After hearing the three of them talk, Zou Wenping sighed slightly.

His current goal is to collect 10 billion reputation points as soon as possible.

After he satisfied his curiosity, he slowly began to live a retired life.

Yang Mi and others are taking care of their careers and feelings, and watching them suffer from gains and losses, Zou Wenping feels very uncomfortable.

I want to give them peace, but no matter how much love and guarantee they give, they are just empty checks.

Talking too much will only make people feel glib tongue.

Zou Wenping told himself silently.

Wait, I will definitely give you a few luxurious weddings!


Accompanied by the airport prompt.

Zou Wenping and Deng Ziqi walked to the boarding gate.

Although Zou Wenping felt uncomfortable after taking first class last time.

So I booked a business class, but with a disguise on his face, I didn't recognize him and Deng Ziqi.

With the roar, the plane took off.


When the plane landed at Yanjing International Airport, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

After walking to the airport lobby, I found that it was crowded with people coming and going.

Heads are crowded and crowded!

The Spring Festival Transport, which takes place every year, has already begun!

This is only the airport, Zou Wenping believes it is now at the railway station, bus station, and highway.

There must be a lot of people coming home.

Go home for the New Year!

This is the obsession buried in the blood of every Xia Guoren.

In these few days of the Chinese New Year, no matter how hard it is, you have to go home and see!

Air tickets, train tickets, and bus tickets during this period are surprisingly difficult to buy.

Air tickets are usually discounted, and even sold at a 10% discount at the worst!

Tickets for 1000 yuan can be bought for 100 yuan.

But when the Spring Festival travels, the full-price tickets are sold out instantly!

Train tickets and bus tickets are even more popular.

In order to be able to go home, people really use all kinds of methods.

If you can go online, grab tickets from the Internet.

If a person can't get it, he will call friends and friends, and several people will help grab a ticket.

However, in many cases the network is not working well, and if there is no downtime during the Spring Festival, I am sorry for the Spring Festival!

··0 Seeking flowers 0····

Some people book tickets by phone.

There are also many migrant workers and middle-aged men who don’t know how to access the Internet. They can only buy tickets by queuing in offline train stations.

During the Spring Festival, it is often seen that many people line up at the gate of the train station, and some even put on quilts and spend the night directly at the train station.

In order to return home, some people even buy more than a dozen train tickets and use roundabout tactics to go home.

Others gave up buying train tickets and bus tickets, and they rode back in groups on motorcycles.

In short, I will do everything possible to go home!

According to statistics from authoritative departments, the peak of the data of the Spring Festival Transport Army reached 3.7 billion people!

What is this concept?


You know, in addition to Asia, the other four continents are Africa, Europe, North and South America, and Oceania.

The total population of these four continents is only about 3.5 billion people.

The annual Spring Festival travel of Xia Guo is equivalent to moving the total population of Africa, Europe, America, and Oceania once!


At this time, Yanjing Airport, the number of passengers entering the station is several times more than that of leaving the station!

Nearly half of Yanjing's population is made up of migrants.

As the New Year approaches, people will go to their hometowns through the airport, railway station, bus station and other transportation distribution centers.

Zou Wenping pulled the suitcase and looked at the people around him who kept walking into the airport.

He sighed as he walked.

"Today is the twenty-seventh of the twelfth lunar month, and the Chinese New Year is still three days away!"

"At that time, the huge Yanjing City will become an empty city!"

Deng Ziqi slung Zou Wenping's arm and said as he walked.

"Yeah, every time when the Spring Festival approaches, people are like an arrow."

"The wanderers who have been wandering for a year all hope to return to their hometown at this time."

"In fact, it's not just Yanjing, all big cities will become very empty during the New Year!"

"Although Yanjing is deserted, other places are lively!"


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

Jinse fifty strings for no reason, one spend one vote to think about Huanian! Four.

Chapter 935

Zou Wenping chewed Deng Ziqi's words as he walked.

Yanjing is empty, and other places are full!

If it's not for living, who wants to leave, who wants to leave their hometown?

After a busy year, there are only a few days to go home.

Yanjing, let it be empty if it is empty!

Zou Wenping smiled.

"I really can't see that you guy is still so philosophical!"

After being praised by Zou Wenping, Deng Ziqi's braids were all up.

No matter how close it is, you can be ecstatic!

"Of course!"

"If this lady hadn't become a singer, she would definitely be a philosopher!"

Seeing her triumphant look, Zou Wenping smiled.

"So not humble."

"In that case, Singer Deng, have you ever heard a song about philosophy, "Zero Seven"?"


Deng Ziqi was taken aback for a moment, her eyes blank.

"Philosophy? There are songs about philosophy?"

She shook her head.

Although Deng Ziqi is a singer, in her own perception, there seems to be no song about philosophy.

While they were talking, the two came to the elevator near the exit.

Take the escalator here to reach the place where the car is placed.

It's the Spring Festival, and everyone is busy leaving Yanjing.

It is still more difficult to take a taxi or a bus.

During the Spring Festival, there will be fewer cars on Yanjing Road, and the road conditions are much better than the previous morning and evening peak periods!

Zou Wenping and Deng Ziqi got on the escalator and walked hand in hand towards the parking lot.

Deng Ziqi asked suspiciously.

"Which song is about philosophy?"

After seeing her shaking his head, Zou Wenping smiled and pointed to his face.

"Want to know the answer? Then you have to pay a price!"

With the meaning so clear, of course Deng Ziqi immediately understood what he meant.

Deng Ziqi sneered.


Even though he said so, he walked over and gently raised his toes, and Zou Wenping kissed his cheek.


"Can you tell me now, which song is about philosophy, right?"

Zou Wenping nodded and cleared his throat.

"Songs about philosophy, listen well!"

"There are eighteen bends on the mountain road here, and the mountain road here is nine chains! The folk songs here are in rows, and the folk songs here are in pairs!"


Hearing this song, Deng Ziqi gave Zou Wenping angrily.

"Aren't you talking about "philosophy"? Why did you pretend to be "here"?"

"One is two tones, one is four tones, can it be the same?"

Zou Wenping scratched his head and laughed.

"Sorry, I have an accent when I speak!"


God has an accent, and when I speak, I never see you have an accent.

Why did the accent appear when it came to this matter, and the purpose was obvious.

Deng Ziqi said with her mouth flat.

"Zou Wenping, you bastard, you lie to me!"

Zou Wen said flatly.

"I lied to you? What did I lie to you?"

"Did you lie to you for money or lie to you?"

Deng Ziqi raised her head and said confidently.

"Not only cheated money and sex, but also cheated my kiss!"


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