Gao Tianhua thought for a moment.

"It happens that we still have 40% of the equity without financing. I will have a good chat with Director Tao in a moment!"

The voice just fell.

Zou Wenping's phone vibrated again.

An unfamiliar number belongs to Zhejiang Province.

The unfamiliar number on his cell phone was able to be called, or it was accidentally called by a salesperson.

Either I checked his phone number!

For example, the people on the organizing committee of the Spring Festival Gala.

Zou Wenping picked it up with doubts!

"Hello, how are you? Who is it!"

The more polite voice over there was also heard quickly.

"Hello, is this Xiao Zou, Zou Wenping?"


Zou Wenping was startled.

When I came up, I called myself Xiao Zou, so hot?

But the voice on the other end of the phone was very deep and full of breath.

The voice feels close to a middle-aged person, and it should be fine to call himself Xiao Zou.

Zou Wenping asked cautiously.

"Who are you!"

"I'm the director of the planning department of Blue Station TV. My surname is Feng!"

"Director Feng from Lantai?" Zou Wenping repeated.

After hearing this, Gao Tianhua motioned to Zou Wenping again to turn on the hands-free.

Zou Wenping nodded.

"Director Feng, if you call this point, what's the matter?"

"Xiao Zou, although we haven't met each other, I have always heard of your name!"

"Director Feng praised it!"

"I heard that you are making a sequel to the fairy sword recently?"

"Huh? Have you heard about this too?"

"and also?"

"Yeah, just now, Ms... um..."

Zou Wenping paused and thought about it.

Then change his words.

"When I was busy filming, there were already several TV stations calling!"

"We have only been on the machine for three days now, so have you heard the news so soon?"

Zou Wenping thought about it, since Lantai has also called.

Simply put Lantai and Mangotai into a competitive relationship.

He did not refer to Mango Channel by name, but changed his name to several TV stations.

It is to make the sequel of the fairy sword very popular.

So when the time comes to negotiate, you can get more bargaining chips.

Director Feng on the other end of the phone was silent for a while.

Then speak slowly.

"It's Mango Station, Yanjing Station, Dongfang Station, right?"

"It seems I'm still calling late!"

Heard this.

Zou Wenping and Gao Tianhua were dumbfounded.

What the hell?

Yenching Terrace? Oriental TV?

These two didn't call!

Then Zou Wenping guessed a possibility.

These TV stations are very well informed about each other's 930.

What's going on in other TV stations, you can receive it right away!

Maybe there are informants inside each other!

Nima, does the TV station also play Infernal Affairs?

Those two TV stations are also planning to purchase the broadcasting rights for the sequel to the fairy sword.

Director Feng's words are really great news!

Although Zou Wenping was surprised, his tone was still calm.

He said lightly.

"Yes, it's them."

"So we are also entangled here!"

Gao Tianhua continued to write a line.

"Push me here!"

After seeing this, Zou Wenping nodded.

"In addition, director Gao Tianhua is now in charge of the broadcasting rights of the sequel to Fairy Sword!"

"If you are interested, you can contact Director Gao to have a look!"

Director Feng sighed, then smiled.

"Okay, I will contact Director Gao later!"

"Finally, I especially want to say that Xiao Zou, our channel really hopes to cooperate with you!"

Zou Wenping replied with a smile.

"I also look forward to working with Lantai!"


Today is absolutely guaranteed!

Not enough eight changes, one more missed and two more changes tomorrow!

Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

The sunrise is red in the east, please send me flowers! .

Mime private 802

After hanging up.

Zou Wenping smiled.

"This Director Feng, has given a lot of news!"

"There are actually four major TV stations that want to buy the broadcasting rights of Xianjian."

Soon another TV station called.

From Sioux province?

Zou Wenping picked it up.

The call is from the provincial Taiwan of Jiangsu Province, and the nickname is Lichee!

It was also from the head of the planning department, and the purpose was the same as that of Lantai and Mangotai.

Zou Wenping is now familiar with the road and chatted a few words.

Just push the matter to Gao Tianhua.


Yanjing TV and Dongfang TV are also calling!

After chatting for a few words, I hung up the phone.

Zou Wenping adjusted the phone to the ringing state to prevent missed calls.

Gao Tianhua couldn't believe it.

"Mango Terrace, Yanjing Terrace, Lychee Terrace, Dongfang Terrace, Blue Terrace!"

"These five are all five giants who dominate the TV market in Xia Guo!"

"Whether it is financial resources or the influence of the TV station itself, the appeal is very strong!"

"It is estimated that no other TV stations will call because they are very well informed."

"The strengths of these five TV stations are not the same, and other TV stations are difficult to compete and should not participate in the competition!"

Hearing this, Zou Wenping nodded in agreement.

Obviously knowing that the competition is not enough, there is no need to come to participate in the competition.

But Zou Wenping still tuned the phone to the ringtone, in case there is any!

Zou Wenping thought for a while and added.

"not only that."

"When Immortal Jianyi was filming, it was a call from three TV stations."

"But that time is very different from this time."

"Except for the call from the head of the planning department at the Mango Channel, both the Blue Channel and the Dongfang Channel are the editors-in-chief!"

"And this time, these five TV stations are all calls from the planning department manager."

After listening to what Zou Wenping said.

Gao Tianhua thought for a while.

"This also shows how important these five TV stations are, this time the right to broadcast Immortal Sword!"

"Although the first movie of Fairy Sword was shown on the Mango Stage."

"But no one stipulates which station the first part will be broadcast on, and which station the second part must be broadcast on."

"So apart from Mango Channel, other TV stations are also participating!"

Zou Wenping nodded, and then said with some worry.

"Although they can come in and compete, I am very happy."

"However, it is not necessarily a good thing that all five powerful TV stations are participating in the competition!"

"We agreed to one TV station, which means we are going to offend the other four!"

"It's not a good thing to offend four major TV stations at the same time, right?"

No matter which one of these five companies, there are a lot of viewers in Xia State and they are very influential.

In case they hate Zou Wenping because of this kind of thing, and smear words on the TV station.

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