave a good impression on Gao Tianhua, the chief director, and may continue to cooperate in the future.

The audience watched the play and paid attention to the excitement of the plot.

The director is concerned about the performance of the actors.

As the saying goes, laymen watch the excitement, experts watch the doorway!

The actors all walked to their respective positions with the determination to pass.

At the same time in my heart, silently rehearsed the content of the rehearsal just now countless times!

Seeing the enthusiasm and full of fighting spirit.

Zou Wenping was very satisfied, he patted Yang Mi on the shoulder.

"Dignified Miss Tang Family, get ready to hang yourself!"

After speaking, he smiled and walked to his position, where he was going to play in a while.

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