Chapter 853

Zou Wenping continued to send messages in the group.

"@杨蜜, @刘思思. The revolution has not yet succeeded, you two don't relax!"

"Now only the first half is over. I will go to the set later and have to go to the second half!"

Liu Sisi in the bedroom squatted her mouth and sent WeChat.

"Do you really want to do this? Is there no other way?"

"This will make me sad for a long time!"

Yang Mi retorted.

"You deserve it, who told you to send a message without checking it again?"

"Besides, how big can a red envelope be? It's only 200 yuan for you to swallow it all by yourself!"

"In order to grab such a red envelope, you threw a bomb!"

Zou Wenping comforted.

"@刘思思, now it's just a stopgap measure, otherwise this matter is absolutely out of control."

"Now those crew members should have been suppressed, but they can't let them find out."

"Otherwise, the play the three of us sang just now will be for nothing!"

"Resolve the immediate matter first, and when the limelight has passed, let's find a chance to relax!"


Liu Sisi replied sadly.

"Okay, husband, you have to be on WeChat in the future, so you hurt me more!"


After Zou Wenping changed his clothes, he sent a message.



"Get ready, it's time to show off your acting skills!"

After sending it out, Zou Wenping put away the phone.

Opened the door and walked out, then slammed the door shut!

Tang Yan, who had originally planned to go out, hurried back to the room in shock when he saw Zou Wenping coming out.

The Yu Guang of Zou Wenping smiled in his heart after seeing Tang Yan's expression.

What you want is this effect!

This thing Liu Sisi did was really tricky.

Actually sent "thank you husband" to the WeChat group of [Xianjian Crew].

If you don't deal with it, even some people will think that Zou Wenping and Liu Sisi have nothing to do.

But there will definitely be some people's views, which are contrary to others!

It is even possible (caad) to post the chat history to the Internet.

Therefore, Zou Wenping must take measures to prevent such things from happening.

Because they are all entertainers and public figures.

If emotional matters, they should be announced to the public in this form.

On the one hand, it will affect the harvest of reputation.

On the other hand, it will damage Liu Sisi's public image.

Wherever you go in the future, someone may be pointed behind you.

Now that Liu Sisi had realized the mistake, he panicked like that.

Of course, Zou Wenping would not say anything to blame, so he focused on how to solve the problem.

In the end, he made a solution and communicated well with Yang Mi and Liu Sisi.

The first step is naturally to confuse the audience.

After Liu Sisi sent the "thank you husband", all the staff focused on the gossip between Liu Sisi and Zou Wenping.

Therefore, Zou Wenping asked Yang Mi to send out a red envelope first and asked Liu Sisi to reply "Thank you wife" to Yang Mi.

Then Liu Sisi sent a red envelope and Yang Mi replied "thank you husband"!

The two going back and forth like this distracted the staff from focusing their eyes.

Let their eyes shift from the relationship between Zou Wenping and Liu Sisi to other places.

With the cooperation of Yang Mi and Liu Sisi, they successfully confuse the audience.

Many people have changed from surprise to doubt about the relationship between Zou Wenping, Yang Mi, and Liu Sisi.

The second step is to knock the mountain and shake the tiger!

Let other staff not dare to discuss this gossip!

Therefore, Zou Wenping first had a temper in the WeChat group, and wanted to replace Liu Sisi!

The purpose of this is to deter everyone in the WeChat group.

The third step, of course, is to continue the painstaking plan.

This is more difficult, because you have to perform a scene in front of the crew on the set.

Quite a test of the acting skills of Zou Wenping, Liu Sisi and Yang Mi.

If it succeeds, this matter will basically be solved!


After Zou Wenping took the elevator downstairs.

Liu Sicai walked out of the room with a timid expression on his face.

She walked to the door of Yang Mi's room next to her and knocked a few times.

"Mimi! Help me!"

Soon, Yang Mi opened the door and walked out.

Stretching out his finger, Liu Sisi was irritated.

"You said you, who is not good to offend, but Zou Wenping is offended!"

"During the audition, I told you that I couldn't stop this guy from starting a fire!"

"Although I don't want to admit it, Zou Wenping's current fame really surpasses me."

"Do you know how many companies and investors have spent huge sums of money to dig him away?"

"He is now willing to stay in Jiaxing. It is entirely because of my kindness to sign him at the beginning, otherwise he would have flown away!"

"So, when I talk to him, I have to have a good voice, and you dare to provoke him!"


After Yang Mi finished speaking, she let out a long sigh of relief in her heart.

These words are too long.

Zou Wenping just gave them a general idea of ​​acting.

How to perform and what lines to say depends on the actual performance of these two first-line actresses!

If you want to act well, you must let yourself into the role.

This is not difficult for Yang Mi and Liu Sisi.

Yang Mi has entered her role, an underdog boss who dares not to be angry or speak in the face of excellent employees.

Liu Sisi also quickly entered the role, an ordinary employee who provokes outstanding employees, wants to be forgiven by outstanding employees!

After Yang Mi finished speaking.

Liu Sisi's eyes turned red in an instant, and she stomped her feet anxiously.

"I didn't expect that he can't make a joke so much?"

"This little thing can make him so angry!"

Yang Mi pretended to be surprised.

"You actually think this is a trivial matter?"

"When you are in contact, you should be able to feel that Zou Wenping is a good person to get along with."

"It seems that no matter what you do, he is happy and not angry."

"But don't you know? Everyone has a scale!"

"For Zou Wenping, his rebellion is to refuse hype and scandals!"


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

Li Bai will want to go on a boat, can I have some flowers? .

Chapter 854

Liu Sisi was startled slightly.


Yang Mi said angrily.

"Can I lie to you?"

"He told me many times that he doesn't want gossips, hype, or endorsements and commercial performances."

"If the company always arranges these for him, he may find another job!"

"Have you heard of anything he endorsed up to now?"

"Gossip and hype, he hates most. He thinks that this kind of thing is very inferior and he will never touch it!"

"You guy doesn't know how to live or die, dare to call him "husband" in front of so many people in the WeChat group."

"When I saw these words, I felt bad. Sure enough, Zou Wenping-got angry!"

Liu Sisi kept scratching his head, clutching Yang Mi's arm, shaking and begging.

"Then what should I do now?"

"You said Zou Wenping would really replace me?"

"I like the role of nightshade very much, and I am also very happy in the process of acting."

"If it was replaced in the middle of filming, it would be a big stain for me!"

Yang Mi sighed.

"I think Zou Wenping might actually fire you!"

"Don't think you are a first-line actress now, and you are good girlfriends with me."

"But this guy Zou Wenping has a very strong temper, and he is relentless."

"A lot of the time I don't even save my face, she really wants to fire you, I can't help it!"

Liu Sisi pleaded loudly.

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