Originally, Lao Mouzi's assistant was also a young lady's.

But after getting married, he was replaced by a male assistant by his wife.

Zou Wenping smiled at the little brother.

"Hello, I'm looking for director Lao Mouzi!"

The little brother looked over, then couldn't help but widen his eyes.

The expression immediately became respectful.

"Brother Ping!"

"Please come in, Director Lao Mouzi just now asked me to call and ask you where you are!"

With that, the little brother turned sideways and let go.

Zou Wenping smiled and nodded, and walked into the lounge.

Then the little brother closed the door again.

A security guard clapped his hands excitedly.

"Unexpectedly, I actually saw Zou Wenping!"

"Oh, forgot to sign with him!"

The security captain comforted.

"Don't worry, there is still a chance, I want his signature too!"

"Really a young and promising person, he became the starring actor in Lao Mouzi movies at a young age!"

"It's enviable and jealous!"


When Zou Wenping entered the lounge, Lao Mouzi and others were already there.

Sitting on the sofa in the lounge chatting.

Zou Wenping said hello politely.

"Director Lao Mouzi, here I am!"

After seeing Zou Wenping, everyone in the lounge stood up.

Liang Caowei hurried over.

"Xiao Zou, you little bastard, you are here!"


Zou Wenping twitched the corners of his mouth, what a **** bastard.

Brother Wei, if you don't think you are a senior, I will definitely let you lie on the ground!

"Actually, I could come here long ago because I lived in the hotel opposite the Convention and Exhibition Center."

"However, there are too many people around the Convention and Exhibition Center."

"In order not to cause a sensation, I just wanted to be a thief, and went around several times before sneaking in."

Zhang Manyu walked over, still showing an intellectual smile on her face.

"Xiao Zou, you still don't like to bring security when you go out as before!"

"This is not so good, you have to consider your own safety!"

Zou Wenping bowed slightly.

"Sister Manyu, long time no see!"

"I will pay attention next time!"

How do they know that Zou Wenping has a unique skill, disguise!

It allows him to easily change his face and appear in any place.

Zhang Manyu smiled.

"The last time I ate the food you cooked in Tyre, it was so appetizing to me."

"You said you are a man, why do you know how to cook?"

Before Zou Wenping answered, Liang Caowei said quickly.

"Yes, I heard Manyu say."

"The dishes you make are absolutely delicious!"

"Later I also watched some short videos on the Internet. Many foreigners were queuing to eat."

"Xiao Zou, you are not kind!"


Zou Wenping asked blankly.

"I'm not kind? Why am I not kind?"

Liang Caowei accused.

"When we were filming in Sugan Province, we didn't see you cooking for a whole month!"

"Are you unkind?"

Zou Wenping shrugged and retorted..0

"Brother Wei, you are such an honorable person, how forgetful you are."

"I have cooked porridge and **** soup for you. If you have a bad cold, I will cure it!"

Liang Caowei said unconvinced.

"Cooking porridge is so easy, you have to make a hearty meal."

"Only like this can you show your sincerity!"


Zou Wenping looked at Liang Caowei and said with a smile.

"Brother Wei, in everyone's eyes, you are the actor!"

"That's a great bang, it's full of force!"

"If they know that you have such a stalking image in private, you will definitely collapse!"

After hearing this, Liang Caowei suddenly became serious.

In a second, Zou Wenping went from being funny to a cold state, and Zou Wenping was stunned.

This Nima, her face changes faster than turning a book!

The last second was Ouyang Feng, who was very funny in "East as the West".

The next second will become the assassin's remnant sword in "Hero".

Liang Caowei said coldly.

"Xiao Zou, since you have agreed, then I am looking forward to eating the food you cooked!"

What the hell?

Zou Wenping was shocked.

"When did I agree?"

Liang Caowei said to himself.

"That's it, I believe you are a real man who keeps your promise!"

"Don't break your promise, let me look down on you!"

After speaking, Liang Caowei turned and left.

0.3 Seeing his leaving back, Zou Wenping was dumbfounded.

Why don't you break your promise? When did I promise?

Don't talk to yourself, just throw the pot on me, okay?

Zou Wenping just wanted to argue.

Zhang Manyu interrupted him with a wave and smiled.

"Xiao Zou, he just wants to find someone to chat with."

"Don't think of this guy as a superb actor, but he has a secret in his heart."

"If you have a chance, accompany him to drink some wine to relieve his boredom!"

After listening to Zhang Manyu's words, look at Liang Caowei sitting on the sofa pretending to be cold.

Zou Wenping sighed helplessly, then nodded.


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

The sunrise is red in the east, please send me flowers! .

Chapter 891

Zou Wenping shrugged and smiled.

"Well, since Sister Manyu said so."

"Then I will do my best, but there is a little age gap between Wei and I, I don't know if I can talk!"

Zhang Ziyi and Chen Daoming also came over to greet Zou Wenping very happily.

As a junior, Zou Wenping bowed one by one in salute.

However, Yen Zidan was still a bit unconvinced with Zou Wenping.

In fact, it is normal. After all, as a person who has been in the show business for so long, he has not become the protagonist in this drama.

Why does Zou Wenping, a fledgling kid, play the leading role?

Although Zou Wenping's various performances later explained to people that he does have the potential to play the protagonist!

But Yen Zidan was not convinced, so he sat there all the time without saying hello, just nodding slightly.

Zou Wenping also nodded in return.

Lao Mouzi came over and asked.

"Xiao Zou, it's fine if you come."

"We were just discussing how we should set off the atmosphere on stage for a while."


Zou Wenping asked puzzledly.

"To set off the atmosphere? How to set off?"

Lao Mouzi explained.

"The movie conference, from admission to the end, takes about 2 hours."

"The content is nothing more than introducing the actors and putting some promotional videos."

"There will also be some interactive game sessions."

"Although our planning team has prepared some games, I think it's still a bit dry."

"If you want a talent show, Xiao Zou just happens to be praised by everyone for your talent."

"Why don't you think of a way and have a talent to set off the atmosphere for our press conference!"


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