I was still watching Wang Bingbing's video just now, and I also made three consecutive likes, coin, and collections.

Unexpectedly, it was the effort of lowering his head to raise his head. This reporter, known as the most beautiful CCTV reporter, actually stood in front of him.

Zou Wenping rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

Seeing Zou Wenping staring at her 20s like this, Deng Ziqi sighed angrily in her heart.

This bastard, why can't he control his eyes when he sees a beautiful woman?

never mind.

Let him stay for a few days. After Zou Wenping receives Valentine's Day gifts from Yang Mi and the others, see if he dare to be so presumptuous!

Jiang Yuhua stood up and smiled.

"You are Bingbing!"

"I heard some time ago that a very popular female reporter came out on our stage."

"I didn't expect to see you today, so handsome!"

Wang Bingbing smiled sweetly.

"Thank you, Chief Jiang, for your compliment."

"Those names are made up by viewers on the Internet."

Jiang Yuhua shook his head and said.

"No, I have watched your interview video, the business ability is very strong."

"I am the best reporter among CCTV reporters! With you, many young people will be able to follow the news!"


After hearing this, Zou Wenping couldn't help laughing.

Those LSPs go to watch the news, they are all to watch Bingbing!

You ask them what color clothes Bingbing wore today and what color lipstick they used. This group of lsp can remember very clearly.

But you have to ask, what color is the grass behind Bingbing.

They will answer, grass? What grass? Did Bingbing interview on the grass?

Jiang Yuhua thought for a while and pointed to Zou Wenping.

"Wen Ping, you and Ziqi, accept an interview with Bingbing!"


Zou Wenping was shocked.

"Me? Commander Jiang, isn't this appropriate?"

"You should be interviewed with Teacher Cai, right?"

Cai Qing said with a smile.

"Let you two accept the interview, and you will accept it."

"This interview is likely to be broadcast on the news network, which is a good opportunity to increase visibility."

"At the same time, I hope that the appearance of the two of you can attract some young viewers and pay attention to our program!"

Jiang Yuhua nodded.

"That's the case, so this interview, I beg you two!"

Jiang Yuhua and Cai Weiqing both said so, Zou Wenping and Deng Ziqi are not good at being hypocritical.

Zou Wenping replied.

"Well then, Ziqi and I, instead of our show, let's accept an interview!"

After hearing this, Wang Bingbing smiled.

"You don't want to be interviewed by me so much?"

Zou Wenping waved his hand quickly.

"No no, don't get me wrong."

"Head Jiang and Teacher Cai are here, and Ziqi and I are the younger generations. Of course, we have to retreat consciously!"

"Thank you two teachers for giving me and Ziqi this opportunity!"

Jiang Yuhua nodded in satisfaction.

She was very satisfied with Zou Wenping during this short time of contact.

Not only is talented, but also polite, and it is very comfortable to have contact with him.

No wonder the old man at home and Xixi's girl like him so much!

Jiang Yuhua smiled.

"I'm getting older and don't want to be interviewed."

"You two represent it!"

Zou Wenping stood up and looked at Wang Bingbing.

"Is it here?"

Wang Bingbing glanced, then said.

"The conditions of this place are not very good, and it will look darker when photographed."

"Let's move outside, where the light is more suitable."

Zou Wenping looked at Jiang Yuhua and asked her for advice with his eyes.

Jiang Yuhua nodded, even tacitly agreeing.

Zou Wenping said.

"Let's go!"

With that, Deng Ziqi and Wang Bingbing left the lounge.

Then he closed the door of the lounge.

After watching him leave, Cai Weiqing smiled.

"What a good young man!"

"Although he is talented, he never depends on his talents!"

Jiang Yuhua smiled.

"Yes, such a humble and talented young man can be called the leader of the younger generation."

"With this character and attitude, the future achievements are bound to be limitless!"


Rehearsal was going on at the front desk, and thousands of people gathered in the backstage, which was quite noisy.

But when Wang Bingbing came again, he had already found a place to interview.

Under the leadership of Wang Bingbing 033, Zou Wenping came to the other side of Studio One.

This place stands on a festive curtain with the words "Welcome to the New Year" and congratulate the New Year!

Zou Wenping scanned the surroundings, then smiled.

"See if you are here prepared."

"I have never been to this entrance before."

Wang Bingbing smiled.

"Of course, this is Studio One, our site."

"You must understand all of these clearly!"

Zou Wenping looked at Wang Bingbing with a smile.

"Your real person is more beautiful than the ones on the Internet."


Wang Bingbing was slightly stunned, then smiled sweetly.

"Those on the Internet are the love of netizens!"

Zou Wenping raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Then you should also see that many netizens are confessing to you in your videos, right?"

"Wives one by one, the one who shouts is sweet!"

Wang Bingbing's cheeks flushed slightly, and he sneered.

"Oh, they are all people who don't study well!"

"I'm obviously going to spread knowledge, but it turned out to be all over there!"

Although it can be said, the expression on Wang Bingbing's face is very cute!


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

Jinse fifty strings for no reason, one spend one vote to think about Huanian! .

Chapter 957

Seeing Wang Bingbing who was smiling, he looked at the cameraman next to him who was adjusting the machine.

It is estimated that the interview will take a while, and Zou Wenping is happy to chat with Wang Bingbing again.

Zou Wenping praised.

"I think you like to laugh."

"The smile is very comfortable and sweet, not like a professional smile."

"It seems that you are an optimistic person in your life!"

Hearing Zou Wenping's praise, Wang Bingbing was even happier.

When she came again, she heard that Zou Wenping was also backstage at the Spring Festival Gala, and looked forward to interviewing him.

Wang Bingbing, who likes listening to songs, likes Zou Wenping's songs very much, and also likes to follow his TV series.

It can almost be said that he is a fan of Zou Wenping, or that he appreciates Zou Wenping's talent.

After seeing the real person, I found that he is really handsome, and very polite and friendly.

Standing with him, there will be a faint urge to get closer.

Now that the interview has not officially started, Wang Bingbing is also happy to chat with Zou Wenping for a while.

Wang Bingbing still had a smile on his face.

"I heard that you have a movie going to be released recently?"

Zou Wenping nodded.

"Yes, "Hero" filmed with director Lao Mouzi, this Spring Festival file will be released."

"Today is the twenty-ninth of the twelfth lunar month. It should be released in the early hours of tomorrow morning."

"If you have a chance to go to the cinema, give me a ticket!"

Wang Bingbing gave a hum.

"That's for sure. I like watching your TV shows and listening to your songs."

"I didn't expect you to step into the movie now. Didn't you mean you are still making a TV series?"

Zou Wenping replied.

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