After speaking, he let go of Deng Ziqi's hand.

Deng Ziqi also understands whether Zou Wenping wears disguise in public.

His every move will be noticed by many people, so the two of them can't be close for too long.

After the plane landed anyway, the two of them had a chance to get along!

So Deng Ziqi smiled slightly, then turned to look at the sea of ​​clouds outside the window.

Zou Wenping took out the impurities prepared on the plane and began to browse.


Liang Caowei sitting in the first row, with his handsome and cold beauty, closed his eyes and meditated.

In the eyes of others, he was taking a nap.

In fact, he has already started to brainstorm, what exactly is the "Infernal Affairs" that Zou Wenping told him before.

He also checked it privately, and "Infernal Affairs" is the name of hell.

In Xia's traditional culture, there is a saying that there is no room for hell.

But Zou Wenping also said that this is a gangster movie, not a horror movie.

The three words ‘Infernal Affairs’ may be a metaphor.

Liang Caowei also asked Zou Wenping in private about what the content of this movie was like.

But this guy Wenping Rui was tight-lipped.

Moreover, the script of this movie has not been written yet, so it is inconvenient for Zou Wenping to disclose it.

This gave Liang Caowei an appetite. He is now looking forward to seeing the script of "Infernal Affairs"!


With the howling of the plane, the plane landed in the factory state.

After getting off the plane, Zou Wenping, Liang Caowei and others, under the **** of security personnel, left the airport and went to the hotel arranged by the crew.

Whether it is the airport or the hotel where they stayed, many fans, reporters, and paparazzi followed.

After Zou Wenping and the others left the airport, Deng Ziqi also took a taxi to follow them.

Finally, Deng Ziqi also stayed in the hotel where the heroes of "Hero" stayed.


Zou Wenping secretly went out, and according to the news sent by Deng Ziqi, he came to the door of the room.

Looking at the house number above, he was also a little worried whether he would find the wrong place?

Wouldn't it be embarrassing if it was a stranger who opened the door!

Zou Wenping thought for a while, then smiled lightly and pressed the doorbell.

Ding Ding Ding!

The sound of the doorbell came from the room.

Then there was a ‘click’, which was the sound of the electric current from the doorbell’s phone.


A woman's voice came.

After hearing this voice, Zou Wenping relaxed.

Did not find the wrong door!

But he still sang softly.

"Little Qiqi, be good, open the door, open it quickly, I want to come in!"


Deng Ziqi inside the door was full of black lines, and the corners of her mouth twitched.

Actually singing nursery rhymes again? Can't make it through, right?

Deng Ziqi doesn't want to sing nursery rhymes. She is quite willing to love songs.

Afterwards, Deng Ziqi twisted the door handle and opened the door.

As the saying goes, one can grow a wise after eating.

Zou Wenping has suffered twice on Deng Ziqi's door.

So when he saw the door opened, he subconsciously took two steps back.

If he gets hit in the nose three times by the door, he, a master of Chinese martial arts (lv99), should go to the Yellow River!

Soon, a playful little head popped out from behind the door panel.

Deng Ziqi has removed the disguise and returned to her original appearance.

Looking at Zou Wenping, who was standing two meters away from the door, Deng Ziqi frowned slightly and asked suspiciously.

"Why are you standing so far?"

Zou Wenping shrugged.

"Nothing, leave a safe space!"

"It's safe now, I can go in!"

It's so embarrassing to be hit in the nose twice by the door panel.

Zou Wenping wouldn't tell him if he was killed!

With that, he walked into Deng Ziqi's room.

··0 Seeking flowers 0····


The next day, Zou Wenping still hugged Deng Ziqi and did not get up.

The male assistant of Lao Mouzi has already called.

"Hey, Brother Ping, I'm at your door now."

"It's been knocking on the door for a long time, and no one opened it."

"Aren't you in the room?"


After hearing this, Zou Wenping flicked out of the bed and sat up with a dazed expression on his face.


At the door of the room!

After coming to Deng Ziqi's room last night, Zou Wenping would choose to stay overnight here!

But I didn't expect that Lao Mouzi's assistant would actually knock on the door in person.

This is not easy, because he is not in the room reserved for him by the crew at all!


Deng Ziqi looked at Zou Wenping with a smile, and wanted to see how he could solve this trouble.

Zou Wenping changed his mind and said with a smile.

"Excuse me, I am very curious about many things when I first visited the factory state."

"So when I got up in the morning, I wandered around."

"I'll be back in a while, do you have anything to do?"

Lao Mouzi's assistant said politely.

"There will be no major problems at that time. We plan to leave in two hours and head to Tianhe Stadium."

"The director asked me to notify you one by one. Since Ping brother is not in the room, I have to call you to notify you."

Zou Wenping nodded.

"Okay, I get it, then I'll go back right away!"

After hanging up the phone, Zou Wenping let out a long sigh of relief.

Deng Ziqi sat up and hugged Zou Wenping from behind. The touch of her skin made Zou Wenping feel very comfortable.

She sneered.

"You guy, don't draft any lie!"

"It seems that in the future, I will put my back on you, and I don't know if the province is sold by you!"

Zou Wenping turned around and stretched out his right hand, gently supporting Deng Ziqi's chin.

I looked around, then laughed.

"Sell you? Let me see the goods!"

"Ziqi, you should be able to sell it at a good price!"


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

The sunrise is red in the east, please send me flowers! Four.

Chapter 920



After hearing this, Deng Ziqi almost choked on her saliva.

Shente Mo can sell for a good price!

She couldn't help laughing and cursing.

"Go go, you can sell it at a good price!"

Zou Wenping thought for a while, and then deliberately pretended to be aggrieved.

"Woo, Ziqi, I'm so good to you."

"I didn't expect you to want to sell me! I misunderstood you!"

Deng Ziqi gently stroked his head and laughed.

"Hey, don't worry, my sister will find you a good person!"


Zou Wenping smiled.

"Unless a rich woman, don't want to sell me!"

Deng Ziqi gently held Zou Wenping's minibus and smiled.

"Do you think my sister looks like a rich woman?"

"How about keeping you?"

Zou Wen "Zero Zero Seven" nodded repeatedly.

"Okay, okay! Sister, take care of me!"

Deng Ziqi lay back on the bed again and smiled evilly.

"I have to inspect the goods first to support you!"

"See if your strength is enough!"


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