It just feels that Deng Ziqi today is very sultry.

In the bedroom.

Deng Ziqi made a YES gesture.

From the meeting, Deng Ziqi did everything.

They are all methods and strategies summarized based on the content in "Yufushu".

According to Zou Wenping's personality, Deng Ziqi adopts corresponding strategies.

This "Yufushu" is really amazing!

Judging from the development of things now, it is going very smoothly.

And there is an unexpected gain, that is, Zou Wenping actually had a nosebleed at him!


Isn't it so angry?

This time I came to Yanjing to participate in the rehearsal of the Spring Festival Gala and conquer Zou Wenping.

She will accomplish both things smoothly!

The initial teasing should be adequate.

Suddenly near and far away, hot and cold, is the point of the first sultry!

Because it's too late!

So Deng Ziqi put on a conservative dress and opened the door to go out.

In the living room, Zou Wenping was looking at his mobile phone.

After seeing Deng Ziqi coming out, Zou Wenping secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

This dress seems to be able to look directly at it.

If Deng Ziqi still wears the low-necked T-shirt, I am afraid Zou Wenping would not have the mind to take care of the Spring Festival Gala rehearsal.

That being said.

But in my heart, I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, and I couldn't feast my eyes!

Deng Ziqi poured two glasses of water and had to give Zou Wenping a glass.

"Tell me about tomorrow's rehearsal situation!"

Zou Wenping took the cup and drank some.

"I also told you before that this is a song sung by two groups of men and women."

"The two of us are one of the groups, and the other is sung by the deputy head of the art troupe."

"In the afternoon, I talked to the deputy head Jiang on the phone, and she told me about the general situation of the rehearsal."

Zou Wenping cleared his throat and sat up straight.

Deng Ziqi also cheered up, because she knew that Zhou Wenping was going to talk about the topic next.

Zou Wenping continued.

"There are so many programs on the Spring Festival Gala, it is impossible to put together the rehearsal, so the rehearsal is carried out in batches."

"Our show is from January 10th to January 15th, a total of six days."

"The rehearsal for the first three days was carried out separately from song and dance."

"In the next three days, we will put the singing and dancing together. If the rehearsal passes, we will wait for the twenty-eighth lunar month for a complete rehearsal."

"Finally, you can wait and go to the stage to perform!"

After hearing what Zou Wenping introduced, Deng Ziqi nodded understandingly..0

Although she is a famous singer in China, she has not yet been on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

So I don’t know much about the Spring Festival Gala.

But she also knows how strict the rehearsal requirements of the Spring Festival Gala are.

"So when will we go tomorrow?"

Zou Wenping replied.

"Head Jiang and I have agreed that we will go to the rehearsal at nine o'clock tomorrow morning."

"The hotel we stayed in is across the road from the National TV Station."

"You can walk for more than ten minutes, so in terms of time, it's quite ample."

"Don't be too nervous tomorrow, given the strength of the concerts you have played so many times."

"This kind of rehearsal should be drizzle."

The stage experience is very simple to say, but it is really more complicated to do.

It requires actual participation from field to field, and in the face of the gaze of countless audiences off the stage, you can still easily complete your performance.

Deng Ziqi is even a more sophisticated person with stage experience.

She smiled.

"The drizzle is a bit exaggerated."

"However, I won't be particularly nervous."

Zou Wenping looked at the time on the phone, and then at the night outside.

Then say.

"This song hasn't been sung by the two of us yet."

"Let’s rest early today, and we will be at the rehearsal site tomorrow. Let’s try the chorus. 0.3"

"Based on our experience of cooperation, this song should have a tacit understanding."

Deng Ziqi smiled.

"I look forward to tomorrow."

While speaking, Deng Ziqi rubbed her eyes and yawned softly.

Zou Wenping asked with concern.

"are you sleepy?"

Deng Ziqi nodded embarrassedly.

"I flew directly from Malaysia, and it took 7 hours to fly by plane."

"After getting off the plane, it took a few more hours to get here."

Zou Wenping stood up and smiled.

"Then you take a rest early, let's go to the Spring Festival Gala tomorrow and join the rehearsal!"

After speaking, Zou Wenping left Deng Ziqi's room.

Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

The sunrise is red in the east, please send me flowers! .

Chapter 871

Early the next morning.

Five-star hotels like this all provide breakfast.

Zou Wenping and Deng Ziqi in the hotel restaurant, after having breakfast.

We walked towards the opposite national station together.

In the morning, there are many office workers working nearby, and ants emerge from the subway station like ants.

Then walked in all directions.


It is the self-deprecating of office workers.

Most of them live in poor environments, and come out to work like ants at dawn.

Carrying big dreams, but holding a meager salary.

Even so, they are still industrious, still working at sunrise and at sunset, and some people are still working at sunset.

In the morning rush hour, a large number of ants go out, or take buses, subways, or private cars on their way to work.

At this time, it happens to be the morning peak period.

There are many office buildings near the national station, and many office workers work in the vicinity.

In order to avoid being recognized by the crowds and causing trouble, the Spring Festival Gala rehearsal was delayed.

Both of them covered their masks and wore sunglasses, walking through the crowd in full gear.

People 20 are busy going to work, no one notices the men and women around them.

One is the famous Deng Ziqi, and the other is the more famous Zou Wenping!

Twenty minutes later, the two walked to the south gate of National Taiwan.

One is raw and the other is cooked.

This time I came to National Taiwan, Zou Wenping didn't want to be like the last time, all kinds of unfamiliar.

He escaped from the disguise on his face, and walked to the young lady at the front desk to explain his intentions.

The leaders have notified Zou Wenping to participate in the rehearsal today.

Therefore, the young lady took Zou Wenping and Deng Ziqi directly to the meeting room by elevator.

Soon, Jiang Yuhua walked into the conference room with a middle-aged man.

Zou Wenping and Deng Ziqi quickly stood up.

"Hello Head Jiang!"

When he came, Deng Ziqi heard Zou Wenping mentioned it.

Among the two groups of male and female singers, the other group is from the art troupe. One of them is a lady who is the deputy head of the group.

Although Deng Ziqi is not a member of the system, she also knows what level the deputy head of the cultural and industrial troupe is.

She also bowed slightly to say hello politely.

"Hello Head Jiang!"

Jiang Yuhua nodded.

"Xiao Zou, it's been a long time!"

"I've heard of you, your name is Deng Ziqi, right?"

"Yesterday, when Xiao Zou told me that his partner was you, I was surprised."

"A good singer like you, participated in the singing of this song."

"Our show is absolutely stable!"

"Let me introduce you to me, I believe you have also heard of it."

"He is a very powerful singer in our art troupe, Cai Weiqing, Teacher Cai!"


After hearing this, Zou Wenping was slightly taken aback.

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