Zou Wenping also understood that this was Jiang Yuhua as a senior who was reminding himself.

Don't let yourself be too relaxed, the arrogant soldier will be defeated!

Zou Wenping nodded knowingly.

"Head Jiang, don't worry, I will take it very seriously."

"I will never let myself happen, and the chain will be dropped at a critical moment!"

Deng Ziqi also promised..0

"Me too, such a rare opportunity, I will definitely cherish it."

"On the night of the New Year's Eve, I will definitely show my best state and send blessings to the audience friends in front of the TV!"

Jiang Yuhua smiled with satisfaction.

"That's good, then our Spring Festival Gala rehearsal will come to an end!"

"I thought that the rehearsal would not be finished until January 15, but I didn't expect it to be finished a day earlier."

"This is great, to make time for rehearsal of other shows later!"

Jiang Yuhua is also one of the people in charge of the Spring Festival Gala, so what she said is quite weighty.

Zou Wenping nodded again and again.

When the leader speaks, you don't know how to respond.

Nodding and it's over.

If you don't nod to indicate that the leader is right, then do you still want to shake your head?

After Jiang Yuhua finished speaking.

Ji Ziqiu, the chief director of this Spring Festival Gala, made the final concluding speech.

"Your rehearsal for this show has ended successfully!"

"As Chief Jiang mentioned just now, there is still some time before New Year's Eve."

"During this time, don't relax yourself."

"The 28th of the twelfth lunar month, which is February 3rd of the Gregorian calendar, we have to start on this day for the overall rehearsal."

"It will be performed over and over again in the order of the official appearance, to ensure that there will be no errors in 0.3 when the official performance is performed."

"Such as the black three-minute situation that happened that year, try to avoid it."

"So please don't be late, let alone be unfamiliar with today's performance!"

Zou Wenping everyone nodded and promised.

"Don't worry, you won't be disappointed!"

Ji Ziqiu nodded.

"Okay, then everyone, see you on the twenty-eighth lunar month!"

Jiang Yuhua and others are in charge of the Spring Festival Gala, so they have to stay and check other shows.

Zou Wenping and Deng Ziqi waved goodbye to Jiang Yuhua, Cai Weiqing and others.

Then the two left the national station and returned to the hotel where they were staying.


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

Li Bai will want to go on a boat, can you give me some flowers! .

Mime private 886

After returning to the hotel, Zou Wenping and Deng Ziqi began to pack their things.

Now that the rehearsal has passed, there is no need to stay in this place for a long time.

After packing things up, Deng Ziqi went to Zou Wenping's room.

"The rehearsal is over, what are your plans next?"

"Go back to the fairy sword crew to continue filming?"

Zou Wenping thought for a while and replied.

"No, the rehearsal for the Spring Festival Gala is over, but I still have to participate in the promotion of Lao Mouzi's movie "Hero"."

"This movie will be released during the Spring Festival, and the official promotion will begin in two days!"

"I have to go to this promotional event!"

Deng Ziqi raised her eyebrows.

"Lao Mouzi's movie?"

"I heard you mention it before, but are you just starting to announce it now?"

"I thought it started a long time ago. This Lao Mouzi is really patient."

Zou Wenping smiled.

"Actually, the announcement started six months ago."

"It's just that at that time, I didn't say who the leading actors were."

"The publicity is that Lao Mouzi has an epic 20-level movie to be released."

"Who the specific protagonist is and what the background of the content is, these are not said."

"Lao Mouzi believes that these cards are used for the announcement of all movies, and how to play the cards is a very important thing."

"The biggest gimmick of a movie is nothing more than two points, the subject matter and the actors."

"After discussion, Lao Mouzi decided to focus on the subject matter and actors in the last month."

"Pull the audience's interest and appetite to the apex, and then they will be willing to walk into the cinema!"

Deng Ziqi nodded repeatedly.

Although she doesn't understand the film, she can understand.

With the foresight of Lao Mouzi, he will definitely make a unique decision!

Then Deng Ziqi said half coquettishly.

"Can I go with you too!"


Zou Wenping was slightly startled.

"You too?"

"Don't you have any other work?"

"Are all the singing things done?"

Deng Ziqi stood by the bed, waving her arms and saying happily.

"I won't have anything to do until the end of the year!"

"I told the team that this Spring Festival Gala rehearsal is very important, as long as half a month is spared."

"At the same time, Xiao Zou's film and television drama theme song also needs me to sing."

"It takes a lot of time to come and go."

"Plus the Chinese New Year is coming soon, everyone's work spirit is already loose, so it's better to take a holiday."

"Then wait until the year's time to officially start! I'm smart!"

Looking at Deng Ziqi with a smug look, Zou Wenping curled his lips slightly.

"so smart!"

"You are so smart!"

Deng Ziqi frowned slightly.

"Big smart? How do I sound that, so awkward?"

"Are you complimenting me?"

Zou Wenping said with a small smile.

"Of course I'm complimenting you for being smart!"

"Let's go, just one day of free time, I will take you to my villa to play."

Deng Ziqi rubbed her hands in excitement.


"Do you still have a villa in Yanjing?"

"Wait for me to get my luggage!"

Having said that, Deng Ziqi ran back to the room and ran back to Zou Wenping's room with the suitcase.

Zou Wenping watched her go out with the three big celebrities, masks, sunglasses and caps, and couldn't help but be happy.

"Are you going out like this?"

Deng Ziqi said suspiciously.

"Yes, is there any problem?"

"I usually do that when I go out."

Zou Wenping shrugged.

"In fact, there is no problem, but I think you are too eye-catching like this."

"Originally, this kind of disguise is a short time, and it would be better to be under the protection of an assistant."

"Some artists who want to promote themselves will also adopt this method of reverse thinking."

"It seems to be disguising yourself, but it's actually attracting the attention of others!"

Deng Ziqi agrees very much with what Zou Wenping said.

"What you said is not wrong, it is indeed like this."

"But most celebrities dress up like this to facilitate travel."

"Otherwise, everything is living under the attention of everyone, which is a very devastating thing!"

Zou Wenping glanced at the open door, walked over and closed the door.

Then nodded.

"Said it right."

After seeing Zou Wenping closing the door, Deng Ziqi felt a little expectant, looking at Zou Wenping with some blush on her face.

Asked a little shyly.

"Wenping, we are going to check out, what are you doing after closing the door?"

"Are you planning to come once before leaving?"


Zou Wenping froze for a moment, then snapped, rewarding Deng Ziqi with a crisp brain collapse.

Smiled and scolded.

"What do you think, do I have such a beast?"

"I intend to give you a magical skill that will allow you to travel more freely in the future!"


Deng Ziqi flattened her mouth, and her face was full of disappointment.

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