There was originally Wang Bingbing, which was eye-catching enough.

Now there are Zou Wenping and Deng Ziqi, which immediately attracted a lot of people to watch.

Soon this report was posted online, causing an uproar.

On Weibo, there were three hot searches.

[Zou Wenping and Deng Ziqi, will debut at the zero o'clock finale of the Spring Festival Gala! 】

【deal! Zou Wenping personally confirmed that the sequel of the fairy sword was finished on the eighth day of the first month! 】

["Hero" will be released soon, Zou Wenping and Liang Caowei and other superstars will bring an audiovisual feast! 】

These three hot searches immediately caused many netizens to forward and comment as soon as they appeared.

"Fuck, awesome! It was originally the news that I was watching our house Bingbing, but I got such a great news!"

"Why is your Bingbing, is it our Bingbing? It's almost the New Year, and our Bingbing is full of festive equipment, so beautiful!"

"Go grab Bingbing and take Brother Ping away while no one is paying attention!"

"Brother Ping has said that we must love fraternity in life! Bingbing, Brother Ping, Ziqi, I want them all!"

"The one upstairs, is your cat a man or a woman?"

"A bunch of 20lsp! I am more concerned that the sequel of Fairy Sword is about to be finalized. When will it be broadcast? On which channel?"

"It is most likely to be the Mango Bar. After all, Ping's "Chinese Restaurant" was also broadcast in this too."

"Uuuuu, my Linger, can he be resurrected in the sequel?"

"This year's Spring Festival Gala must be watched. Ping Ge unexpectedly made his debut at the end, so he bought melon seeds and waited!"

"Haha, after watching Brother Ping's zero-point finale show, go to the cinema to watch "Hero" after ringing the bell. Arrange!"


After seeing these three hot searches, the happiest one is the "Hero" promotion team.

They originally planned to buy a hot search tomorrow.

Unexpectedly, a short interview with Zou Wenping would give them a hot search, and the hot search position is still very high.

I'm really lucky, not only has it collected a wave of popularity, but it has also saved a sum of money, even the navy.

The leader of "Hero" could not help but exclaimed.

"This is the appeal of a star."

"No, it should be said that this is the appeal of Zou Wenping."

"He is worthy of being the hottest star recently. I am afraid that few people can outdo it!"

"Lao Mouzi really picked up a treasure this time. Not only does Zou Wenping act online, but his popularity is so great!"

"It doesn't matter if he is a phenomenon star or not, it doesn't matter if he is short-lived."

"This year's Zou Wenping is invincible in the world."

"The zero-point finale appearance in itself is a good opportunity to gain popularity. After the bell is struck, it will be the premiere of "Hero"."

"It seems that this year's Spring Festival file "Hero" is going to be a hit!"

The leader of Xuanfa raised Erlang's legs comfortably, and turned the chair behind him in a circle.

This is a big pie in the sky, he can easily wait for the release of "Hero"!


Lao Mouzi and all major movie theaters can see things that this propaganda leader can see.

The Spring Festival stall itself is when the gods are fighting, and many movies want to hug the thighs of the Spring Festival stall and earn a lot of box office.

Therefore, the selection of films is very strict.

Because of the heat that Zou Wenping just brought, many movie theaters were moved by the wind.

As a result, the film schedule of "Hero" has been greatly improved, temporarily gaining 43% of film schedule.

The number of films in the Spring Festival when the gods are fighting is very scary data!

Lao Mouzi is in front of the computer and is always paying attention to the news and data related to "Hero".

When he saw 43% of the output, he closed his mouth happily.

The data he predicted before was only about 30%.

Until yesterday afternoon, this data was only about 27%.

Unexpectedly, an interview with Zou Wenping actually brought a 16% bonus to the movie.

The more films lined up, the higher the box office.

It seems that this time, there is hope to challenge the highest record of Xia Guo's movie box office!

Lao Mouzi's eyes are full of confidence!


In the background of CCTV, you can naturally see the changes in these data on the Internet.

They used to know that Zou Wenping's appeal was very strong, but they didn't expect to get to this point.

The interview video in just a few minutes can actually bring three hot searches.

This is very difficult for any star to achieve.

CCTV decided to catch Zou Wenping's enthusiasm.

The original plan was to broadcast the interview video on "News Network".

Now they have changed their minds and added a few more platforms.

As a national channel, CCTV has 43 channels worldwide.

Among them, there are 17 regular channels, 16 overseas channels and foreign language channels, and 10 other channels.

CCTV naturally knows Zou Wenping's performance in Tyre.

The goal of the current Taiwanese leaders is to attract more young people to pay attention to the CCTV Spring Festival Gala.

In recent years, as TV programs have become more and more abundant, people have more and more choices, and their tastes have naturally become more and more critical.

Even the quality of the 033 Spring Festival Gala is always improving every year, and it is improving every year.

However, it is still difficult to attract young people to watch, and most of them are mainly middle-aged and elderly people.

Therefore, the Spring Festival Gala has introduced a lot of young artists to join the army of actors in the Spring Festival Gala.

The sudden emergence of Zou Wenping this year has naturally become a trump card for the Spring Festival Gala to attract young people.

In the online comments, many netizens said that even if it is directed at Zou Wenping, they must go to the Spring Festival Gala this year.

So they put Zou Wenping’s interview video on TV 1, TV 2, 3, and 4 for broadcasting.

These are all TV stations within the scope of Xia Country, covering almost the entire Xia Country, and even neighboring countries can receive signals.

At the same time, it is also broadcast on all 16 overseas and foreign language channels.

And the title specifically marked the title of ‘Fire Mage’.

Wang Bingbing’s interview with Zou Wenping and Deng Ziqi was broadcast in the form of original sound and subtitles.

On many mainstream websites abroad, the name Zou Wenping has also been hung up.

The purpose is to use Zou Wenping to attract the attention of foreign friends to the maximum!


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket!

There is true love in the world, and a flower is also love! .

Chapter 962

With the development of Xia Guo, from the beginning of the great era, he began to rush overseas and to the world.

Almost every country will have Xia Guoren.

As Xia Guo's international influence continues to increase, more and more foreigners know that there are actually two New Years in the Heavenly Dynasty.

One is the universally unified Gregorian New Year.

The other is unique to the country of Xia, which has been passed down for thousands of years in the Lunar New Year.

In Yenching time, on the night of New Year's Eve, when the Spring Festival Gala began to broadcast live.

People in many countries will also watch the live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala through some channels.

This is also a testament to the increase in international influence.

In order to further attract foreigners, pay attention to the Spring Festival Gala.

The leaders set their sights on, Zou Wenping, a young man whose influence in foreign countries is no less than that of Cheng Long.

When recording "Chinese Restaurant" in Taier State before, Zou Wenping's performance really attracted a lot of fans.

Not only Xia Guoren like it, but foreigners also like it.

Many foreigners kindly call him the "Fire Mage"!

For this reason, both the overseas and foreign language channels of CCTV regarded Zou Wenping's participation in the Spring Festival Gala as a trump card.


After CCTV released this news through various channels, many foreigners left messages on Twitter and video websites.

"Wow, I originally set a time to watch Xia Guo's Spring Festival Gala, but I didn't expect to see Fire Mage this time!"

"Me too. I watch the Spring Festival Gala almost every year. It's really a grand event!"

"Recently, I have been following the songs and TV series of the Fire Magician, as well as the "Chinese Restaurant" that was released overseas. I have already been fancied."

"You may not believe it. Under the influence of the fire mage, I took Chinese as an elective course, and I have the opportunity to travel to Xia Country."

"I have also been learning Chinese by myself recently. For this Spring Festival Gala, I will try the untranslated version of `~."


Seeing so many posts from foreigners, the CCTV staff were all surprised.

Although Xia Guo has many outstanding artists, they can only act in Xia Guo's territory.

After going abroad, there is no reputation.

For so many years, Cheng Long is the only one who can make a point of international popularity.

Although the rest of the artists are also working hard, but most of them are unknown.

The sudden emergence of Zou Wenping seems to be another international business card of Xia Guo!


Zou Wenping did not know that CCTV gave himself a wave of advertisements for free, and it was an international version of the advertisement.

He is rehearsing on stage with Deng Ziqi, Jiang Yuhua, Cai Weiqing and others.

Now it's their turn to take the stage!

With the cooperation of all parties, the performance was successfully completed, and the bell rang on time.

At 18:30, the second round of rehearsal ended successfully.

After the rehearsal is over, there is a meal and a short break.

We gather at 19:30, and then start the third round of rehearsal.

The third round of rehearsal starts at 20:00.

Tomorrow is the New Year’s Eve, and the live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala will officially start at 8 o’clock in the evening!

Therefore, the third rehearsal will be strictly against the benchmark and the time for the official broadcast!

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