"Welcome to the launch of our movie "Myth"!"

"Our press conference is about to begin, and I will let you know our producer, starring, and director!"

"And we will invite them to sign and take photos with everyone at our site. "々!"

"Please be prepared that they are coming!"

After listening to the young lady's words, the fans at the scene were already excited.

In this age of live broadcasting, almost everyone can become an anchor!

So after the announcement of Miss Sister, some fans held up their mobile phones to record videos or broadcast live.

Many viewers who can't get to the scene can also see Zou Wenping's figure through the live broadcast.

"It's about to start soon, so looking forward to it!"

"It's so sad that I can't go to the scene in person to see Ping Ge's heroic appearance!"

"I'm sad. I was on the plane leaving Yanjing yesterday when I learned that Ping was going!"

"This time the lineup is really strong, the stars are so dazzling!"

"In addition to Brother Ping, I also look forward to the acting skills of King Liang, and sister Manyu and Sister Ziyi!"

"Looking at the poster, this should be the background of the Warring States Period. It is very likely Daqin!"

"I also think it is more likely to be Da Qin!"

"This play is all powerful actors, so I look forward to what kind of work they will show!"


The young lady knows that everyone is ready by wearing headphones on her ears.

So he showed a professional smile.

"Dear audience friends, we invite our actors in now!"

"The first entry is our Kung Fu Emperor, Donnie Yen!"

As her voice fell, Yen Zi walked out of the room at the end of the red carpet wearing a jacket alone.

He is very famous, and almost everyone present has heard his name.

So when he appeared, there was enthusiastic applause.

Miss Sister took advantage of the time when Yen Zidan was walking, and briefly introduced his achievements.

Then said.

"Please, our Donnie Yen, stay for a while in the red carpet area."

"For our audience friends who came to the scene, autograph and take a group photo!"

These are all stated in advance, because this way can ignite the enthusiasm of the audience.

Live broadcasting is so popular now that at least half of the audience has started live broadcasting.

This is a very good way of publicity.

Interacting with the live audience is equivalent to interacting with the audience watching the live broadcast in their live broadcast room.

The purpose of developing the conference is to maximize the popularity of the film before the film is officially broadcast.

So that more audiences can walk into the cinema to watch movies.

Donnie Yen happily shook hands, signed and took photos with the audience.

Seeing the incomparable enthusiasm of the audience, Yen Zidan felt very proud.

He especially wanted to bring Zou Wenping over and reprimanded.

"Have you seen it, this is Brother's popularity!"

"This is the symbol of strength!"

"¨` is not comparable to your kind of traffic niche!"

After a short stay, Yen Zidan continued to move towards the stage.

After leaving his signature on the giant poster, he accepted a brief interview with the host.

Then he entered the meeting room.

At the same time, he quietly poke his eyes out of the side door, wanting to see how the other people showed up, how the scene reacted.

The hostess continued.

"The next one is our Zhang Ziyi!"

Zhang Ziyi appeared on the red carpet wearing a complexion dress and a quiet smile.

The prestige of the international chapter is also very appealing, and the audience once again broke out enthusiastic applause.

Hearing applause comparable to his own, Yen Zidan took it for granted.

Beauty, who doesn't like it?

It's normal to have such high cheers.

Next is Zhang Manyu.

As for the queen, the cheers are also very loud.

Miss sister continued.

"Below is the actor who invited me (Good Nuo), Liang Caowei!"


The audience at the scene was excited.

The actor, this is the actor!

Liang Caowei, in a suit, stepped confidently on the red carpet!

Is Liang Caowei so famous?

The actor is not a casual shop!

As soon as he appeared on the red carpet, the scene almost lost control.

Many viewers wanted to get close to the actor, so they tried to run into the security guard.

Fortunately, the security guards were quick-eyed and immediately set up the fence to protect Liang Caowei inside!

In addition to maintaining order, the security guards also have another task, which is to protect the safety of artists.


Let's watch three changes today. This is the least updated day since the book was opened.

Only 6000 words!

Oh, no face to meet people!

Flowers, monthly tickets, and evaluation tickets, just watch and give them! .

Mime private 893

Liang Caowei has been in the art for so many years, and he is also a person who has seen the world.

Even if the peripheral fans are so enthusiastic, they are still calm and cool and greet the fans.

Sign autographs, take photos, and even greet the audience in their live broadcast room.

That handsome and elegant posture made everyone present scream in surprise.

After all, there are not many opportunities for close contact with the actor.

Seeing Liang Caowei's audience cheering so high, Yen Zidan was very angry and told himself at the same time.

It doesn't matter, but he is the actor!

High popularity is also a normal thing.

Liang Caowei finally walked to the end of the red carpet and wrote his name there.

After a brief interview with the host, he walked into the infield.

I happened to see Donnie Yen who was lying at the crack of the door and looking out.

Liang Caowei smiled.

"Zi Shan, what are you looking at?"

"Come on, let's go to the infield lounge together, and the news media conference will begin soon!"

Yen Zi nodded and smiled.

"I'm just waiting for you in this place!"

"Walk around, hurry up to the infield lounge!"

The voice just fell.

I heard the hostess say.

"We have our Ping brother, Zou Wen, 993 Ping is here!"


This time the atmosphere on the scene became even more enthusiastic.

Many fans are shouting loudly.

"Brother Ping! Brother Ping! Brother Ping!"

Being chanted by name, this is what Liang Caowei didn't have when he appeared on the stage!

It came out after a thousand calls, when Zou Wenping's figure appeared on the red carpet.

Immediately, the audience chanted again.

All kinds of flashes and spotlights are all focused on Zou Wenping.

Zou Wenping walked along the red carpet and waved.

The sentiment became excited, and many fans tried to run into the security guard again.

But he was still stopped by the security guard.

Only this time, they endured a greater impact.

The wall built by the security guards was almost overwhelmed by fans at the scene!

This is also the first time for Zou Wenping to walk on the red carpet.

In the country of Tyre, when a birthday party was held for Schwartz's daughter.

I did the red carpet once.

It's just that at that time, he didn't walk on the red carpet, but kept busy in the Chinese restaurant.

This time he finally walked on the red carpet (caad), but didn't know what to do.

The hostess said timely.

"Brother Ping, sign and take a group photo with our audience and friends on the red carpet area."

Zou Wenping nodded.

Then follow the instructions of the young lady, stop and walk towards the surrounding audience.

This is incredible.

The audience at the scene suddenly gathered towards Zou Wenping.

The security guards were immediately under pressure that they shouldn't have at their age.

They stood arm in arm and clenched their teeth.

Seeing this scene, Zou Wenping suddenly shouted.

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