Said with a smile.

"Well, after the press conference in the factory state is over, you can go to Hengdian with me!"

"By the way, Liang Caowei insisted on asking me to have a drink tonight, but he really refused, so he had to agree."

"You don't blame me?"

After hearing this, Deng Ziqi asked in surprise.

"Liang Caowei? Is it the actor Liang Caowei?"

"My dear, you are so good, the movie actor always asks you to drink!"

Zou Wenping frowned slightly and shrugged.

"Actually I don't know how to say it."

"Before I saw Liang Caowei, my impression of him was very lofty."

"After all, he is the actor, and the images in the film and television works are very cold."

"Who knows that Liang Caowei in private is a little bit funny, and sometimes he gets cold suddenly!"

"It's more schizophrenic than the nightshade in this fairy sword sequel!"

Deng Ziqi smiled and stroked Zou Wenping's frowning brow.

"Don't frown, watch out for forehead lines!"

"I envy you, you can actually see the image of the actor in private!"

"As an artist, you should know that sometimes the image of an artist in front of the camera is packaged."

"This kind of thing is called human design, and one of the work content of an artist is to manage his own human design."

"Once the business is not good, or sometimes not paying attention, it will cause damage to the human design!"

"Many entertainment news often use the term'personal design collapse' to describe an artist."

"I think the actor will be more cautious when maintaining his personal settings, and will not easily let people see what he looks like in private."

"If he is willing to let you know what kind of person he is actually, then it proves that he didn't treat you as an outsider!"

After hearing what Deng Ziqi said, Zou Wenping thought about it.


If nothing else, let’s just talk about Yang Mi, her image in public is a cold goddess.

A very courageous female boss, very powerful.

However, only Zou Wenping knows that Yang Mi in private is very gentle, even a little stupid!

Therefore, Yang Mi in front of the public is to maintain her personality.

Of course, there are also people who do not need to deliberately set up, such as Reba!

This guy is really a foodie!

Eat where you go, what you give you, don’t be picky eaters at all!

Zou Wenping once doubted whether Reba changed from Pai Yao!

Think about Liang Caowei again, it seems that he really regards himself as a friend.

I just don't know what he intends to say if he wants to drink with himself so much.

Zou Wenping nodded.

"You are right, but I actually consider him a friend."

"It's a pretty good friend who doesn't ask about age!"

Deng Ziqi stood on tiptoe and kissed Zou Wenping on the cheek.


Then Yan Ran smiled.

"He and you won't drink until the evening. Now you can accompany me first!"

Deng Ziqi had just finished taking a shower, her body exuded a very good smell.

The smell made Zou Wenping a little unbearable.


Why endure?

Not an outsider!


Two hours later, Zou Wenping was holding Deng Ziqi and chatting.

At this time.

Boom boom boom!

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.


Zou Wenping was shocked. At this moment, who is knocking on the door?


The knock on the door sounded again, and Zou Wenping walked over with curiosity and looked out through the cat's eyes.


Zou Wenping took a breath and whispered to Deng Ziqi.

"Liang Caowei! Why did he come?"

Zou Wenping checked the time and patted his face lightly.

"It's broken, maybe he waited too long, so he came up to find me by himself."


After hearing this, Deng Ziqi flicked off the bed and sat up.

"Liang Caowei?"

"The well-known actor is at our door?"

Deng Ziqi's mood is very complicated at this moment.

It was the first time that she had been so close to the actor, just by a door!

It's fake to say not to be excited!

But it's more embarrassment!

It's so special, now it's blocked by the actor at the door. As soon as Zou Wenping opens the door, he will immediately see Deng Ziqi lying on the bed.

What kind of situation is this? Catch the rape?


Without a word, Deng Ziqi put on clothes quickly, and at the same time looked at Zou Wenping and asked.

"¨ What do you do now?"

Zou Wenping was about to answer when the phone he had placed in his bedroom rang.

He quickly ran to pick up the phone, and was slightly startled, it was Liang Caowei calling.

Then he looked out the door through the cat's eyes.

I saw Liang Caowei dialing with his mobile phone.

Zou Wenping moved his eyes, then picked up the phone, pretending to have just been awakened.


With acting skills (lv99), he can perform in any state.

So this is the voice and tone of his speech, both in a hazy state as if he was not awake.

Hearing this voice, Liang Caowei didn't have the slightest doubt, he smiled.

"You bastard, why did you fall asleep?"

"Forget about our drinking tonight?"

"I applauded the dishes just now, and you can't come down yet, so I personally invite you (Nuo Nuo Zhao)!"

"I'm at the door of your room now, you can open the door!"

Seeing Deng Ziqi who was anxiously turning around, how could Zou Wenping open the door.

This time the door is opened, you can't fry the pan!

So he continued to pretend not to be awake.

"You go back first, I'll be there in a while!"

Then he yawned.

Liang Caowei nodded.

"Okay, then, hurry up... Aye!"

Before he finished speaking, he sneezed.

Liang Caowei sniffed twice, and then said.

"No, you really have to open the door now."

"When I just sneezed, I covered it with my hand."

"I have to wash my hands in the bathroom in your room, otherwise it would be too disgusting!"


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

There is true love in the world, and a flower is also love! end.

Mime private 903


Zou Wenping now especially wants to pull Liang Caowei over and press it on the ground for a while.

Special, did you come here to find fault on purpose?

Just at this time, sneeze?

Even if you sneeze, wouldn't you just wipe it on your body?

Zou Wenping planned to turn off the phone and no longer talk to Liang Caowei. When he left impatiently, he would go out by himself.

In short, in any case, he can't let him discover Deng Ziqi in the room!

Just as he was about to hang up, Liang Caowei's voice came.

"Xiao Zou, you don't open the door for such a long time, and you don't pay attention to me."

"Could it be Jinwu Cangjiao?"

Upon hearing this, Zou Wenping's heart tightened.

Special, are you a fortune-teller?

How come you get hit by just saying it casually?

But how can this kind of thing be admitted?

Zou Wenping quickly retorted.

"Go go, don't talk nonsense, who is the Jinwu hiding Jiao?"

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