Zou Wenping said with a smile.

"Your wrist is in my hand."

"If you dare to play any tricks, I can destroy you in an instant!"

"If you don't believe it, you can challenge it!"

Originally, Jin Chongguo really planned to take advantage of Zou Wenping's carelessness and suddenly withdrew his hand.

As a result, Zou Wenping seemed to have guessed his plan and gave a warning in advance.

With that said, where does Kim Chong-guo dare to resist?

A person who can rub a Muay Thai master on the ground is not something he can deal with.

He has been tortured by Zou Wenping and convinced him, and he has lost the thought of resisting.

Therefore, Jin Chongguo decided to cooperate honestly.

"Okay, don't worry, I won't do anything!"

Jin Chongguo scanned the crowd around him.

Here at the international airport, this time they had just made a noise, there were not only Xia Guoren in the surrounding crowd.

There are many people from all over the world.

They all held cameras and mobile phones, facing the security guard.

Then he cleared his throat.

Shouted loudly.

"Everyone of 003, those who have watched the video, the live audience!"

"Please remember that on February 5th, walk into the cinema and watch the movie "Hero" starring Zou Wenping!"

According to the agreement, Jin Chongguo shouted these words three times in a row!

Zou Wenping smiled slightly afterwards.

As agreed, he released his wrist.

"I wish you a pleasant journey in Xia Country!"

After speaking, he turned around and walked towards Lao Mouzi and others.

"Sorry, I was delayed some time because of my personal affairs."

Lao Mouzi shook his head.

"It's okay, as a public figure, dare to take action on such occasions, you are also a man!"

Generally speaking, artists cannot fight, this is for their own image.

Once you do it, whether you are right or wrong, it is your fault!

Sometimes the image is damaged, and always blocked by the company's snow!

So Zou Wenping started this time and let Lao Mouzi and others squeeze the sweat!

Fortunately, he was well-measured and did not make particularly conspicuous excessive behavior.

Moreover, the encounter between Zou Wenping and Jin Chongguo just now will definitely bring a lot of heat.

Because this is equivalent to a collision between Koreans and Xia Guoren.


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

The sunrise is red in the east, please send me flowers! .

Chapter 917

The contradiction between Xia Guoren and Goryeo people.

This topic has a lot of attention no matter it is viewed from any angle, even from an international perspective.

Wait for related videos and news to appear on the Internet.

The publicity department only needs a few tricks to make the popularity of "Hero" to a higher level!

Lao Mouzi looked at Zou Wenping and then at Jin Chongguo in the distance.

Then ask.

"Is there anything else now?"

"If it's okay, we will have to fly to the factory state!"

Zou Wenping nodded.

"It's okay, let's go!"

After speaking, Zou Wenping, a person, walked towards the boarding gate.

The security guards, who were originally two into one, once again split into two, enclosing the people they wanted to protect.

Zou Wenping went all the way, and the fans and entertainment reporters around him followed along.


At the same time, the security guards on Jin Chongguo's side once again formed a circle to surround them.

These security guards are very dedicated. Although there is no one on the periphery, they still stand in their positions.

In fact, the security guards have seen this situation countless times.

Many entertainment companies, in order to hype their artists, will also invite many security guards to create momentum in public.

It doesn't even feel funny or embarrassing, it's a job for them!

Jin Chongguo walked towards his assistant when his phone rang.

He took out his cell phone and took a look. It was Xia Guo's organizer who called.

Originally, this place was the first stop for Jin Chongguo to participate in Xia Guo.

Why is there a call at this time? Is it because you think you are too slow and urge yourself?

With curiosity, Jin Chongguo answered the phone.


"Mr. Kim Jongguk, right?" The other party spoke in standard Korean.

"Yes, what's the matter~?"

"Mr. Jin, we are sorry to inform you that our show has been postponed, so you will not use it!"

"Huh? What do you mean? Is it postponed or not working with me?"

The other end of the phone hesitated for a while and replied.

"What happened to you at the airport with Zou Wenping has already aroused people's resentment on the Internet."

"Many of Xia Guo's netizens said that they would not buy the products of any company you participated in!"

"Our company is cooperating with you in order to start the company's products. This will attract negatives before it even starts."

"So our company intends to re-plan some, and at the same time make an interim decision."

"Postponing the show for the time being, and when it will be postponed, you will be notified at an appropriate time."

"Feel sorry!"

The other party said very tactfully and implicitly.

How Jin Chongguo can't tell, this is just non-cooperation!

He sighed helplessly.

"ok, I get it."

"Because of my recklessness, it has brought a bad influence to your company, and I am sorry for that too!"

The voice on the other side was silent for a long time before continuing.

"Mr. Jin, as a company employee, I shouldn't have talked too much to you."

"However, for today's affairs, I still feel very sorry for you."

"Someone conducted a live broadcast of the events at the airport, and the senior executives of our company also watched the live broadcast."

"To be honest, you really shouldn't provoke that Zou Wenping, especially in Xia Guo."

"His popularity and the stickiness of his fans are high. Provoking him will have a great impact on your career development in Xia Guo."

"This time you really kicked a steel plate, so our company has no choice but to give up cooperating with you!"

After hearing what the other party said, Jin Chongguo nodded helplessly.

He looked far away, chasing the crowd of Zou Wenping.

After the completion of "Chinese Restaurant", he also went to learn more about Zou Wenping.

Zou Wenping's name has gradually become international, and no surprises, he must be a dazzling international superstar in the future!

He provokes such a person, it is indeed a bit short-sighted!

"thank you, I know now!"

I just hung up the phone here, and soon the other two partners also called.

They canceled their cooperation with Jin Chongguo one after another.

One partner directly and unceremoniously accused Jin Chongguo, which almost brought huge negatives to their company.

Zou Wenping has many fans, once he called for not buying their company's products.

Then the reputation of their company will be greatly affected.

Jin Chongguo had nothing to do except helplessly promise and sigh.

All three partners canceled Jin Chongguo's commercial performance, so he suffered a heavy loss!

There is no work here, does he still need to stay in Xia Guo?

Jin Chongguo looked at Yanjing International Airport blankly.

Ten minutes ago, when he just got off the plane, he was so energetic.

I thought he had a foothold in Xia Guo and could make a crazy gold.

And like other Korean artists, they can come to Xia Guo to make money without money!

From then on, I can live a life of counting money and hand cramps.

However, he hasn't even left the airport now, and he hasn't taken the first step to enter Xia Country.

I'm going to leave dingy.

Jin Zhong's heart is very sad, this is money!

The money spent in vain is just lost!

Several of his assistants became frustrated when they saw that Jin Chongguo answered the phone again.

It feels like running over.

"¨`Brother Kim, what's the matter with you?"

"Who made the call just now? Did you bully (good) you?"

"Tell us, brothers will vent your breath for you!"


Hearing what these assistants said, Jin Chongguo immediately became violent.

Raising his fist, he hit them fat.

The painful assistants yelled.

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