
Zou Wenping nodded.

"of course it's true!"

Liu Sisi continued to ask.

"Brother Wang, are you planning to save the nightshade that is stuck in the quagmire?"

950  Huh?

Zou Wenping was a little stunned.

Does Liu Sisi already know that Yang Mi and I are planning to pull her out of the Lala quagmire?

Anyway, evasion won't solve any problems.

Zou Wenping nodded.



As soon as the voice fell, Liu Sisi rushed over.

That posture seemed to be the overlord's bow.


Zou Wenping was taken aback by surprise.

"Sisi, Sisi, what are you doing?"

"Calm down, calm down!"

However, Liu Sisi's mouth turned into a smile.

"Didn't you say you want to save me?"


Two hours later.

Zou Wenping held a piece of paper in his hand and kept wiping his tears with choking.

"You, you are not human, you actually treat me..."

On the other hand, Liu Sisi smiled.

"Well, isn't it just a loss, what a big deal!"

"Don't worry, I will be responsible for you!"

Zou Wenping nodded with rain.

"You have to count your words!"

Although Zou Wenping was pretending, he never expected that Liu Sisi was so fierce.

Is this what happened to yourself?

I used to see this kind of thing in the news, but I didn't expect that one day I would experience it myself.

It's just that Zou Wenping didn't know what to do.

Unexpectedly, in private, sometimes quietly, sometimes openly Liu Sisi.

When it was so fierce, Zou Wenping almost couldn't stand it!

Liu Sisi laughed.

"Wenping, now you should believe that I am neither a **** nor a brother-in-law?"

"If you still doubt it, I can prove it to you again!"

After hearing this, Zou Wenping hurriedly waved his hands and said.

"No, no, I believe it!"

It's all like this, don't believe it unless it's a fool!

After calming down for a while, Zou Wenping thought about it seriously.

Then looked at Liu Sisi.

"Sisi, since you are not a Lara, you are not a brother-in-law."

"Since we are all like this, then I have a secret here, it is necessary to tell you."


Liu Sisi asked strangely.

"What's the secret?"

Zou Wenping took a deep breath, then stretched out five fingers.

"Actually you are the fifth!"


Liu Sisi was taken aback for a moment.

"What's the fifth one? What are you talking about somehow?"


Liu Sisi seemed to be aware of it and asked tentatively.

"Do you mean that you have four besides me?"

Zou Wenping did not speak, and nodded.



Liu Sisi took a deep breath.

There was an incredible expression on his face.

Special, there are four more?

In fact, before the action, Liu Sisi also thought that Zou Wenping is so good, are the other girls blind?

So I also thought that he might have other suitors.

One or two, Liu Sisi can still accept.

Four, directly beyond her expectations!

"Who is it?"

"Wait, let me guess!"

"Will there be honey in it?"

Zou Wenping nodded.


Liu Sisi supported her forehead slightly.

"No wonder it always feels that the relationship between you and Mi Mi is weird."

"Sometimes it seems to be stuffed with dog food, a little panic!"

"Huh? Wait a minute!"

Liu Sisi seemed to think of something again.

"The day I was mistaken for Lara, Mi Mi threw open the door and threw herself in my arms and kissed me on the cheek."

"As a result, I have always been considered a lesbian."

"Should I be fooled that day?"


Zou Wenping took a deep breath.

Things have reached this point, and there is no need to keep hiding them.

Zou Wenping explained.

"Yes, actually Mi Mi came to see me for breakfast that morning."

"She originally planned to give me a surprise, but I didn't expect that the person who opened the door was not me."

"Then she couldn't stop the car, so she hugged you and kissed you too!"

Liu Sisi is not stupid. Hearing this, he immediately realized.

"In other words, you were trying to understand the surroundings that day."

"The just made up Mi Mi is Lala's business, and finally got me in?"


Seeing Liu Sisi's ice and snow smartness, Zou Wenping glanced in other directions.

Then said embarrassingly.

"I didn't expect that you would believe it, such a ridiculous thing."

"After you believe it to be true, you behave like a lala."

"Both of us are wondering, is it because the two of us are joking, awakening the soul of Lala!"

"So Mi Mi is alienating you while trying to get you out of the quagmire of Lara."

"It turns out that you are pretending too, that would be great, hey, hey, hey."

After hearing this, Liu Sisi gritted his teeth.

"The soul of Lala? The soul of the god, what is the soul of Lala?"

"Do you dare to come up with another term that is even more second-degree?"


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

The sunrise is red in the east, please send me flowers.

Mime private 839

Zou Wenping gave Liu Sisi a paradoxical look.

"I didn't expect that you weren't real, and it made me and Mi Mi have been suspicious all this time."

Liu Sisi laughed.

"Is this to blame? If I don't prove it again, I'm afraid I will live in this life~ in your misunderstanding."

"Maybe it will be really bent and become a real lesbian!"

"By the way, you just said that besides me, you have four more."

"Now I have only one Mi Mi, who are the other three?"

Seeing Liu Sisi's extremely gossip expression, Zou Wenping felt that there was no need to hide it.

Zou Wenping replied.

"And Reba, Yifei, Xiaoqin!"


After hearing these three names, Liu Sisi accidentally choked on her saliva.

"Fuck, brother Wang, you are awesome!"

"None of these wives are below the first line."

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