"After this girl gets acquainted with others, she won't care about her words and deeds."

"When you are with strangers, you still pay attention to your own image."

"It's just a joke this time, she did have it, she should take some responsibility."

"But it's the same sentence just now, you have control!"

Zou Wenping nodded.

"Don't worry, she won't be forced to death!"

Gao Tianhua smiled.

"Then I don't care, you can take care of it."

"When I can't take it anymore, I'm helping you with a step!"

After talking about Gao Tianhua, he left to prepare for the next shooting.

After he walked away, Zou Wenping took out his mobile phone and sent a message to the WeChat group of the [Family Loved Each Other].

"@杨蜜, @刘思思, things are going very smoothly."

"Next proceed as planned and take out all your acting skills that have accumulated for many years!"

Yang Mi: "Received!"

Liu Sisi: "Received!"

After putting away the phone, Zou Wenping let out a long sigh of relief.

Everything came too unexpectedly today, as Zou Wenping was blind.

This is true, lie when you wake up, every lie is different!

The reason why Liu Sisi contacted Gao Tianhua was for Gao Tianhua to find himself.

Then Zou Wenping said something half-truth to him.

While confusing the audience, Gao Tianhua was also asked not to participate.

Otherwise, when Zou Wenping reprimanded Liu Sisi in public.

If Gao Tianhua came forward to stop it, it would be difficult for Zou Wenping to proceed.

In this way, the effect of deterring the crew members cannot be achieved.

So Zou Wenping just told Gao Tianhua half the truth, and at the same time changed part of the lie.

Despite cooperating with Gao Tianhua many times, Zou Wenping was able to tell outsiders about his relationship with Yang Mi and others.

After being fabricated by Zou Wenping, Gao Tianhua agreed not to participate.

Then, let's see how Zou Wenping, Yang Mi, and Liu Sisi play!

Zou Wen 957 Ping continued to adjust his emotions so that he became very angry.

Not long after, a commercial vehicle drove over.

Zou Wenping looked up and knew that it was Yang Mi's car.

The heroine appeared.

So he picked up the water cup next to him, began to drink water slowly, flipping through the script in front of him.

Yang Mi parked the car in the parking space in front of the studio.

Then he looked at Liu Sisi beside him.

"How's your emotional adjustment?"

Liu Sisi nodded with red eyes.

"Okay, let's go!"

Yang Mi got out of the car first, and after Liu Sisi got out, she gently patted her on the back, as if she was comforting her.

"Don't worry, there is me! Come with me!"

After saying that, Yang Mi led the way, Liu Sisi took small steps and followed slowly behind.

It seemed that I was afraid of entering the set, but had to enter.

When Zou Wenping saw it, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

It's really a first-line actress, these little details are very natural and in place.

I can't hold back myself, I have to play well in a while!


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

The sunrise is red in the east, please send me flowers! .

Mime private 857

Liu Sisi followed Yang Mi and walked in front of Zou Wenping.

In that little appearance, there is a lot of fear.

"Brother Wang!"


Zou Wenping directly smashed the ceramic water cup in his hand on the tabletop.

The water cup was smashed into pieces immediately!

Hearing this voice, all the busy staff on the set gathered their eyes.

All of them stared at Zou Wenping's side, afraid to breathe.

Gao Tianhua also looked through the glass of the director's room.

After feeling the eyes of everyone, Zou Wenping, Yang Mi, and Liu Sisi exchanged their eyes.

Very satisfied with the current results.

The purpose of Zou Wenping's just throwing the cup was to attract everyone's attention.

Otherwise, who would they play this play for?

Zou Wenping said coldly.

"Who is your brother king?"

"Miss Liu, don't scream!"


Liu Sisi seemed to realize his mistake and quickly changed his words.

"Wen Ping, Director Zou..."

"I was wrong, would you forgive me?"

Zou Wenping laughed coldly.

"You're wrong? No, no, you're right! How could you be wrong?"

"The wrong person should be me, and you shouldn't have been allowed to act as Solanum in the first place!"

"Sisi, do you think that you are a first-line actress, a female number two, or Miss Mi's best friend, and the filming is in the middle and late stages."

"So many reasons are added together, I dare not change someone halfway?"

"So you have the courage to speak nonsense?"

Liu Sisi shook his head quickly to explain.

"No no, I never thought about it like this!"

Zou Wenping looked disbelief.

"Haven't you thought about it? I think you think a lot!"

"I'm telling you Liu Sisi, I most hate others touching my inverse scales 々!"

"Otherwise, I don't care if you are a top-notch or a royal bodyguard."

"I'm not going to be polite to you, do you really think I'm usually happy and afraid to open people?"

Zou Wenping glanced at the onlookers around him, and then circled his fingers.

Said in a threatening tone.

"Don't talk about you, even the members of these crews."

"For example, the camera, such as the stylist, such as the lighting artist, etc."

"As long as I touched my Ni Lin, I dare to fire all the crew members now!"

"I also asked Director Gao just now, as long as I play out the sign of "The Sequel of the Sword", I can form a new crew in the afternoon!"


After hearing this, all the staff present lay down their guns and took a breath.

Brother Ping, you reprimand Liu Sisi for not taking us!

Did something happen in the morning?


WeChat red envelope?

What WeChat red envelope?

We didn't work all night on the set, and we haven't touched our mobile phone until now.

I don’t know what happened in the WeChat group!

Everyone on the crew is in danger.

Because they know that what Zou Wenping said is true.

The staff of the crew also need resumes, and the income that can be brought by different work experience is also very different.

For example, the simplest lighting engineer is to move the switch to coordinate the lights.

After a three-month drama, the total income also ranges from 10,000 yuan to 300,000 yuan!

"Sequel to the Sword" is destined to be a hit, and I can write the work experience involved in the filming of this film into my resume.

For all staff, this is the beginning of the next stage, which can increase income capital!

So when the team was first established, many people who worked on the crew tried their best to squeeze into the filming of "The Sequel of the Sword".

If Zou Wenping's head is really hot, everyone on the crew will be opened.

As he said just now, only need to send out the ‘group building revelation’ and a new crew can be formed in one afternoon.

No no no.

It doesn't even take one afternoon to release the enlightenment in one minute, and there will be many staff members in the next minute, squeezing their heads to sign up!

What's even more frightening is that if Zou Wenping is fired, it is not just the loss of the Xianjian crew, this part of the job.

It will also leave an indelible stain on his work life.

So that you can lose your job in this industry forever!

Not as good as before the filming of "The Legend of the Sword and the Fairy", there was a group leader who humiliated Zhao Liying in public.

Because when Zhao Liying ran the dragon tactics, the group leader was responsible for introducing the dragon tactics to her.

Later, Zou Wenping, who was furious, drove it straight away!

Soon the group leader disappeared in Hengdian, and the group performances under his hands were also divided up by other group leaders.

In the end, I owed a debt and hid in other provinces.

Many crew members here were on the scene at the time, so Zou Wenping's remarks brought back their memories.

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