"Kaisailu, I will prepare a big bottle for you, and I promise to finish it with a quick sip!"

Isn't the big bottle of corkscrew still the corkscrew?

God sir, sir, sir!

Liang Caowei's mouth twitched.

"Thank you so much for me, so sweet!"

Zou Wenping waved his hand and smiled.

"Brother Wei, you are too polite to say this."

"I will specially ask the crew to prepare a high-level one for you!"

Liang Caowei scolded with a smile.


"When filming, if you really dare to prepare for Kaisero."

"The first thing I want to do is to use Kayseri on you!"

"Speaking again, you said this is a gangster movie."

"Then what role am I playing?"


The update a few days ago was not very impressive. Today, I will give you a guarantee!

Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

The sunrise is red in the east, please send me flowers! .

Chapter 909:

"you guess!"

Zou Wenping raised his eyebrows and replied.


Seeing Zou Wenping's expression, Liang Caowei smiled.

"I do not guess you guess guess?"

"Does this kind of thing need to be hidden so deep?"

"As an actor, I want to know what role I am playing."

"Should not be too much? This is my most basic right to know!"

Zou Wenping shrugged and smiled.

"The right to know? I'm sorry you don't!"

"Don't worry, I won't lie to you to play some educational films!"

After hearing this, Liang Caowei raised his eyebrows.

"Educational film?"

"Is this type of cheat? I just took the bait!"

Zou Wenping gave him a white look, his face was full of contempt.

"Brother Wei, can you pay attention to your image?"

"By the way, if there is an educational film announcement, I won't leave it to you."

Liang Caowei laughed.

"What? Our famous Ping brother is also interested in this kind of film?"


Zou Wenping twitched the corners of his mouth, not wanting to do more entanglement in this matter.

Otherwise, we have to chat for a day and a night!

We have to end this wine bureau quickly!

You know, Deng Ziqi is still waiting in the room.

With Mei Jiao Niang there, he himself had a happy drink with a big man.

This is simply monkey behavior!

Zou Wenping thought for a while and smiled.

"Take it far, back to the topic!"

"I won't tell you what role to play now, because I haven't written the script of "Infernal Affairs" yet!"

"The script is still in the stage of conception. When I finish the script, I can answer any of your questions!"

Liang Caowei thought for a while.

That's right, now I don't even have a script, and I have other announcements to rush.

Why are you anxious?

"Then when are you going to write it?"

Zou Wenping thought for a while.

"I have two things to do now."

"Spring Festival Gala and the TV series I am currently shooting."

"When I finish these two things, and there is nothing else, I will start writing!"

Isn't it easy to make a script?

He can now redeem the script of "Infernal Affairs" from the system store.

But now the Spring Festival Gala and the shooting of "The Legend of Sword and Fairy III" are the highlight.

If these two things are resolved, he will have the energy to work on the movie.

You have to eat one bite at a time, and you have to do things one by one.

Only by following steps can everything be handled well.

After hearing Zou Wenping's answer, Liang Caowei nodded.

"Okay, then I'll wait for good news!"

"If you write a script, it will really satisfy me."

"Like I just said, I'm willing to play with zero pay!"

Zou Wenping smiled.

"In that case, then you can look forward to it!"


The two talked for a while about the movie.

Zou Wenping looked at the time, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

I originally planned to go back before nine o'clock, but I didn't expect it to be so late!

"Brother Wei, I am so tired today, I want to go back to rest."

"If there are other things, let's find a chance to talk later!"

Liang Caowei nodded.

"Okay, it's really comfortable to chat with you."

"Things that have been entangled in my heart can be regarded as temporary relief."

"I believe that with your strength, Ping, you will be able to write great scripts!"

Zou Wenping raised his eyebrows, then waved his hands and smiled.

"Brother Wei, don't you put a high hat on me!"

"Once I float up, I won't be able to write a good book!"

Liang Caowei smiled.

"Praise you for not letting it?"

"Anyway, I look forward to seeing your script soon!"

Zou Wenping nodded.

"Then you can look forward to it!"

After speaking, Zou Wenping stood up and was about to leave.

Liang Caowei suddenly thought of something, and then asked.

"By the way, Xiao Zou, what is the number of your room?"


Zou Wenping was startled slightly and thought about it.

Then smiled.

"Didn't I tell you? 2002!"

Liang Caowei retorted.

"Bullshit! 2002 is a bad guy!"

"I went to you according to the room number you told me, but I almost turned there!"

"Frankly explain, what is your room number!"

Zou Wenping pretended to be puzzled.

··0 Seeking flowers 0····

"Brother Wei, why do you want to know my room number so desperately?"

"If I were a girl, I could still guess what you want to do."

"But I am a man, you are so anxious, you make me feel very dangerous!"

"Therefore, I am not going to tell you my room number!"

"I really have to thank the bad guy in 2002, otherwise I don't know what you will do!"

"By the way, do you want me to tell the person in the 2002 room, the actor lives on the 8th floor!"

"I think he must be very happy, running over from the 20th floor!"

Hand in your room number?

Zou Wenping is not stupid!

However, his room was in 2002, but Liang Caowei suffered a loss, so he would not believe that the room belonged to Zou Wenping!


And Zou Wenping didn't mind, using his disguised image of a villain to scare Liang Caowei once!

After hearing those words, Liang Caowei hurriedly waved his hands.

"Ya Chudie! I was wrong!"

"I think of that big guy now, and my calf trembles!"

"Forget it, anyway, I have told you the matter, and there is no need to find you!"

"Tomorrow we will set off to the factory and state, and after the press conference there is over, we will go our separate ways."

"As an artist, this is not good, there are endless announcements all year round!"

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