Deng Ziqi thought that these two people would make an unpleasant relationship.

Who ever thought.

Zou Wenping said in a few words and gave away a few high hats, and the choreographer happily accepted Zou Wenping's suggestion.

How can I not feel it before I can fool you?

This important piece of information is missing in "Yu Fu Shu".

For Deng Ziqi, "Yufushu" is her secret book for Raiders Zou Wenping!

It covers a lot, and all the characteristics of Zou Wenping that Deng Ziqi can think of.

But Deng Ziqi also knows that that is not all of the features, and it is necessary to check the deficiencies and make up for the omissions.

The more comprehensive the features recorded in "Yufushu", the greater the possibility of successfully attacking Zou Wenping in the past few days!

Deng Ziqi wrote down this one secretly, and will write it in when he goes back.

Having said that, Deng Ziqi couldn't help but sigh as she looked at the choreographer who was full of satisfaction.

Man's mouth is a deceitful ghost! This is not false at all!

Zou Wenping said with some worry.

"But, it's January 11th today."

"Our dress rehearsal is planned to be completed before January 15."

"The dance in my mind requires a lot of props and a lot of corresponding costumes.

"Not counting today, there are only four days, will it be a little nervous?"

The choreographer waved his hand and smiled.

"No, many props and costumes are my apprentices."

"I'll go say hello and it will be done! Wait a minute for me."

After speaking, he took out his mobile phone and walked to the corner of the studio.

After dialing the phone, I talked vividly about what I wanted.

Seeing this scene, Zou Wenping was happy in his heart.

This choreographer is also vigorous and vigorous, just do it!

Soon the teacher walked over.

"Finished, the costumes and props said that as long as the style is designed today, it can be made by noon tomorrow."

"So I'm going to them now and show them the style we need."

Zou Wenping arched his hands slightly.

"thanks for your work teacher!"

At the same time, I sigh in my heart, this is the personal connection.

If you don't have this level of contact, it is estimated that the costume props will have to be given to you in the back row.

But acquaintances are different, and they can serve you in advance.

There are many kinds of personal connections, at least in the connections related to dance..0

No one in the country can compare to the teacher in front of him.

People make the best use of their talents.

The dance teacher waved his hand.

"Yes, it should."

"The songs sung by the four of you are very good."

"With a very suitable dance, it will definitely add luster to the whole party!"

"I can also make a big splash in my career!"

"Head Jiang, Teacher Cai, you guys are busy first, I'll go to the costume and props for a trip!"

After speaking, greeted the others and left the rehearsal room.

Those dancers also left.

The rehearsal room suddenly became deserted.

Jiang Yuhua gave Zou Wenping a thumbs up.

"Xiao Zou, amazing!"

"This ability in interpersonal communication, if you don't become a diplomat, you will be a little bit awkward!"

As the deputy head of the cultural and industrial troupe, Jiang Yuhua is definitely a human being.

How could I not see that Zou Wenping had just snapped a high hat.

The expression of the choreographer directly changed from the rain to the rain to the smile.

Zou Wenping scratched his head and smiled embarrassedly.

"I also acted by chance, and the choreographer's ability is really strong."

"Because of this matter, it is a bit unpleasant to make trouble. It's a bit bad."

Jiang Yuhua curled his lips slightly.

Did not make too many comments.

"The part we sang has passed, and now we have to dance."

"There is nothing to do today, let's all go back soon."

"When the choreography teacher finishes tomorrow, we will rehearse again."

"If there is nothing wrong with the rehearsal, you can go to Studio One the day after tomorrow!"

Zou Wenping nodded.

The four of them are very professional singers, and they are certainly not difficult to sing.

So don’t spend too much time on singing.

After a few simple greetings, Zou Wenping and Deng Ziqi left first.


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

Jiangnan is booming at sunrise, please send me flowers! .

Chapter 876

Gao Yuhua invited Zou Wenping and Deng Ziqi to dinner, and Cai Weiqing followed.

This is the first time for the two of them to eat at the National Taiwan Restaurant.

The National Television Building has very complete supporting facilities.

There are several restaurants inside.

But this time they went to the restaurant on the top floor.

Many high-end hotels and office buildings will have two types of restaurants.

One is a canteen for the general public. The food in the canteen varies according to the grade of the office building.

The food provided by the National Taiwan Canteen is even more upscale than many star-rated restaurants!

The other is the restaurant on the top floor.

This one is relatively high-end, because it is too high-end, many ladies prefer to fight these places, it is compelling!

For example, the highest restaurant in Yanjing, Guomao 79!

The name is because this restaurant is on the 79th floor, 300 meters above the ground!

If the weather is good, you can almost overlook the entire Yanjing in this restaurant!

Zou Wenping decided to go to the highest restaurant for a meal when waiting for his free time!

The restaurant where Jiang Yuhua led them to eat was located on the top floor of National Taiwan.

You can overlook most of Yanjing, looking down from the window, the traffic on the road is about the size of an ant.

Jiang Yuhua smiled.

"Xiao Zou, you really opened my eyes to me today and got to know you more comprehensively."

"Unexpectedly, you can even do choreography!"

"No wonder Xixi admires you so much. An idol with such a strong and positive energy like you should really be sought after!"

Zou Wenping said with a smile.

"Head Jiang praised, I just put forward the plan that I think is right."

"And almost made the teacher angry."

Cai Weiqing waved his hand.

"No, Xiao Zou, you don't have to be too polite."

"Head Jiang and I are both experienced people."

"The dance plan you mentioned today is really great, and I still have the dance image you said in my mind."

"Sure enough, only the songwriter himself can understand dance and what form it should express!"

"I have a hunch that this song will definitely be a big hit in the Spring Festival Gala!"

The four of them ate and chatted and waited until night fell before they finished their dinner.


Back in the hotel where she was staying, Deng Ziqi took out the book "The Royal Husband" that she had opened countless times.

Said it is a cheat book, but it is actually a high-end notebook.

On the first page is written "Yuhushu: The Method of Raiding Zou Wenping".

There is also a line of small characters written below, sincere and sincere to the gold and stone!

Deng Ziqi has a small assistant who is destined to be polyandry.

She is younger than Deng Ziqi, but she has trained several licking dogs.

Those men were held firmly in her hands by her, and none of them wanted to leave.

What Xiaosuke ideally buys, those licking dogs will buy it for her if they borrow money.

It's just that the little assistant doesn't want to marry them, and buy himself a bag, he has to hesitate for a long time and is not worthy of her at all!

The little assistant just uses these licking dogs to perfect his own strength, and then catch the richer handsome guys!

Deng Ziqi's "Fufushu" is based on what the little assistant said, how she used to catch Kaizi.

Don't look at this little assistant's purpose is to catch high, rich and handsome, but she really did a lot of hard work.

First, it analyzes the types of men and how to deal with them.

Then he established a dog licking pool and a spare dog licking pool.

Which man decides to go on his own, the assistant just keeps it appropriately.

If the other party insists on leaving, the assistant doesn't feel distressed at all, so he can directly raise another person from the spare licking pool.

What makes Deng Ziqi smack the most is that she actually created a file for each man.

In the licking dog pool and the spare licking dog pool, what is each man's name, height, weight, hobbies, dislikes, etc.

Then, according to the characteristics of each person, develop a corresponding communication strategy.


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