After being so disturbed by Zou Wenping, Yang Mi had no interest at all.

Yang Mi called out hysterically.

"My lady suddenly felt that this method of death was not strong enough!"

"When I go back and think of a more heroic way of death, I will die another day!"

Said Yang Mi was about to run away.

Zou Wenping quickly stopped her.

"Are you not dead?"

Yang Mi said helplessly.

"I'm not dead!"

Zou Wenping hurriedly shouted.

"Dignified Miss Tang family, it's hard to chase after a word, if you regret it, then it's a puppy!"

Yang Mi was completely defeated, she asked angrily.

"What's your name?"

Zou Wenping bowed slightly, arching his hands.

"Little Yongan is the treasurer of trust, Sedum."

"Sedum's scene, Sedum's sky!"


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

Jinse fifty strings for no reason, one spend one vote to think about Huanian! three.

Mime private 790

After Zou Wenping finished this line.

Gao Tianhua from the director's seat shouted.

"Crack, pass!"


After this sound was shouted out.

All the actors on the set breathed a sigh of relief.

This is a big shot to the end!

Quite complex lens.

As long as one person doesn't cooperate well, you have to start from scratch!

Fortunately, Zou Wenping and Yang Mi, the protagonists of these two shots, cooperate in a tacit understanding.

Make this one-to-one lens pass over and over again!

Zou Wenping and Yang Mi went to Gao Tianhua to watch the replay.

Yang Mi patted her body as she walked.

"You don't know how nervous I was just now."

"I'm so worried about where I don't perform well, or forget my lines."

"If it's because of me that everyone's efforts are in vain, I must be very uncomfortable!"

Zou Wenping smiled.

"What are you afraid of? For you, Xue Jian is a true character!"

Yang Mi was about to nod her head, and was stunned.

Why does this sound so awkward?

Then he reacted and kicked at Zou Wenping.

"Die Zou Wenping, dare you say that my eldest has a temper! Is it itchy?"

Zou Wenping quickly ran away laughing.


Here in the director's seat.

Zou Wenping and Yang Mi watched the replay.

Nodded with satisfaction, this time the shot was really good!

Gao Tianhua smiled.

"I just squeezed the sweat for you, and I prepared to retake it several times before I could live it."

"I didn't expect all of you to perform supernormally this time."

"Everyone's aura is very stable, thanks to the joint efforts of all of you."

"Our first shot of this play, it's gone over and over again!"


The actors and staff present applauded.

The lens can be passed over and over again, and everyone can work less often.

Next, everyone began to prepare for other shots.


Although it is the first day of booting.

But according to the shooting plan, there are many things to be shot today.

Not only to shoot the rival scenes of Sedum and Tang Xuejian.

There is also a scene where Sedum and Solanum first met.

In the evening, after dinner.

Zou Wenping, Liu Sisi, and the crew members were all transferred to the Chenghuang Temple.

The next scene to be filmed is the first meeting of Sedum and Solanum in Chenghuang Temple.

The first shot is.

In the Chenghuang Temple, three hooligans are assaulting a woman.

Then Sedum saw righteousness and bravely used the magic sword to kill the three hooligans.

At the same time, the magic sword sucked the essence of Sedum, causing him to faint due to excessive fatigue.

The woman who was rescued by him also ran out of the Chenghuang Temple because of fear.

Then, the nightshade came out of the magic sword.


This is Liu Sisi's first scene in Xianjian III, and she also pays more attention to it.

In the afternoon, she went to make-up.

Her look is also more complicated.

After spending a thousand years in the magic sword, the princess clothes she wore when she jumped into the sword furnace were already ragged.

The appearance is very little Dali, so it will be a little unkempt.

However, while showing these, there are also showing the beauty of nightshade!

These make the styling a bit difficult.

After three hours, I finally finished this set of makeup!


The staff is setting the scene.

Zou Wenping and Liu Sisi played against each other.

Liu Sisi is always a little bit unable to find it, and Solanum is a thousand years away, and it feels like entering the world again.

Zou Wenping patiently explained to her.

"Think about it, you have been in the magic sword for a thousand years."

"Why can you exist for a thousand years? The main reason is your obsession with Brother Wang."

"Whether it is because of the Kuiyu Heavenly Witch, or your own dependence on Brother Wang."

"It makes you very hopeful that you can meet your brother again!"

"When the magic sword returns to Sedum's hands, you can actually perceive that your brother is nearby."

"Then there is Chenghuang Temple, you finally got rid of the magic sword."

Although Zou Wenping said very carefully, Liu Sisi still frowned.

"I understand what you said."

"But when it comes to the scene, I always feel like something is still going on."

"It seems that something is wrong emotionally."

Zou Wenping thought for a while, then pointed to the open space in front of him..0

"You show it to me again!"

Liu Sisi nodded.

Go to the clearing and close your eyes, let yourself lead into the role of nightshade.

Then played it once in accordance with the script.

"How about it?"

Zou Wenping thought for a while, and then commented.

"Well, indeed, like you said, you are almost emotional!"

"Leave aside Sedum. You haven't been in the sun for more than a thousand years. You must be very emotional the first time you came out."

"Things are the desolation of people from time to time, which makes you sad."

Having said that, Zou Wenping thought of one thing.

"I'll read a poem to you. I hope it can help you understand this feeling and understand the nightshade better."


Liu Sisi was startled, then smiled.

"Brother Wang, can you still write poems?"

Zou Wenping shook his head.

"I didn't write this poem, but I think it can be used to describe the nightshade at this time."

"Listen well."

Zou Wenping cleared his throat.

"It has been a thousand years since the big dream first woke up, messy shirts, and windy cold.

Looking hard to find the old clothes and crowns, the doubts are true and illusion, like a dream like smoke. "

After reading it.

Zou Wenping continued.

"Do you understand this poem?"

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