But in order to make the result better, another day of rehearsal tomorrow, if there is no problem, even if it is completely passed.

Ji Ziqiu will write their program at the zero-point finale.

After bidding farewell to Jiang Yuhua and Cai Weiqing.

Zou Wenping and Deng Ziqi went and checked into the restaurant on the top floor of the hotel.

Shouldn't we celebrate such a good thing?

After opening the private room, the two sat by the window, enjoying the food and chatting happily.

"It's great, it's a surprise."

"Unexpectedly, our program could actually become the finale!"

Think about the New Year’s Eve, audience friends all over the country are there, and his singing farewell to the old and welcome the new.

Regardless of prestige value, this honor alone is very proud!

However, in the face of Zou Wenping's enthusiasm, Deng Ziqi didn't seem too interested.

Deng Ziqi curled her lips and smiled.

"This is all thanks to your blessing. There is no such excellent work as you, and the choreographer will come in the future."

"I'm afraid this song won't appear at the finale position!"

Zou Wenping didn't notice Deng Ziqi's unnatural expression.

Continue to say happily.

"Tomorrow the rehearsal is over, we can leave Yanjing."

"The original plan was six days, but I didn't expect it would take only five days to pass the rehearsal."

"Actually, you can go through the rehearsal today, but Director Ji Ziqiu believes that there are some small details."

"But anyway, tomorrow will be free."

After hearing Zou Wenping's words, Deng Ziqi's expression wiped a trace of sadness.

Her eyes looked at the light outside the window.

Now that night has fallen, the lights of the vehicles on the road have all turned on.

Neon-like taillights dot the road into strips of luminous lights.

The buildings of the office buildings standing around are also lit up one after another, forming a beautiful picture with the car lights on the road!

Looking at the scenery outside the window, Deng Ziqi felt melancholy.

Are you leaving Yanjing tomorrow?

Originally, she was confident enough to take Zou Wenping before leaving Yanjing.

However, the reality ruthlessly poured cold water on her.

In the past few days, except for rehearsal time.

In the rest of the time, Deng Ziqi was following the contents of "The Royal Husband" to guide Zou Wenping.

However, except when they met on the first day, Zou Wenping seemed to be a bit hooked.

He even had a nosebleed that couldn't stand the temptation.

This makes Deng Ziqi feel that the victory is in hand, "Yu Fu Shu" is awesome!

However, the next few days will not work.

No matter how Deng Ziqi seduce, Zou Wenping didn't respond much.

As if I couldn't feel it at all, the enthusiasm and unrestrainedness that rushed forward.

Deng Ziqi didn't know what went wrong, so she read "Yu Fu Shu" several times.

Is there something missing in your analysis of Zou Wenping?

Last night, she wore a very light pajamas and ran into Zou Wenping's room.

Excuse me, that is, there is a way of singing in the lyrics, she was a little confused, and asked Zou Wenping to answer her questions.

During the questioning, Deng Ziqi kept scratching her head, trying to let Zou Wenping find herself.

However, Zou Wenping turned a blind eye, completely ignoring Deng Ziqi's true intentions, and calmly answering questions to himself.

She didn't know that Zou Wenping had seen all kinds of temptations.

Now in the crew of "Legend of Sword and Fairy III", Yang Mi and Liu Sisi often tease themselves in different ways.

Therefore, Zou Wenping has become immune to many seductions.

Deng Ziqi looked at the light outside the window and sighed again.

I'm leaving Yanjing tomorrow. I was so enthusiastic when I came, and when I went back, I felt like I was coming home.

Zou Wenping also found Deng Ziqi's melancholy.

··0 Seeking flowers 0···

Said with a smile.

"What's wrong? Why is this expression?"

"Are you reluctant to leave Yanjing?"

Deng Ziqi glanced at Zou Wenping and then at the scenery outside the window.

Then nodded.

"Yeah, a little bit reluctant!"

"Wenping, do you think I have any shortcomings?"


Zou Wenping was shocked.

Asked puzzled.


"No, I think you are pretty good!"

"Why do you ask that suddenly?"

Deng Ziqi paused and said.

"Then why, someone hates me and even ignores my existence?"

After hearing this, Zou Wenping rolled up his sleeves immediately.


A look of righteous indignation.

"I said why you are a little unhappy, because someone made you angry?"

"Who is so bold, Ziqi who dares to bully us!"

"Tell me, see how I can get justice for you!"

Looking at Zou Wenping's double-ribbed knife.

Deng Ziqi couldn't help but smile.

"I'm kidding you, I'm protected by a brokerage company and team. Who can let me be bullied?"

"It's nice to be here today, I toast a glass, thank you for your kind invitation, let me have the honor of logging on to CCTV!"

While speaking, Deng Ziqi raised her glass and shook it.

Zou Wenping also said with a smile.

"Thank Miss Deng, for taking the time to help me out of her busy schedule!"


With the crisp sound of clinking glasses, Zou Wenping and Deng Ziqi each drank half a glass of red wine.

Zou Wenping smiled.

"Ziqi, you must have really helped me this time."

"From now on, as long as you need it, you can go through all fire and water with just one sentence!"

Deng Ziqi raised her eyebrows.


"As long as I need it, you agree?"

Zou Wenping nodded.

"Of course, as long as I can do it."

"Go up to the sword, and down to the sea of ​​fire, throwing blood on your head, and you will never frown!"


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

The sunrise is red in the east, please send me flowers! three.

Chapter 880

Deng Ziqi smiled slightly, then said softly.

"What if I need you?"


Zou Wenping was slightly startled.

Looking at Deng Ziqi with blinking eyes, her expression was full of surprise.

need me?

What is the answer?

Seeing Zou Wenping's surprised expression, Deng Ziqi chuckled lightly.

"I was joking with you, but my face changed when I was shocked."

"I don't need anything. The sadness just now is just thinking of something."

"The meal is almost done, let's go back!"

When talking, Deng Ziqi's face showed a faint sadness.

There are some things I want to say, but it seems that the relationship between the two makes her unable to speak.

What if you say you can't be friends?

Zou Wenping looked at the remaining half of the red "Nine-80" wine in the glass.

"Okay, let's finish drinking these and we'll take a good rest."

As they said, the two clinked glasses again and drank the red wine.

This red wine does not have a high degree, and besides, the two of them only drank a glass each.

Zou Wenping took the lead to finish drinking, put down the glass and said happily.

"You can go back tomorrow after the rehearsal!"

After hearing this, Deng Ziqi, who was drinking red wine, felt a trace of sadness in her heart.

I got distracted and got angry after drinking and choked on drinking.

The red wine in your mouth is hard to swallow.

Then one couldn't help it.


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