
Cheng Long was taken aback.

"Xiao Zou, is your teacher?"

"How is this going?"

Cheng Long didn't watch the live broadcast of "Chinese Restaurant" either. He didn't even know that Mary Thirteen had already been to Tyre before he and Schwartz's Pavilion.

I don't even know what happened between her and Zou Wenping.

Therefore, suddenly heard that the two of them are actually a teacher-disciple relationship, which surprised Cheng Long!

Cheng Long knew Mary Thirteen's background, so when calling her, he always called Miss Leopold.

Instead of shouting thirteen directly like Zou Wenping.

Mary Thirteen smiled.

"This matter is a long story."

"Not only I am his apprentice, but my brother, Mali Twelve, is also Mr. Zou's apprentice!"


Cheng Long was surprised again!

Not only this Leopold’s thirteenth lady, but also Zou Wenping’s apprentice.

Even the twelve sons?

In the Leopold family, the status of men is much higher than that of women.

After all, the woman wants to marry, while the man wants to inherit the family business.

If he is a very good man, he might even become Leopold's next Patriarch!

Become a rich man in charge of 4 trillion assets!

Moreover, Cheng Long heard that the Twelve Young Master had recently been very pleased with the Leopold Patriarch.

Cheng Long also has some international business and wants to leave it to his son to take care of it.

He wanted to visit with the name of the owner.

It's a pity that the twelve sons are too busy to meet them at all.

Such a person who is hard to see even Cheng Long is actually Zou Wenping's apprentice?

Cheng Long looked at Zou Wenping and said with a smile.

"Little Zou, you are actually the master and apprentice of Leopold's twelve sons."

"Why didn't you talk about this kind of thing earlier?"

"You may not have seen my son yet. I will introduce you to you another day."

"If you think it's okay, just accept him as an apprentice too!"

Cheng Long’s main purpose is to hope that the homeowner’s name can pass through the bridge between Zou Wenping and Mali Twelve.

Due to some reasons, the name of the homeowner is not well developed in the Mainland, so he left some overseas businesses to the name of the homeowner to take care of.

Working hard in the mall, the most important thing is 027 contacts.

All connections are needed.

The son of a big chaebol like Mali Twelve is even more an object of friendship.

Without waiting for Zou Wenping to speak.

Deng Ziqi walked over first, and said with a smile, pulling Zou Wenping's arm.

"Ah, Wen Ping, I didn't expect you to be so popular."

"Even Cheng Long's son wants to worship you as a teacher."

"What do you think of my aptitude? Why don't you accept me as an apprentice too!"


Zou Wenping couldn't help taking a breath and almost yelled out.

Because when Deng Ziqi was talking, she was holding the hand of his arm and pinching herself secretly!

Enduring the pain, Zou Wenping looked at Deng Ziqi puzzledly, and wanted to ask her what's going on.

However, there was no other expression on Deng Ziqi's face except Mu Chunfeng's smile.

But it was this expression that made Zou Wenping shudder.

Zou Wenping soon realized what was going on.

Just now, when Mary Thirteen was talking to Cheng Long, she took Zou Wenping's arm and leaned her head.

Such behavior makes Deng Ziqi jealous!


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

The sunrise is red in the east, please send me flowers! .

Chapter 942

Seeing a foreign beauty like Mary Thirteen lovingly holding her man's arm, of course Deng Ziqi is jealous and protects her belly!

And when they came to Yanjing, Yang Mi and Liu Sisi held a small meeting for Deng Ziqi in private.

Let her stare at Zou Wenping, and don't get in trouble!

If Yang Mi and the others knew that Zou Wenping was fascinated by a foreign girl, they would be crazy!

But Cheng Long and others were present, and Deng Ziqi could not express her dissatisfaction openly.

So I had to go on, pulling Zou Wenping's arm and pinching his flesh secretly to let him know what he meant.

Zou Wenping is not stupid, such a pinch, coupled with the weird smile on Deng Ziqi's face.

I quickly understood the meaning.

Looking at Mary Thirteen who was leaning on her shoulder and looking at Cheng Long with a smile.

Zou Wenping pulled out his arm, and worried that Mary Thirteen was unhappy.

Then he patted Mary Thirteen on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"The eldest brother is really good at joking. Actually, Shisan and her brother didn't learn anything from me."

"It was when we were recording "Chinese Restaurant" in Tyre, I taught them two cooking."

"As for the identities of the apprentice and the master, they are actually both recognized by themselves."

"I never said that I would accept them as apprentices."

"If Big Brother Fang wants to learn how to cook, or...well, or get to know Twelve or Thirteen, I can set up a table if I have a chance!"

At first, Zou Wenping wanted to refuse.

Because Mali Twelve and Mary Thirteen are both younger than Zou Wenping.

It is still acceptable to hear them call out to their teacher.

But the name of the host is different, and his age is seven or eight years older than himself.

Zou Wenping always feels awkward for such a person to call the teacher or master by his side.

Is preparing to refuse.

After another thought, I suddenly understood Cheng Long's true purpose.

He didn't want the name of the homeowner to worship himself as a teacher.

But to get to know Mali Twelve through myself.

Wanting to understand this, Zou Wenping temporarily changed his words and could find an opportunity for the two to meet.

Upon hearing what Zou Wenping said, Cheng Long, Gao Tianhua, and Cai Weiqing all gave thumbs up in their hearts.

This kid is quite good at coming, he not only guessed what Cheng Long really meant, but also gave a suggestion to take care of Cheng Long's face.

Cheng Long patted Zou Wenping on the shoulder very happily.

"This is really great, you have to do this favor for Big Brother if you have a chance~!"

Zou Wenping nodded, then looked at Mary Thirteen.

When he talked to Cheng Long just now, he used Mandarin.

The translator who followed Mary Thirteen had already translated their words into Hibanian and told Mary Thirteen.

Zou Wenping smiled in English.

"Thirteen, next time you see Twelve, tell him, let's have a meal together if we have a chance!"

Mary Thirteen had just heard Zou Wenping's meaning from the translator.

So he nodded and replied in English.

"Okay, brother, he misses you too! I look forward to seeing you again when I have the opportunity!"


The corners of Zou Wenping's mouth twitched.

Why is it so awkward to hear this?

The reason why the two of them spoke in English was so that Cheng Long could also understand.

Zou Wenping looked at Cheng Long and smiled.

"Brother, things are done!"

"When you have time in the future, let Twelve and Brother Fang meet!"

Cheng Long smiled with satisfaction.

"Unexpectedly, I would come over and see you, there are unexpected gains!"

"This is really too unexpected, too pleasantly surprised!"

"Xiao Zou, thank you!"

Cheng Long also runs his own industry while participating in the film, so he needs to make contacts.

Zou Wenping gave him a big gift, and Cheng Long was very happy in his heart!

If you can make the name of the host come to Mali Twelve, you don't have to worry about him too much in the future!

Zou Wenping looked at Deng Ziqi and raised his eyebrows.

The expression seemed to say more.

Is the result of this treatment satisfactory?

Now Mary Thirteen no longer took her arm, and she was not angry and suspicious.

The most important thing is to comfort Deng Ziqi.

Zou Wenping couldn't help but wanted to give himself an s card!

Deng Ziqi flattened her mouth slightly and looked in other directions.

As if to say again, forgive you for the time being!

Just at this time.

Two more people came to the dressing room.

The two were tall and short, the taller with curly hair and a kind face.

The short one, with short hair, is still in the shape of a peach heart.

The two said as they walked.

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