"I'm going to you!"

Zou Wenping grinned slightly back, then stood still and smiled.

"Thank you, Teacher Guo!"

Yu signed with a smile.

"Xiao Zou, are you enjoying yourself?"


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

There is true love in the world, and a flower is also love! Four.

Chapter 945


Except for Zou Wenping, Guo Degang, and Yu Qian, all the others are stunned.

Deng Ziqi asked puzzledly.

"Enjoyed? What kind of addiction?"

"What do you three puzzles do?"

Guo's steel looked up and down Zou Wenping.

"Good boy, almost got me in!"

"At first, I really thought that I was ready to pay for what you wanted."

"Unexpectedly, your kid is actually talking to me about cross talk!"

"If I hadn't just heard one or two stars and two months, I would still be in the dark!"

Zou Wenping said with a smile.

"Teacher Guo, accept the concession!"

"The juniors really don't have any requirements. Da Linzi's ability to get out of the psychological shadow is also his blessing."

"If you want to ask, "Zero Erqi" can talk cross talk with Teacher Guo, the younger generation is also satisfied!"

Zou Wenping has the ability of cross talk (lv99).

Only when I met Da Linzi in the first issue of "The Longing for Life", the two talked about a cross talk.

Later, there was no use for it.

After seeing Guo's steel, Zou Wenping suddenly became itchy.

Such a cross talk master is in front of him, I am sorry if I don't say a word!

So Zou Wenping took him and talked about cross talk.

When he talked about begging his wife at the beginning, Guo Tigang hadn't reacted yet.

In such a world, domestic and foreign wives have to beg, and this guy can't stand the iron beating!

Later, Zou Wenping said he wanted something, one or two stars and two months.

All I want are things that are not available in this world or that are hard to get.

At this time, Guo's Gang was the reaction.

Feelings, this **** is pulling himself and talking about cross talk!

So Guo's Gang talked a little along with it.

Guo's Gang said, touching the heart-shaped hairstyle on his forehead.

"You kid, I didn't even dream of it."

"I have experienced any big storms and waves, but you were a little boy who was bluffed and stunned!"

Yu Qi was also happy, and gave Zou Wenping a thumbs up.

"Xiao Zou, you are great!"

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Guo became a fancier quietly!"

Guo's Gang sighed.

"Yeah, I have to not praise it for more than ten years."

"Unexpectedly, today, I had another addiction!"

"The point is, I didn't even know at first!"

Zou Wenping arched his hands.

"Teacher Guo accepted."

"If you really want to thank me because of Dalinzi's affairs."

"Let's talk about this cross talk, and it will satisfy me."

Guo's Gang waved his hand.

"That won't work, it's just like talking amused."

"My old Guo acts like one yard and one yard."

"Anyway, I have written down your favor!"

Seeing that Zou Wenping still wanted to refuse.

Yu Qian came out to make a round, he waved.

"Little Zou, let's say it seriously."

"You enlightened Da Linzi's friendship, we have to write down the Yunshe."

"Lao Guo experienced a lot of things before he became famous, so Zhien Tubao is his motto."

"If you refuse, it will make him feel bad!"

Cheng Long came over and patted Zou Wenping on the shoulder.

"Yes, you see Teacher Guo made a special trip here."

"You can accept this favor. At the very least, you can listen to cross talks at Deyun Club in the future, and you can live for free!"


After seeing Cheng Long, Zou Wenping was shocked.

There was a sentence that almost blurted out: "Big Brother Cheng Long, why are you still here? Why are you still not leaving?"

I just patronized and chatted with Guo's Gang.

If Cheng Long hadn't taken the initiative to speak, Zou Wenping would have forgotten that Cheng Long was here.

Zou Wenping nodded and smiled.

"Well, that's just like what Cheng Long said."

"In the future, I will go to Deyun Club to listen to cross talk, and just get me a lifetime free qualification!"

Yu signed patted Guo's Gang on the shoulder.

"Teacher Guo, Xiao Zou is also not used to asking people for favors."

"This requirement is okay."

"Xiao Zou, I promise you that as long as we have a cross talk in the Cloud Society, you can listen to it at any time."

Zou Wenping made an ok gesture.

"Then it's settled!"

Guo's Gang smiled..0

"Since we have the crosstalk queen of Yunshe agreed to you."

"Of course I don't have any comments here."

"In addition, I think your ability to say cross talk is quite strong. Why don't we have a whole section on the stage of Yunshe in another day?"

Zou Wenping thought for a while and laughed.

"If there is a chance in the future, Mr. Guo is willing to give it a chance, then come on stage and show his ugliness!"

Guo Digang nodded.

"Then it's a deal!"


Deng Ziqi and the others, who were standing next to him, did not expect to hear a cross talk inexplicably.

Jiang Yuhua raised his wrist and checked the time.

Then smiled.

"Everyone, our rehearsal time is approaching."

"Almost ready to debut!"

Cheng Long patted his head and smiled.

"Look, we have been chatting and we have forgotten the time."

"Xiao Zou, your show is the finale, right?"

Zou Wenping nodded.


"This show is performed by me, Ziqi, Head Jiang, and Teacher Cai, four people!"

Cheng Longdian laughed.

"It's really a young talent, I believe you will be able to bring a good show!"

"I'll go back to my lounge and prepare to blame."

After speaking, Cheng Long left the dressing room with his assistant.

Guo's Gang and Yu Qian also nodded from Zou Wenping and Jiang 0.4 Yuhua, and then left.

Mary Thirteen walked to Zou Wen's plane.

Speak in Hibanian.

"Teacher, then I'm going to prepare too!"

When Mary Thirteen was speaking, there seemed to be light flowing in her eyes.

When Zou Wenping was chatting with Guo's Gang just now.

Although Mary Thirteen didn't understand the Chinese spoken, the translator around her had already translated what Zou Wenping and the others said.

But one or two stars and two or two months, these things, the translation did not convey too well.

Because Miss Translator didn't understand it herself!

And Mary Thirteen didn't care about this, because she had been attracted by Zou Wenping's first words.


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

Jinse fifty strings for no reason, one spend one vote to think about Huanian! .

Chapter 946

When Zou Wenping teased Guo's Gang at the beginning.

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