It's too embarrassing to say this!


Soon four people came to the rehearsal room.

The recording of the Spring Festival Gala was conducted in the National Broadcasting Station No. 1 Studio.

However, the initial rehearsal will not be there.

To wait until the last three days, there is no problem compared to the running-in, and the coordination between singing and dancing is also okay.

Rehearsals will be held in Studio One when they can formally perform on stage.


What a trench national station is!

In addition to Studio One, there are also many studios that can record evening parties.

There are also many idle studios.

These became the rehearsal places.

Under the leadership of Jiang Yuhua and Cai Weiqing, Zou Wenping entered a studio.

There are stages, auditoriums, lighting rooms and so on.

There are many people sitting in the auditorium.

Jiang Yuhua introduced Zou Wenping, and there are several executive directors of the Spring Festival Gala.

There are also dance teachers and more than twenty dancers!

Zou Wenping greeted these people one by one.

Among those dancers, many of them are fans of Zou Wenping. After seeing Zou Wenping, everyone was very excited.

I want to ask for an autograph for Zou Wenping, but since their teacher is here, no one dares to move.

Anyway, we have to rehearse for 6 days together, it will be a long time!

The directors who came to the scene today are all executive directors who are responsible for the simple shooting of (Nuo Wang Zhao) and show the effects of the shooting to Zou Wenping.

And the student of Lao Mouzi, the director of this Spring Festival Gala, Director Ji Zi Qiu Ji did not come.

Because he is the chief director, in the director's room, watching everyone's rehearsal effects.

After greeting each other, Zou Wenping and the others began to discuss how to conduct the dress rehearsal.

Zou Wenping pointed to the stage and said.

"¨`As discussed at the beginning, our song is a song sung by two groups of men and women."

"We first decide the order of singing and the lyrics to be assigned."

"Head Jiang and Teacher Cai, I think the two of you should be the seniors first, singing the first half."

"Then Ziqi and I sang the second half."


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

The sunrise is red in the east, please send me flowers! .

Mime private 873

After listening to Zou Wenping's suggestion, Jiang Yuhua shook his head in disagreement.

"As for the order of appearance, I have also discussed with Teacher Cai."

"Now the Spring Festival Gala, one of the tasks is to attract more young people's attention."

"Among the four of us, you and Ziqi have the highest prestige among young people."

"You two sing the first half, and Teacher Cai and I sing the second half. This is the more appropriate order!"

Cai Weiqing nodded.

"Yes, the content of the Spring Festival Gala, the invitation is easy to understand, and can be accepted by most people."

"Because we are not only targeting young people, but also many middle-aged people who don't understand the Internet, as well as overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese."

"This has also led to young people who like fresh excitement more willing to watch the variety show Spring Festival Gala on Mango Channel and Blue Channel."

"How to attract more young people on the basis of keeping the Spring Festival Gala easy to understand and the main theme."

"It has become the focus of discussion on the Spring Festival Gala in recent years."

"In the eyes of me and head Jiang, you and Ziqi are the two trump cards of this year's Spring Festival Gala!"

"So you two, it will be better to play first!"

Deng Ziqi shook her head repeatedly and took a step back.

The expression seems to be saying 967, don’t take me when you brag!

She sneered.

"Teacher Cai, you can flatter Xiao Zou!"

"I don't dare to be the ace of the Spring Festival Gala!"

"It's not self-deprecating, I think Xiao Zou's popularity now completely crushes me in all aspects."

"It's his blessing to be able to participate in the Spring Festival Gala this time!"

Zou Wenping also quickly defended.

"You are wrong to say that, the success or failure of this song is not in my own hands."

"This is a song sung by four people. It takes four people to work together to achieve the best results."

Jiang Yuhua smiled.

"Don't fight, things are settled like this."

"Xiao Zou, you and Ziqi sing the first part, and I sing the latter part with Teacher Cai."

"Let’s go to the recording studio this morning to record the song."

"With songs, dance teachers can perform choreography."

Zou Wenping nodded, and then followed Jiang Yuhua to the recording studio in the National Radio.


The staff (caad) in the recording studio had already got the score for the Spring Festival Gala song.

Therefore, the relevant soundtrack should be tuned until the official recording.

Just now, Zou Wenping has allocated his own singing part.

So the recording went very smoothly.

In the morning, I finished the song and put it in the hands of the dance teacher.

The previous dance teacher has rehearsed the prototype of the dance based on the original soundtrack.

The formal one must be based on the formal music.

If singing and dancing can cooperate tacitly, it can give the audience a very good impression.

So today, the task of the singer Zou Wenping is to record the song in the morning and get familiar with the stage.

In the afternoon, it was given to the dancers to make a suitable dance.

From the second day, it was the formal dress rehearsal. Zou Wenping and the others had to go through the cuts again and again until they finally passed.


After returning home, Deng Ziqi started to stab and seduce Zou Wenping quietly with various benefits.

Zou Wenping, who saw it a few times, was full of enthusiasm.

Fortunately, he has enough concentration, otherwise what will happen to make people blushing is not necessarily.

After a night of rest, I came to National Taiwan again.

What I started today is the formal dress rehearsal.

Zou Wenping briefly discussed the way of playing, and then began the rehearsal of singing and dancing.

If this link is passed, they can go to Studio One.

This is the final recording location of the Spring Festival Gala, where the rehearsal will take place.

After three rehearsals, Zou Wenping went to the executive director to watch the rehearsal replay.

The rehearsal is the same as making a film and television drama. You need to come over and over again until you get the best performance.

After watching the return visit on the monitor, Jiang Yuhua looked at Zou Wenping.

"Xiao Zou, what do you think?"

"Is there anything that needs to be improved?"

Zou Wenping looked at Jiang Yuhua and then at the choreographer.

"Really let me say?"

Jiang Yuhua raised his eyebrows slightly.

In fact, she just asked casually just now, but she didn't expect Zou Wenping to really give an opinion?

Although this is the third dress rehearsal, Zou Wenping and the four of them are all very capable singers.

In addition, I have recorded several times yesterday, so there is no problem with singing.

And that dance teacher is also a very famous choreographer in China, and has led many large-scale singing and dancing.

Those dancers are actors brought out by him personally, and of course there is no need to say much about their strength.

This song is considered to be a strong alliance. Listening to Zou Wenping's meaning, what makes him unsatisfied?

Jiang Yuhua wanted to hear what kind of insights this talented man praised.

"Talk about it!"

Zou Wenping nodded.

"I think our rehearsals have been very good these few times."

"The four of us are professional in singing, and these teachers in dance are professional."

"Song or dance, but it’s not good to get together."

"I always feel that the two can't blend together."

"Obviously it is a singing and dancing performance, but in fact it is song and dance, and dance is dance!"

"It's like scrambled eggs with tomatoes. The perfect combination of the two will be very delicious."

"But if it is made, the tomatoes and eggs will be severely divided, and the taste will definitely be compromised."

In order to make his suggestions easy to understand, Zou Wenping brought out all the kitchen cooking theories.

Jiang Yuhua and Cai Weiqing looked at each other and nodded slightly.

In fact, what Zou Wenping said is a common problem in most song and dance shows.

The singer was very engaged in singing in front, very contagious.

But the back dancers danced by themselves, so I couldn't feel that the dance was specially rehearsed for this song.

The feeling is that this dance can be matched with any song, and at the same time it will not be remembered by people.


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

There is true love in the world, and a flower is also love! .

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