"Should Sisi 930 really bend it by you, right?"


Yang Mi in the shopping cart was shocked.

Almost turned out of the shopping cart, but fortunately, Zou Wenping hurriedly held on.

Yang Mi asked in surprise.

"What are you talking about? Sisi bent?"

Zou Wenping nodded slightly.

"I think it's possible!"

"Although I don't know, why did she bend in just one afternoon."

"But her performance just now is really a bit abnormal!"

"Normal girls, after you pull the girl's hand, will you smell it?"

"A normal girl, would you suddenly reach out to touch another girl's face?"

Yang Mi pondered for a moment, and asked suspiciously.

"Should not, why has she changed so much?"

"Isn't she quite resistant in the morning?"

Zou Wenping speculated.

"Maybe, she has the soul of Lala hidden in her body!"

"It's just that the constraints of ethics and morality prevented her from realizing her heart in time."

"As a result, you were making a fool of yourself today, and she would definitely resist it if you were caught off guard."

"However, after Liu Sisi calmed down, she realized that she was actually a **** too!"

"After that, the Lala fire in her body burned!"

"So there was a scene on the set in the afternoon!"

After listening to Zou Wenping's analysis, Yang Mi actually felt very reasonable!

So, did you harm Liu Sisi?

Yang Mi angrily rebuked.

"Zou Wenping, you are all to blame!"

"In the early morning, let you help me out, you can just say something else."

"Why do you have to put a **** label on me?"

"This is an indirect damage to Sisi!"

"What should I do now? I can't just watch Sisi and sink into the quagmire?"

"As a good sister, I have to find a way to just her!"

Seeing Yang Mi's eagerness, Zou Wen calmly said.

"Don't worry, let me think about how to deal with it!"

Zou Wenping also opened a packet of seaweed and slowly chewed it in his mouth.

The brain started to keep running.

He was also quite guilty. He was joking. How could he really bend Liu Sisi?

After thinking for a while, Zou Wenping said.

"Otherwise, we will simply take care of it."

"You continue to pretend to be Lala and get into a relationship with Sisi La."

"Although you two were friends before, your friends are only good sisters."

"Now you have to find a way to walk in, Sisi is the spiritual side of Lala."

"Then slowly guide her back on track!"

"She (caad) just discovered that she is a lesbian, she should be able to recover easily!"


After hearing this opinion, Yang Mi couldn't help holding her forehead.

"Let me continue to pretend to be Lara?"

"I'm afraid that if I put it on, I will really become a lesbian!"

"If the time comes, Sisi stubbornly bows to my overlord, should I resist?"

"Apart from this, is there a better way?"

Yang Mi didn't want to play Lala anymore.

A straight daughter who is so normal as my old mother, she actually went to act as a lesbian!

This is too bloody!

Also, Sisi, that bastard, who usually seems to be very ostentatious.

Why is it so easy to break?

Zou Wenping shook his head.

"At present, there is no better way."

"If we go to confess with Sisi now, in fact, in the morning, the two of us were teasing her."

"She will definitely ask why you should kiss her! It won't be easy to explain then!"

That regret in Yang Mi's heart.

"My mother shouldn't go to your place for breakfast in the morning!"

Zou Wenping smiled.

"Then you still eat tomorrow?"

"If you don't eat it, I won't make it tomorrow, and I will be happy!"

Upon hearing this, Yang Mi said quickly.

"Eat, why not eat?"

"You made my current relationship with Sisi weird."

"Shouldn't it be a compensation for atonement?"

"Hey, I don't know, whether I can save Sisi, the lost lamb!"


After shopping, the two left the supermarket with two big bags.

In fact, the two bags were carried by Zou Wenping alone.

In the underground parking, put your things in the trunk, and then drove to the hotel.

On the road, the disguise on his face was also removed.

Looking at the hotel close at hand, Yang Mi kept her mouth flat.

"I suddenly don't want to go back to the hotel!"

"I really don't know how I should react when I meet Sisi!"

"I blame you for doing such a tricky thing for my old lady!"

Zou Wenping shrugged and smiled.

"Good good, I was wrong!"

"I will do a few more things to compensate you tomorrow!"

While talking, Zou Wenping parked the car in the hotel's underground garage.

Then he took the things he bought and took the elevator upstairs with Yang Mi.


With a soft noise, the elevator stopped on the first floor, after the door opened.

Only one beauty stood at the door.

Liu Sisi!


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

There is true love in the world, and a flower is also love! .

Mime private 799


After seeing each other, Yang Mi and Liu Sisi couldn't help but lift their foreheads.

Although they both plan to make themselves pretend to be Lara.

Then pull out the good sisters who are in the quagmire.

The two thought very well, and both imagined themselves as a heroine who rescued a good sister.

However, when Yang Mi returned from shopping, Liu Sisi came back from filming.

Both people slowed down in unison, and really didn't want to go back to this hotel.

No one thought that the more they didn't want to meet, the more they would meet.

Actually encountered it in the elevator!

Liu Sisi didn't want to go in, but couldn't find a reason not to go in.

Had to bite the bullet and walked in.

In the elevator, only Zou Wenping, Yang Mi, and Liu Sisi were left!

The atmosphere fell into a very embarrassing situation.

Zou Wenping was caught between the two girls, which was even more embarrassing.

Can't go on like this.

Zou Wenping had to take the initiative to break the embarrassment.

"Sisi, it's such a coincidence, you just finished the show."

"I thought you would have come back long ago!"

With Zou Wenping as a middleman, the atmosphere is a little better.

Liu Sisi nodded.

"Today's main photo is that Solanum is alone in the Chenghuang Temple."

"Watching those stone statues fall into fear and become red sunflowers!"

"It's just that Director Gao wanted to shoot from multiple angles, so a lot of time was lost."

Yang Mi also bite the bullet and said.

"Well, it seems that Director Gao, as always, strives for perfection!"

"With him in this fairy sword sequel, Changhong will definitely be watched!"

Yang Mi also said nothing.

She felt miserable, and the usual conversations between her and Liu Sisi were nothing.

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